Disclaimer: Harry Potter and its characters does not belong to me. The plot does though...
So this is my second fic. But my first in Harry Potter. Anyway, I'm not sure if I should continue. No confidence whatsoever in keeping them in character. However, like some people say "If you want to read in-character characters, read the book." I'm sorry if they are too OOC...
31st July 2008: This is a betad version by Audrey33. Thanks!!
A high cruel laugh was heard as Hermione ran to the aid of Ron, who was being overpowered by a tall Death Eater. She could see Harry battling two of the masked fiends at a distance away.
He seemed to be doing okay, so she concentrated in helping Ron first. Then a dark, hideous figure appeared before Harry. She sent a Diffindo at the Death Eater and stupefied him. Helping Ron up, she then hurried towards Harry, Ron tagging along with a slight limp.
She shot a blasting curse at Voldemort, who seemed to be talking with Harry.
It was deflected easily.
By Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived.
The wizarding world would soon fall in despair as their Savior joined Lord Voldemort in his cause for immortality and power.
One year later
"You want to adopt me?" a young boy, eyes bright with hope said disbelievingly as he stared intently at the stranger.
"Yes, Sylvain. May I call you Sylvain?" the small skinny stranger with a hoarse voice asked.
"Y-yes you can…" Sylvain stuttered, looking into the stranger's blank glassy eyes. Noticing scars around the man's dull green eyes, the boy blurted out, "Are you blind?" before he could stop himself.
"Yes I am. Does that bother you?" the man asked softly.
"N-no it doesn't. I'm sorry. But why?" Realizing his inane question, he rephrased it. "I mean, why are you adopting me? I don't even know your name."
The man gave a sad smile before saying, "My name isn't important, but if you must know, you can call me Harry."
Harry gave a small pause, then said, "I want to adopt you because I do not plan to get married, and I need an heir to continue the Potter's legacy. I picked you because your grandfather was a Potter. Your mother was his illegitimate daughter."
"Oh… So must I change my name to Potter?" The boy cast his hazel eyes downwards, remembering his real parents who died in the war over a year ago.
"You can decline my offer. However, if you accept you would have to change your name. You can choose not to, until you inherit the Potter fortune after my death. Do you need time to think? I can come back in a week," Harry said.
The eight year old boy fidgeted in his seat, occasionally glancing in Harry's direction, brows furrowed in thought. After a few minutes of silence, a shy hopeful voice whispered almost intelligibly, "Ok. Do I get to call you father if you adopt me?"
Sylvain watched as the older man started in suprise. "If you want to."
Three years later
"Father! I got my letter!"
The door burst open, and a boy holding an opened letter was half skipping, half jumping into the library towards a young man with long black hair tinged with gray strands.
"I'm going to school!! Yeah!!" Sylvain jumped into his father's arms with a huge smile plastered on his face. Then he quieted down and said, "You'll be there right? Can you stay nearer and visit often?"
"I can't Sylvain, and you know it. You are going to a boarding school. You'll do fine in Beauxbatons on your own, Sylvain. You don't need me there."
'But you'll need me' he thought
"I want you there. Can't you apply for a job there or something?" he pouted.
"Beauxbatons is not hiring anyone, Sylvain. I'll still see you during the holidays and summer."
Sylvain gave a small sigh as his father dismissed him and continued scribbling.
Sylvain felt uneasy. His father needed constant company, not that Harry knew it. Sylvain knew that his father would slowly fade if he left for Beauxbatons.
Sylvain had been dreading and anticipating this day for quite a long time. Now, he only needed to find away to go to school and also get his father teaching at that particular school. Then being in the same school he could monitor his father's eating, sleeping and writing habits.
Contemplating his plans, he decided Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would be the best course of action. At least he could get them to hire his father as a Defense Professor, as the one they had was planning to retire. First, he would have to write a letter to Headmaster Dumbledore.
Albus Dumbledore was sitting in his office looking through a big pile of letters for a right teacher for the DADA post.
He was sorry he couldn't continue hiring Remus, as the werewolf was asked to be an ambassador to the werewolves by the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, himself.
Lost in thought, the headmaster did not notice that a familiar-looking snowy owl flew into his office until it was perched on his paper weight. Scrutinizing the owl, he suddenly stood up. Harry!" He hastily retrieved the letter from Hedwig's leg, and promptly started reading it, leaving a reproachful-looking owl in his wake. After a minute or so he stood up, with a grim look on his faced, flooed his Potions Master and said,
"We have a lead on Harry. I found his owl!"
So this is the start of my new story. Anyway, R&R please. Tell me how bad it is or how good it is. LOL