The Mall opens back up the next morning and Jesse and James are still um, busy in the fountain. People soon stop and stare, throwing them change and dollar bills for their "performance". Jessie smirked and took a break from kissing James and scoops up the money. As she bent over, an old perverted guy catcalled as he had a nice view of her butt and since she was wearing her bathing suit…that's a lot of ass to see.
"Take it off! Take it all off!" he hooted and he had a heart attack when Jessie poses for him.
"Score!" Jessie laughed and relieves the old man of his thick wallet. James frowned.
"That wasn't very nice…" he said at last. Jessie looked at him and nudged him.
"I am sick of being nice. Aren't you?" she winked and
slapped his butt.
Meanwhile back in China…
Happosai stood up and began to think of his next action.
"Hmm…there isn't another girl with panties for a hundred miles of here...never mind! I shall-" he started before a panda ran by and knocked the old pervert into the Spring of Drowned Feisty Red-Headed Dominatrix! The Chinese Springs Tour Guide sighed, not believing anything else could be as perverted.
A head of red curls surfaces and the girl that emerged hacked a little before looking down. Though it seemed that Jezebelle had come back to life, it was really Happosai under the curse of the Jusenkyo springs. Happosai didn't seem too disturbed at his new transformation and grinned as he held up the former Jezebelle's panties.
"Now to have some fun with that other feisty red-head and her friend! BWAHAHA!!" The sky darkens and lighting flashes.
Back at the mall, Jessie and James
decide to go to a restaurant for breakfast and they order their food and start
eating. Jessie smacked her head as James
practically inhaled twelve plates of pancakes in less than a minute.
"So much for our honeymoon fund..."
Suddenly, a familiar red-headed girl walked in….
"Hel~lo, feisty red-headed gal!" Happosai slurred. Jessie and James stare at Happosai with wide eyes.
"J-J-Jezebelle!" James screamed and attempted to glomp Jessie in fear but the table was in the way as he was sitting on the opposite side. Happosai scowled and looked down. Finally noticing that he now had female characteristics, he ripped of his shirt and looked at himself, to the horror of many parents as he did not have anything on underneath.
"W-What the hell are you?!" Jessie demanded. Happosai glomped Jessie and felt around her
skirt area for her panties. James' grew
even wider and he was sure this was a demon greater than Jezebelle. Jessie regains
her senses and beats the crap out of Happosai before she and James ran off,
leaving the bill behind. But not before
James grabs an English muffin
"W-who was that?" Jessie panted as they sat on a bench.
"Maybe she was that Snapplesigh pervert's sister…" James suggested. Jessie thought of that possibility for a few seconds and made a face.
"Eww...and I thought his name was Happosai…" Jessie glanced at James.
"I am not good at pronouncing big words!" James defended himself from further teasing. Jessie sighed and then got a brilliant idea.
"Let's go to Underwear Wonderland!" she said happily, pointing to the store in front of them. James winced.
"This time, *you* try something on too. S'not fair I have to try things on and get beat with a coat hanger," James whined.
"Okay, but you'll have to pick it out though," Jessie smiled.
They go inside the store and James goes to the cartoon animal underwear
display. James spazzed out and held up a
small package for Jessie to see.
"Look at this cute set with widdle storks and babies in packages on them!" he giggled. Jessie grabbed the package of unmentionables from him and peered at the label that said "small" on them.
"Must be for pregnant women," she announced and threw it back at him. "Put it back."
"B-but they're so cute!" James protested. "Can't we buy them now and you can get pregnant later?"
Jessie glared at James with anger clearly etched on her face. "Are you saying I'll get…FAT?!" Jessie yelled, grimacing at the terrible F-word. James cowered, saying that most women did when they were pregnant. Jessie scowled yet again in a very huffy mood. "Who says I want to have kids with you? Hmm?"
"You did!" James said indignantly, "You asked me in the fountain and traced circles on my chest!"
The shoppers all turned around to stare. Jessie started to feel uncomfortable and pulled James close.
"Gimmie a kiss and I'll forget about this incident," she
muttered quickly. James blushed but
gives her a quick peck on the cheek, which sends Jessie into dreamland.
"Awww....James and my kids would be so
cute...both of our gorgeous features bundled into one kid," she sighed happily,
"They might even rival our own beauty! - Now about those stork big
do you think I'll get?" The last statement was directed at James who was poking
Jessie, in hopes of bringing her back to reality.
"Umm…isn't this at least a year away?" he tried to avoid the question.
"Not if you propose to me, dammit!" Jessie poked him. James laughed nervously and put his hands behind his head. "You really don't' like to talk about that subject, huh?" Jessie asked. James shakes his head violently. "Thought so." She shoved the stork undies on his head and stomped off angrily.
