Author's Note: So this is my New Story. Its Naley cause I'm a Naley fan. I'm still working on my other story, so don't worry if u love that one too. So here it is and let me know what you think.

Summary: Haley didn't go on tour, but Nathan took the offer to High Flyers, although instead of 3 months it was a 5 month camp. Before Nathan left him and Haley got into a huge fight and didn't talk once during the five months. Right after Nathan left Haley found out she was pregnant. Now Nathan is back for senior year and Haley is trying to hide her 5 month pregnant belly from him.


"Haley! You home?" Nathan yelled into their one bedroom apartment.

"Yeah right here," Haley replied while walking from the bedroom.

"Hey I've got some fantastic news!"

"What's that?" Haley asked Nathan curiously.

"I GOT INTO HIGH FLYERS!" Nathan screamed.

"Oh Baby!," Haley said and leaped into his arms.

"I'm so proud of you!" They shared a passionate kiss.

"When does it start?" Haley asked.

"Saturday" Nathan said kind of sad.

"Oh, that's 4 days away. Why did they let you know on such short notice?"

"I don't know, but hey I got in," Nathan said lifting Haley's chin with his fingers so he could look into his eyes.

"Oh, I'm going to miss you for the five months."

"I know, but you can come visit me and there is a 2 week break in like 2 months. Plus there's always a thing called a phone." Nathan told his wife.

"I know, I'm just going to miss you!."

"I know, but we're going to make it. We're meant to be together. Always and Forever, Haley." Nathan kissed Haley's forehead and pulled her into a huge hug.

"When do you leave?" Haley asked.


"Oh, why so soon?" Haley asked sadly.

"Because they want to meet with me and I got to get settled in."

"Okay, well do you want me to help you pack?"

"yeah sure, come on," Nathan said and led Haley into their bedroom.


Nathan woke up early in the morning because his flight to Florida left at noon. He rolled in towards the bed hoping to feel the comfort of his wife, but he came into contact with nothing.

"Haley!" He yelled out but nothing. He thought maybe she was just in the kitchen. He rolled out of bed put on a pair of shorts over his boxers and headed to the kitchen. He saw a note on the table. It was from Haley.


Went to get maple syrup for pancakes

Be back soon!


'So that's were my wife is' Nathan thought.


Nathan heard come from the laptop. He went over and opened it. 'HellenKeller89, she's been talking to Chris Keller?' Nathan thought angrily.

Haley walked into their apartment with a bag of groceries.

"Hey honey," Haley said but all Nathan could do was shrug his shoulders.

"What's wrong?" Haley asked him.

"Have you been talking to Chris lately?" Nathan angrily asked Haley.

"No, why?"

"Well then why did he just IM you saying he couldn't wait to talk to you again that he just had to IM you?"

"Are you on my computer?" Haley asked him.

"What is this Haley?" Nathan said becoming very angry.

"I sent him one email saying good luck with your music and that was it." Haley said.

"Why are you lying to me Haley?" Nathan said raising his voice.

"I'm not, he must be talking about before he left and I said goodbye to him."

"Yeah well obviously he thought something else was going on." Nathan went to get up and leave.

"Where are you going?" Haley yelling down the hallway.

"I'm going to High Flyers and I don't want you trying to contact me." Nathan said very angry.

"What?" Haley said in disbelief.

"Haley, I think your lying to me, I think there is something more going on between you and Keller, and until you tell me what's really going on, I don't want to talk to you." Nathan yelling at Haley.

"Nathan, I just told you the truth!" Haley screamed.

"Yeah, well I still think your lying," Nathan had his bag on his shoulder and had his hand on the door handle.

"Nathan! Please don't leave!" Haley tried pleading.

"Haley I'm going to High Flyers, I can't deal with this right now." With that Nathan opened the door and was gone.

Haley walked over to the couch and curled up into a ball and started crying. She cried herself to sleep.


At the airport, Nathan was in line to get on his plane. He couldn't believe what he had just done. He got mad at Haley for something small and called her a liar. He actually didn't think something was going on between her and Chris, that's why he couldn't believe he got so mad.

Nathan had his ticket checked and got onto the plane.

"I'm sorry Haley," Nathan said to himself.


One week later and Haley was still a mess. She had noticed she hadn't been feeling very well and she thought it was because of the stress, but then she realized she was late for something. She had Lucas got out and buy her a pregnancy test. Lucas, Brooke and Peyton had been taking care of Haley the last week hoping Nathan would come back home. They had even tried to call him, but he hadn't picked up. It had been a long week for the four of them.

Lucas came back with the test and gave it to Haley. She went in the bathroom and when she came out, she had more tears flowing down her face.

"Lucas, it's positive," Haley said in tears.

"What am I gonna do, I just want him to come home." Haley sobbed and fell into Lucas arms.

"It's gonna be okay. Shhh..shh.. It's gonna be okay." Lucas kept telling Haley.

"Brooke, Peyton and I will be here every step of the way. I promise," He said looking into Haley's eyes.

"Oh Luke, I just want him home!" Haley cried into Lucas's arms. Lucas just held her to till she fell asleep. He knew the next couple months were going to be hard. He knew Nathan would return in time for Senior year and see Haley with a pregnant belly. He knew not that he had to protect Haley from anything he could.

So there is the prologue. Tell me if I should continue or not. If I get enough reviews chapter 2 will start 5 months later. At the beginning of Senior year! So please Review and tell me if I should continue!