Hey everybody, sorry that it took so long to update, iv'e been really busy. It won't be nearly as long of a wait next time. Thanks to all the people who gave me reviews, (Yes, you do get cookies!)and please review again after this chapter!

Chapter 2

"Hey Peleus," I said to the dragon that guarded the golden fleece at the top of half blood hill. Thalia's tree looked as healthy as ever. Peleus had grown quite a lot over these past few months; a good ten feet longer then he had been last summer. I scratched him under his chin. His eyelids drooped, and a small column of smoke drifted from his mouth, which I figured was the equivalent of a dragon sigh. I left him lying there in the shade of the tree and trekked the rest of the way down half blood hill, the smell of fresh strawberries in the air.

As I made my way across camp, I couldn't help but notice that for once nothing had changed when I had come back. Nobody looked troubled, not that there were many people there at this time of year; it being the Christmas break and all. No border patrol, none of the cabins had been turned into forts and no monsters attacking…it was just regular old camp half blood. Well, as regular as it gets.

I made my way across camp to the big, sky blue farm house to let Chiron know that I was here. Walking up the steps of the house's porch, I saw him playing pinochle with Mr. D. Chiron was in wheelchair form, and Mr. D was wearing expensive running shoes with a leopard pattern Hawaiian touristy shirt as usual.

Chiron turned around and saw me.

"Ah, Percy! You're finally here!" he said, sounding extremely relieved, like he had been waiting on me forever. I supposed it was because of this so called emergency meeting.

"So, Peter has survived another half year. What a shame." Mr. D said sarcastically, acting like he forgot my name. He took a sip from his diet coke. Gods, that guy should've given up on diet coke a long time ago. Like it was going his chubby little self any good.

"It's Percy, sir, not Peter." I said, through clenched teeth. I hated it when he pretended not to know my name.

"Well, as the young people say: whatever."

I opened my mouth to tell him to go chase a wood nymph, but before I could say that, or something equally stupid that would have gotten me turned into grape vines, Chiron interrupted.

"Percy, we don't have much time to waste here. I must tell you what our meeting is about. Have you heard anything about Mount Saint Helens lately?

I thought back to the news broadcast I saw on TV before school this morning. I remembered it, but it didn't seem like anything for camp to worry about. "Uh, it erupted or something?" I said thickly.

He sighed. "To put it bluntly, yes, but the eruption itself was caused by the monster Typhon escaping from his prison inside the mountain, and he must be recaptured. As you can see, we have a huge problem on our hands." He quickly informed me. My frustration with Mr. D quickly vanished as the situation dawned on me. Typhon, who was one of the most dangerous monsters in the world, was at 

large. My dad had told me about him at the end of the summer last year, when he came to my birthday party.

"I should've known when I saw that news broadcast this morning…" I whispered to myself. Typhon had been strong enough to fight the very gods themselves. To him, I would just be an easy snack. No, scratch that; I was more like a half a cheezit. Gulp. I really hoped I didn't have to go after him.

Too bad for me.

"Well, the gods can handle this, right? That's what they did last time." I asked worriedly, although I feared I already knew the answer.

"Well, they would, but the gods are quite busy at the moment with their own very important problems, with the war going on and all." He explained.

I looked over and saw Mr. D sitting in a lawn chair in front of the big house, drinking lemonade and forcing an unlucky satyr to rub his feet. Poor satyr. Nobody should be forced to rub Dionysus' feet.

I turned back to Chiron. "So, what are a bunch of demigods going to do against Typhon?" I worriedly asked Chiron.

"I have no idea," he replied, honestly. "That's why we must hold a meeting."

"Are all the other councilors here?" I replied. This was a huge deal, and we would need everyone's opinion we could get on what to do about it.

"Yes, all the other councilors arrived yesterday." I felt a little guilty, because I lived only about a thirty minute drive from camp, while most of the other councilors lived across the country.

"Percy, I'm going to tell the other campers to report to the big house," He said. "You should go get settled into your cabin. And then come back here for the meeting." And with that, he galloped away towards the cabins.


After I had greeted some of my friends from the summer, I saw Annabeth walk through the door. I called her name and made my way across the room to talk to her, but she suddenly became very interested in a spot on the wall and purposefully walked away.

Oh great.

Now that I was back at camp, she was back to ignoring me. What a great friend.

After Chiron had called order, and Mr. D had told us to sit our punk butts down, the meeting started.

Chiron started us off, "As some of you know, earlier this morning, Typhon escaped from Mount Saint Helens." There was some worried mumbling around the room. He held up a hand to silence us before he continued. "He is an extremely dangerous monster, and needs to be captured as soon as possible. If anyone has suggestions on the matter-," Before he could go on, he was cut off by Clarisse.

"We need a quest!" Clarisse yelled. Chiron opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by the supportive cry's of the campers around the room.

"Yeah, a quest!"

"Great Idea!"

"Who should we send?"

It continued on for a few minutes, before Mr. D gave an exasperated sigh and loudly interjected, "Shut up you brats!"

The campers got quiet. They didn't want to upset Mr. D. He was a chubby jerk, but he was a godly chubby jerk, and you don't want to upset a god. I know that from experience.

"Fine, fine. We will have a quest. But who should we send?" Chiron had given in.

"I nominate…Percy!" Travis said.

"I second the nomination!" His twin agreed. I wanted to strangle them both.

"No, no, I shouldn't. This quest, it's a really bad idea." I argued, but to no avail. Beckendorf started a chant, and everyone else followed his example.

"Percy, Percy, Percy,"

"Fine, I'll take it!" I shouted, to cheers around the room.

"Well, seaweed brain, if you're going on a quest, than I guess you'll need me to keep you from getting yourself killed." Oh, so now that I get a quest, all of a sudden, Annabeth is talking to me again? Well, I feel extremely loved.

Before I could reply to her, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned t see Chiron looking down at me. "Percy, I think you know what to do next. Now, presuming you come back alive, we will discuss the prophecy and see what partners you need to take on your quest."

Without another word, I stood up and walked towards the stairs to the attic of the big house. Feeling the eyes of the other campers on me, I climbed up the steps to consult the oracle.

Well, Thats chapter 2! Review and tell me what you think, and I'll try to update as soon as possible.