Crown Clown has signed in.

Kanda has signed in.

Kanda says: FINALLY. Some peace and quiet without the idiotic duo.

Crown Clown says: XD

Kanda says: does it still hurt?

Crown Clown says: No, I'm fine. :)

Kanda says: Of course, I was gentle with you, wasn't I?

Crown Clown says: -blushes- You can't speak like that on an online forum!

Kanda says: And why not? Enlighten me, Moyashi.

Crown Clown says: Well, if people like Lenalee or Lavi happen to walk in on our conversation, you know we won't get any peace for the rest of our lives.

Kanda says: Che. Like I give a damn about those fools.

Each has her little scheme has signed in.

Each has her little scheme says: HELLO YULLEN! A BEAUTIFUL DAY ISN'T IT?

Pink Fluffy Bunny has signed in.

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: HI. HI!

Kanda says: Do they ALWAYS have to come in pairs? –rolls eyes-

Crown Clown says: Haha, hello! You both seem rather jolly today...uh...I don't think it's a good thing.

Each has her little scheme says: What on earth are you talking about, Allen! Of course, I'm overjoyed! Exuberant! Ecstatic! All words you associate with being happy. xD

Kanda says: ...

Crown Clown says: Oh dear.

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: HAHA.

Pink Fluffy Bunny has sent you a nudge!

Kanda says: WHAT DO YOU WANT?

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: Lol yuu, so u finally did it with moyashi-chan! Yuu got laid!~ Yuu got laid!~

Crown Clown says: Kanda got laid?

Each has her little scheme says: Wonderful news for our yullen fanclub! I should update our yullen website!

Kanda says: ...

Crown Clown says: Uhm...guys?

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: OH MY GAWWWWWD. This means yuu got laid BEFORE me?

Each has her little scheme says: Haha, Lavi. That's only because you keep playing hard to get with Tyki. xD Just say the word and that noah will have you in a heartbeat! xD

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: !

Crown Clown says: Kanda, what does 'got laid' mean?

Kanda says: ... something you don't need to know, moyashi.

Crown Clown says: Lenalee and Lavi won't tell me, and you won't either. :(

Each has her little scheme says: sweet... -gushes- The innocent uke and the ruffian seme who, in his overprotective and possessive nature, refuses to let his lover know anything! Hmm...this will provide very good material for my fanfiction.


Crown Clown says: Is anyone ever going to explain it to me?

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: allen, it's wat u 2 did last night. xD Steamy hot rough sex!

Each has her little scheme says: Oh Lavi, don't put it like that! Allen, it is when two lovers (or men in this case), in the heat of passion, embrace each other in tender lovemaking!

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: AND steamy hot rough sex!

Each has her little scheme says: Lavi! Really now! It's tender lovemaking!

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: Sex! Sex! Which may occasionally include rape, esp. btwn men! Lol!

Each has her little scheme says: What's with you and sex!

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: Wat's with u and lovemaking! They r the same thing!

Each has her little scheme says: -is flabbergasted- No, they aren't! Goodness gracious! Anyhow, Allen, do you finally understand about your romantic development with Kanda? xD

Crown Clown says: Oh! If you're referring to what Kanda and I did last night then…

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: It was hot rough sex! LOL.

Each has her little scheme says: Lavi! That kind of sex will only take place between Tyki and you! Kanda will never go rough on Allen!

Crown Clown says: ...Kanda! Please tell them!

Kanda says: You are quite right. Although being rough is not a far-off possibility.

Crown Clown says: -jaw drops- Kanda!

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: -jaw drops too- OH MY GAWWD. Yuu is totally boasting that he got laid first! No fair! :(

Crown Clown says: ... Sometimes I really wonder if you're thinking. And Kanda! What are you saying!

Each has her little scheme says: What? You will go rough on Allen? I forbid it!

Kanda says: Che.

Each has her little scheme says: Alright fine. Go have rough coupling with Allen. See what happens when the poor, frail body of Allen's breaks down unable to withstand the pressure of your lovemaking!

Crown Clown says: ...

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: -sobs in a lonely corner-

Kanda says: You speak of it as if you know what will happen.

Each has her little scheme says: Of course, I know! Hello? I have had years of experience writing yaoi fanfics! It is so OBVIOUS that Allen's fragile body will break if you handle him too hard!

Kanda says: ...

Crown Clown says: ...

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: -sobs in a lonely corner with cobwebs growing- Oh!~ I am so loneeeeely!~

Each has her little scheme says: -triumphant smile-

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: -sobs in a lonely corner with cobwebs growing and moonlight shining down from the window- Oh!~ I am so loneeeeely!~ I have nobooody!~

Crown Clown says: Lavi! Stop extending your descriptions when you clearly are sitting in front of your computer! And Lenalee, we did no such thing! I was injured during a mission so Kanda tended to my wounds! And Kanda, hmph! I can't believe you will dare do...IT rough with me! I'm never speaking to you again!

Crown Clown has signed out.

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: Wow.

Each has her little scheme says: What!

Kanda says: Shit.

Crown Clown has signed in.

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: ?

Each has her little scheme says: :o

Crown Clown says: I forgot to add this! Kanda, don't bother coming to my room tonight! Hmph!

Crown Clown has signed out.

Kanda says: Fuck.

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: lol. Dun be sad yuu! Allen only says 'tonight' which means tmr night u can! xD

Each has her little scheme says: I was happy for nothing!

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: aww but poor yuu got locked out of his lover's room like a husband being kicked out of the house by his wife! Lol!

Kanda has signed out.

Each has her little scheme says: I have failed utterly as the prez of the yullen fanclub!

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: Lol lee, it's not that bad!

Each has her little scheme says: You're right!

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: xD

Each has her little scheme says: I still have LUCKY!

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: Wat?

Each has her little scheme says: While yullen patches things up. I will work on your relationship with Tyki! xD

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: Noo, u dun have to!

Each has her little scheme says: Yes, this will be interesting! –feels reenergized- Time to work on a new plan!~

Each has her little scheme has signed out.

Pink Fluffy Bunny says: ...