Jayden would like you to note…I might've had a couple tears make their ways down my cheeks when I came to the decision to end it like this. Thank you to all of my readers, both new and old, for reading this. And thank you especially to those who have stuck with me through thick and thin. Please review and tell me what you think; it only takes a few seconds and I would really appreciate the feedback; this is the first multi-chapter fanfic that I have EVER finished.

Without further ado, I present to you the conclusion of, "Let it Snow."


Chapter Nine


We had one last week together before the snow melted and it was time to return home to Risembool. I hadn't called Winry nor had she called us. In fact, there were absolutely no calls; it was eerily quiet. Ed suggested that perhaps the phone lines had gone down due to the weather, and, logically speaking, that sounded quite likely.

Either way, our week together was meaningful; we cried and we speculated what Winry's reaction would be. We made love and I briefly entertained the notion that Ed and I could run away together-but kept it to myself so that he wouldn't be hurt when it didn't happen. I couldn't leave things unresolved with Winry and my family and I wanted to see my children again; they meant the world to me-just like Ed.

Brother and I slipped on our jackets and kissed before we got into the car. When we began the trip back to our hometown, I put my hand reassuringly on his leg. The ride was silent; neither of us knew or could predict how this was going to turn out.

The roads cleared as we descended the mountain and while the change in weather didn't feel ominous, I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that things weren't going to go well. As we pulled into the drive, I became a nervous wreck. I began shaking and looked over at Ed. "I can't do this." He squeezed my thigh and gave me a look that essentially told me to grow a pair.

As we approached the door, I felt like vomiting-what had I done? The door opened and revealed a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Winry. "Oh thank God, Al! I thought something happened. I haven't heard from you in over a week. I've been so worried!" She threw her arms around me and I hesitantly placed my hands on her back. "Why didn't you call?"

"The phone lines were down," Ed mumbled and stuffed his hands inside of his pockets.

"Well come in!" Winry exclaimed. "The kids are with Riza and Roy."

"Why?" I asked frowning. "I figured you'd want the company."

"I haven't been feeling well," she replied, averting her gaze.

I looked back to Ed and bit my lip. "Winry, we need to talk."

"I know," she said quietly, sitting on the couch. "There's something I need to tell you…" she smiled, rubbing her stomach.

I cocked my head to the side before a sense of dread washed over me. "Are you…?"

She nodded. "Yes, Al, I'm pregnant."

My world faded to black. I don't even remember hitting the floor.


When I awoke, Ed and Winry were talking in the kitchen. With what I heard, I didn't even want to wake up. I wished the world would just end-that the sky would fall-anything.

"I'm pregnant and you're fucking your brother?" she hissed and I squeezed my eyes shut. "What do you mean you're fucking Alphonse?"

"We've always loved each other, Winry. Accept it."

"He promised me eternity," she paused, "but I suppose he promised the same to you. Stupid! I have half a mind to tell him to leave and part of me just wants to leave myself and the other part want you to leave so things can go back to normal. I just-I don't know."

It was now or never. I sat up and heavily sighed, "So you know?"

Winry turned to me and sniffled, "I've always known, Al." Tears threated to spill over the rims of her eyes and it broke my heart. "I just-I thought you would learn to love me."

"I do love you, Winry. And I love Ed too. I just, well, I don't know what to do. I came here with my mind set on one thing and now that I'm here, my mind is elsewhere," I confessed, reaching up to scratch my head.

Ed was red in the face and he looked at me as I stood; his world was being crushed. "Do you love her as much as you love me?"

I knew how I wanted to answer. I wanted to tell Ed that no, I couldn't ever love anyone nearly as much as I loved him, but I didn't want to risk losing my children. Looking back and forth between them, I swallowed the lump in my throat; they both wanted my answer. Winry clenched her fists and began to sob uncontrollably and Brother stood there and watched me watch Winry. I glanced over to him and felt tears sting my eyes.

Ed's lips twisted upward to form a sad smile and quietly, he murmured, "Let me make this easy for you, Alphonse. Winry, I need a moment with my brother."

Her blonde ponytail whipped back and forth furiously as she shook her head, "No. Whatever you have to say to each other, you can say to me too. I deserve to know. I'm Al's wife and your childhood friend, Ed."

Brother nodded and walked to where I stood; he cupped my cheeks in his hands and firmly pressed his lips to mine. "Thank you, Alphonse, for the last weeks. They have been the happiest in my entire life. I love you and I will always love you-but your wife and kids need you. Forgive me."

I grabbed his coat, warm saline falling down my face. "Ed, please don't go. I love you. I choose you…"

"I'm sorry," he replied and pulled me into an embrace, taking in my scent. "But I'm your brother and I know best. Take care of your family better than I could take care of mine." That said, he kissed me one last time and I watched as he walked out the door and out of my life forever.

"You would've chosen him over your family?!" Winry shrieked and stormed toward me, the flat of her palm coming into contact with my left cheek. "Fuck off, Alphonse. You'll never see us again. Go and run to your fuck buddy and be happy. Or go die. I don't even care. I'm leaving." And the back door slammed shut behind her.

In the distance, moments later, I heard a gunshot.




Ed killed himself on Mom's grave the night that Winry left and I never saw or heard from her again. I found out from Roy and Rose never actually killed herself or her children-she just never wanted to be found so Ed, my beloved brother, died in vain.

Ten years later, my children found me and we developed a relationship. It was rocky at first, but slowly and surely, they came around and learned about what really happened. I lived out the rest of my life as a sad man but never found the courage to take my own life.
