Big or Little Ears?

By corset-rebellion-follower

Disclaimer: I don't own Kung Fu Panda


Chapter 13- Soundtrack

Po was in the Hall of Warriors, dancing around like an idiot and lip synching to the words of the song he was listening to, a white iPod in hand. The earbuds tucked in his ears, and loud guitar can be heard coming out of them. The Five and Master Shifu entered.

"Master Shifu, I don't see why we just can't have one little break before…" Mantis trailed off when he saw Po dancing. "Oh that is priceless," he said, trying to hold in his giggles.

"I didn't think it was possible, but he looks even more like an idiot than he did on his first day of training," Tigress mused.

"I don't know, he's not that bad," Viper said, ever trying to be supportive of her friend.

"You're kidding me, right?" Crane laughed. Monkey doesn't say anything, he's covered his mouth, trying hard not to laugh insanely. Master Shifu sighed. He went over to Po and yanked the earbuds out of his ears.

"Panda, if you will kindly stop making a fool of yourself." Po stopped dancing, and looked at the Five, then at Master Shifu.

"Oh… H—hey guys, W… what're you doing here?" he asked, his cheeks turning a bright red. Mantis hopped off his place on Monkey's shoulder and onto Po's.

"Two words, my friend. Dancing lessons." Po chuckled.

"Heh heh. Sorry. I was just into the music, you know? This stuff is awesome!" he said happily.

Tigress plucked the iPod from his grasp. "Ugh, don't tell me you're listening to that silly soundtrack again," she said in a disgusted tone.

"Hey, it's not silly! Besides, it's about you!" Po defended.

"Yes, but corset-rebellion-follower didn't give it to us so we could dance around like a crazy person. It's disrespectful," Monkey said.

"It's practically an insult to the music industry in whole," Mantis added.

"Well I thought it was ok. It could have been worse," Viper said.

"Thank you, Viper," Po said appreciatively, glaring at the rest of the five.

"Might I ask what all of you are talking about," Shifu said, annoyed.

"Po, you remembered to tell Shifu, right?" Crane asked. Po froze.

"Oh you did not!" Tigress snapped.

"I was gonna tell him, I just… forgot," Po said sheepishly.

"Forgot to tell me WHAT?" Shifu demanded.

"Corset-rebellion-follower made a soundtrack of our story for us. She shipped it over last week," Crane explained.

"It's actually some pretty awesome stuff," Mantis said.

"Even Tigress liked it," Monkey furthered.

Shifu raised an eyebrow at her. Normally his Tigress wasn't interested in music, aside from the music he played on his reed flute. Tigress looked away, blushing. Monkey slipped the iPod from Tigress's hand and gave it to Shifu so he could look at the playlist.

Big or Little Ears? Soundtrack

Track One- Kung Fu Fighting by Cee-Lo and Jack Black (Signals the beginning of the fic)

Track Two- Headphones On by Miranda Cosgrove (Tigress Meditating and Po Interrupting Her Inner Peace)

Track Three- These Words by Natasha Bedingfield (Tigress and Viper talking about whose ears they like better)

Track Four- The Call by Regina Spektor (Tigress thinking about her old crush on Shifu)

Track Five- I Don't Wanna Be In Love (Dance Floor Remix) by Good Charlotte (Tigress talking to Viper after dinner)

Track Six- There's a Fine, Fine Line by Stephanie A'bruzzo (Tigress after Shifu wakes up from fainting)

Track Seven- Shadowland from Lion King the Musical (Tigress when she ran away)

Track Eight- Reflection by Keke Palmer (Tigress, right before she gets to the cave)

Track Nine- Thinking About You by Solange Knowles (Chapter 6)

Track Ten- Beautiful Girls (Nickelodeon Mix) by Sean Kingston (When Tai Lung and Tigress first interact)

Track Eleven- Training Po by Hans Zimmer and John Powell (When Tai Lung and Tigress fight

Track Twelve- Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) by Quindon Tarver (Tigress deciding to leave the cave and Po finding her)

Track Thirteen- Home by Vanessa Carlton (Tigress returning to the Jade Palace and reuniting with the Five and Shifu)

Track Fourteen- This is Home by Switchfoot (Tigress talking with Shifu after she faints)

Track Fifteen- Poison by Tarja (Tai Lung threaten to kidnap Tigress and sort of his view on Tigress)

Track Sixteen- Lion by Rebecca St. James (Tigress's thoughts on Shifu)

Track Seventeen- Drops of Jupiter by Train (Shifu thinking about Tigress)

Track Eighteen- Kissing You by Des'ree (Shifu's and Tigress's first kiss)

Track Nineteen- Absolutely (Story of a Girl) by Nine Days (Tigress's changes throughout the story)

"Why wasn't I consulted about this?" Shifu asked, handing the iPod back to Tigress.

"We didn't think you'd be very interested in it, Master," Crane said.

"That, and you have horrible taste in music," Po said. Shifu glared at him. A few second later, Po flew out of the Hall of Warriors and down the stairs.

"Ow! Ow! Ouch! Ooh!"

"Think he'll be ok?" Viper asked, concerned, as she and Mantis left the Hall after Po and watched him bounce down the stairs.

"I'll go get the acupuncture needles," Mantis sighed, heading to the bunkhouse.

A/N: I know I said the last chapter was the end, but I have a tradition with my fanfics that when I finish, I post a playlist of songs that inspired certain parts of the fic. I didn't do it with my National Treasure fics because that's kind of hard, but if you read my Lion King fic 'Anana Banana', there's a soundtrack for that fic. So here's the one for Big or Little Ears. I'm working on the soundtrack for A Reminder right now, and I'll post it at the end of the fic. All of these songs are available on iTunes, except Thinking About You by Solange Knowles, which is on the Scooby Doo soundtrack. Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed! Special thanks to frodoschick, mSnitta, Aye Chihuahua, Duskblood, and Vigilance for all the support and reviews, and review replies when I reviewed their stories! I love you all! Holla!