"Jessie~!" James called to Jessie as he yanked the underwear off his head and started after her. "Come back!"
Jessie enjoyed the attention and continued to be pretend to be mad at her partner. She quickened her pace and James had to run to catch up with her.
"Jessie, I am so sorry I am so sensitive but that's the way I am!" he pleaded.
"Shut up, Rose Boy," Jessie averted her face, as she had begun to smile at his innocence.
"But Jessie-"
From the ice cream stand nearby….
"Ooh!" Brock exclaimed as he saw Jessie and James walking towards them. "Jessie might be breaking up with James!"
Misty licked at her ice cream cone and tugged at Brock's ear. "Shut up, Romeo. Only one of us can abuse you." Brock winced and blushed at the same time. Misty noticed his chocolate ice cream was melting and groaned as she had to listen to Brock's continuous "eheh"s.
James started crying softly and gets big pitiful eyes. "I am sorry Jess, I am not good enough for youuuu!!" he howled. Jessie was almost moved to the point where she was about to tell him that she was joking but then changed her mind.
"Well, if you can't even frikkin' TALK to me about having kids, how am I ever gonna get you to HAVE kids with me?!" she growled.
"I am not even good enough to change the gas in your car…" James sniffed and wiped his nose on his shirt sleeve.
Jessie started feeling bad.
"A-and now…now you don't love me because I am not a pervert!" James cried. Jessie looked around and noticed quite a number of people were staring at them. James clung onto Jessie's thigh like he did at Maiden's Peak and sobbed miserably.
What a doofus! Brock thought. "If I were him and got that close, I'd look up her skirt!" he said out loud. Misty got angry and knocked Brock over the head with a heavy shopping bag.
"Oh, James…" Jessie sighed and sat down cross-legged on the floor and put James' head in her lap. James started choking out incoherent strands of sentences, too hysterical with depression. Jessie started stroking his long hair. "Shh…it will be alright…"
"No it won't~!" James wailed. Jessie kissed his lips deeply and he quieted down.
"Feel better?" Jessie asked. James gave a small nod but still had those huge pitiful puppy-dog eyes.
"Told you so," Jessie said matter-of-factly. James was at a loss for words and Jessie decided to treat him to an ice cream cone. Brock started adjusting his vest as he saw Jessie advancing towards them.
"No way is she going to fall for YOU, Buster!" Misty growled and dragged Brock away to the fountain where Jessie and James were the other night.
Jessie ordered a scoop of chocolate and another scoop of strawberry on one cone. The ice cream vender hands it to her and she holds it out to James who looked at the treat with hungry eyes.
"But what about you?" James asked. Jessie rolled her eyes.
"Didn't your parents teach you to share?" she asked. James looked at her with confusion while Jessie licked the top of the ice cream cone and handed it back to James. He looks at it for a while before finally licks it as well. They continue to take turns and soon another crowd comes to watch.
"You have ice cream on your face," Jessie noted.
"Mm?" James asked.
"I'll get it off," Jessie said before kissing him again on the lips, which were stained brown with chocolate ice cream. "Mmm…"
The spectators watched with wide eyes. Jessie and James finally break off and James licked his lips.
"Tasty," James announced.
"But you have my lipstick all over your lips!" Jessie said, a bit weirded out by James who now appeared to have applied lipstick. James grinned broadly and Jessie decided to go back to eating ice cream.
"Umm…Misty? Are you going to eat the rest of that?" Brock asked, pointing to Misty's ice cream cone. Misty looked at him as she took a dainty lick.
"I dropped mine when you dragged me here," Brock said sadly. Misty sighed and regretfully handed over her half-finished ice cream cone to Brock.
Jesse and James finish the ice cream and get in the car. James, who now has his licence, puts a CD in. James started singing along, much to Jessie's horror.
"Lady Madonna, children at your feet, wonder how you manage to make ends meet..."
"Lord, not the Beatles!" Jessie moaned. "At least play a song that isn't about poor people."
James left the song on but started singing a different one.
"That's too sad. How
'bout…Oh yeah I'll tell you somethin' I think you'll
understand...when I...say that something...I wanna hold your hand..." Jessie
started singing. James brightened up and
started singing his favorite part of the song.
"And when I touch you I feel's such a feelin' that my love..."
Jesse tickles James' chin and kisses him, refusing to stop.
"Jessie! I have to drive!" he whined but was giggling all the same.
They crash into a fire hydrant, wrecking their engine, and sending cold water
raining down on top of the convertible(which has its hood lowered, of course)
but neither seems to notice. A little
boy and his mother walked by but then the little boy found the sight too
curious and had to share his observations with his mother.
"Mommy! Mommy! Lookie! That red-headed girl is kissing a mew!" he cried out, tugging at his mother's skirts.
"Tommy, what did I say about being-" she turned around. "Oh my…"