Disclaimer applied: wow. I can't believe I wrote an actual fic. Congratulations to me! I'm scared but at the same time happy for this fic. Get where I'm going? :D

My bumper sticker says, "How's my writing?" Oh no, is this an omen telling you to review? I'll love you forever!




"Why is he so pretty?! This is so unfair!" Sakura growls, with newfound hate. She roars again. "How am I going to study with a stupid pretty boy on the loose?! In my own dorm too!" she yells to Ino on her cell, her cotton-candy hair literally on ends with static.

Sakura had just started her first year in Frankenstein College and was extremely excited to go to such a prestigious school… until she found out a certain bastard had filed for the same dorm as her.

They were always on ends with each other, competitively trying to out-do one another their whole life in everything there was to win for, at least, for her there was.

When she won the Little-League Piano Competition at six years old, he won the Tiny Junior Musical Talent the same year.

When she won the MVP for soccer at age 10, he won the Fastest Newcomer in swim a week later.

At age 14, she was honored the Miss Genius Intellectual by the President while Sasuke was awarded Mr. Cool Guy by, well, the entire high school population.

It wasn't fair! It was all the fan-girls voting anyway! Who cared who was cooler? As long as she beat him, that was all that mattered. ESPECIALLY what some fan-girl thought. Ick. Their shriekings of "Sasuke-kun!" and "Oh please have me!" were annoying, not to mention stupid.

Would he really pick them? Jeez, have some taste. She should know; she knew him since forever.

When Sakura was younger at around the age of four, she met a cute boy with spiky onyx hair at a party congratulating the Haruno Company for another great year accomplished. It was a kind of party just to have a party: where all the socialites, debonair and debutantes went to show off.

She saw him through her mother's skirt while he was staring off at his ultra cool older brother with ladies with too much make-up in cocktail dresses surrounding the guy. …pimp.

The little Sasuke shivered, hoping that never happened to him. Too bad, huh? Little Sasuke turned to catch Tiny Sakura staring at him with big Sea-foam eyes. Oh no, she's one of them! he thought.

And since they were kids and simply did not know better, he pushed her into a puddle of mud, instantly ruining her pink lacy dress with white ribbons.

"Well, at least you get to HAVE such a gorgeous man in your bed. What do I get? A lazy ass. You should be grateful, Forehead," Ino says boredly on her line of the call.

Sakura blanches out of her flashback and into the present, "We're not sharing beds!"

Shaking her head of the sexy image of Sasuke's bare ass on her lovely satin-pink covers, she starts again. "Didn't you hear a word I said? I DON'T WANT HIM IN MY DORM!"

Ino smirks evilly, "You're totally thinking of his ass, aren't you?"

Sakura blushes crimson, unconsciously arranging to find another best friend, and explodes, "I AM NOT! You know what? I don't know why I bother with you!" and hung up.

Sakura sighs and shoves her cell into her Gucci bag. She doesn't even care if the thousands of dollars bag would get wrinkled from harsh handling. It's the life of the rich and famous.

She looks around the room and at the mess of half-empty boxes. I guess I should get started now…




"I'm done!" she yells at the top of her lungs, flopping onto the same lovely satin-pink covers Sasuke's imaginary ass was on in exhaustion.

She shoves the image aside and goes out to get some coffee, all the while slipping on her Valentino Mena Ankle Boots.

Meanwhile, something mysterious blocks her way out the door. "I don't think I ever bought a wooden coats stand," she wonders aloud while rubbing the bruise on her aching (still big) forehead from where she fell onto the floor.

Even though she has gotten prettier over the years with her curvy body and small waist, her forehead is the same. It's her trademark and she's grown to love it no matter what others say. Her trick was to tune it out and was mature enough not to care. Sakura's heard it all her life; why bother?

The wooden coats stand grunts. "Idiot, do I look like one?"

Sakura blinks. Since when did a coat stand even talk? She looks up. "It's YOU!"

"Yeah, so what?" he says, in that manner of fact tone that is so interchangeably hot. Yeah, she holds a grudge and hates him for that one day long ago but he still is quite handsome. Except for the fact that he's older and much yummier.

From all the sports he plays, especially swim, he's been quite well-defined and muscled.. Not to anyone's disappointment, of course. His coal-shocked hair grew out longer over the steamy summer, although he's as pale as ever. His aristocratic nose points high in the air and his mysterious onyx eyes calculates everything he sees.

There was a slight tilt of his sexy lips, indicating a smirk. He gives her a once-over. "You know, if you wanted it here and now, you could have just told me instead of waiting for me on the floor."

She blinks again. "What?" She thinks about it.

Her. Him. On the floor. No way! She had too much integrity!

"What the hell? I don't want to do it with you! I was on the floor in the first place because of your big ass blocking the doorway!" A nice ass, by the way.

Sasuke smirks. She's blushing so much right now. "Well at least you welcomed me to my new dorm. Great, isn't it?"

Sakura growls and gets off the floor, "This is my dorm! How dare you take it away from me! I finally have my freedom when you come and destroy everything! That's what you are: a Destroyer!"

Sasuke quirks his brow, "Did you really want this dorm all too yourself?"

"Yes! What'd you think it was for? Trashing?" she growls. "Now you're kicking me out of my own dorm and I have to find another—"

"Did you forget we're sharing it? I'm not kicking you out. Of course, only if you want me to."

She stares. And stares again. What did he just say?


Sasuke sighs. "I'm not kicking you out of the dorm. And I'm not leaving. So we're sharing it."

"Oh." She looks down at his Hugo Boss Primizio leather loafers, a little embarrassed at her dramatic monologue. She finally notices the luggages by his feet. "Oh…"

"Damn right, 'oh'. Now help me bring these into my room."

She thinks as he walks away with half of Prada's new line of traveling luggages, quickly devising a plan.

Yeah I'll help. Let's see how long it takes for you to live with an insane roommate!

She grins maniacally. Let's wait and see…



Author's note: Okay! My first ever fic! After all these years of reading others fics, its now my turn! Tell me what you think please!