Afraid of Losing

A/N Hey guys this is the last chapter of this fic. I know many of you have been enjoying it but don't worry I'm writing a sequel for this one.

I hope you enjoy

Ch 17

Po wasn't able to sleep that night. He was busy thinking of Demi.

He knew it wasn't her fault about what had happened in Western China.

"I know she's meant to turn against us, destrot the Valley, her destiny according to the Dragon Scroll.

But why does it have to be?

Demi may have been Tai-Lung's daughter but she's not like him.

Also I'm worried about Shika. What will his destiny be?

Probably to be the next Dragon Warrior and have to destroy somebody he cares about.

It isn't fair!" he thought as he went for a walk.

Shifu couldn't sleep either after what had happened today.

He was meditating in the training room as he heard noises coming from the kitchen.

He then walked in.

Po was making soup at this time of night.

"Can't sleep after what happened?" he asked his student.

"No not really. That was scary what nearly happened.

It's…. just I'm worried for both Demi and Sikha. Especially about their destinies.

I know she's meant to be the Dark Dragon Warrior but she's still my daughter.

Shika is only a year old. What will his destiny be?

To fight his sister?" Po replied.

It shocked Shifu to hear him talk so gravely.

"Maybe there is a way if you have hope.

Destiny can change Po like Winter into Spring as with warriors dein good to bad and bad to good.

They just have to believe they can change their destiny.

Demi doesn't have to be the Dark Dragon Warrior if you don't want her to and Sukha won't have to grow up to defeat her." Shifu replied to him.

"Yeah you're right Mster!

I believe they can change their destiny." Po told him.

Shifu smiled as he left the kitchen.

He heard soft moaning come from Demi's room as the teen began to wake up.

"Demi you okay?" he asked her softly.

"Y-Yeah I... had a bad dream. How did I get back here? I thought they wanted to send me away like I'm a criminal." she asked him.

"You were injured in a battle after you ran off and we had to find you.

I'd better tell your father you're awake." Shifu said to her.

"I'm sorry for what I did Master. It was like something dark took over me and I couldn't fight it." she replied.

"I know but it wasn't your fault. Wvwb if you do get sent away, it's not because your parents hate you, it's because they love you that they're doing it.

And it hurts them more than you know." he told her walking out of the room.

While he went to get Po, Demi was thinking about what he just said and sighed.

Po then came into her room. There was a look of joy in his jade green eyes.

"Dad... you and Mom can send me away if you want, I know you're omly doing it because you love me and wanna protect the Valley.

I know it'll hurt me but it'll hurt you and Mom more." she told him.

Po was taken aback by her decision.

He sighed later that day as he, Tigress and Shifu escorted Demi to the prison hidden in the mountains where most of China's infamous criminals resided.

Shifu saw tears in Tigress's eyes as guards began to lead Demi into the prison.

"Don't cry Mom. We'll be together as long as you have hope.

I can change my destiny, I know it.

I'll see you soon.

Don't forget me, okay?

I love you." she replied as she was led into the prison.

Shifu felt tears well up in his eyes as they returned to the Jade Palace.

"I mustn't show how sad I am about this.

She was brave to decide to be locked up." he thought as they entered the Valley of Peace.

Po returned to the noodle shop for a while as Tigress remained in the Jade Palace taking care of Shika until he came back later.

Today was a sad day for him and Tigress. His only daughter was locked up in a prison cell and he still was sad after the passing of his father but had hidden it.

Demi closed her eyes as she tried to make herself at home on the cold floor of her prison.

She missed her family right now but this was the only way to protect them...

Tigress sighed as Shika started to learn how to talk. His voice was like Po's.

"Mama where Demi? Me miss her." Shika said to her.

Tigress's heart nearly broke hearing that.

How could she explain?

"She went away for a while so bad people wouldn't hurt me, Daddy and you." she answered as he hugged her.

"Shika love you and Dada.

Demi too." he told her smiling.

Po smiled too.

Shika was so innocent, unaware of what had happened to Demi but they knew she could change her destiny along with Shika...