Title : Finding Family

By : ElvinaPotter aka Elvina P.

Chapter : Chapter 1

Warning : This chapter is un-betaed.

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Leontius walked calmly down the hallways of the clean, white, and dull looking hospital as he search for the room he was supposed to go. He really hated the white hallway of the hospital as well as the smell of it. It makes him having a headache. But never the less, he still needs to drop by here often. His mother just given birth to his baby brother, and he will be a cold heartless bastard if he didn't even visit his mother after she is awake from her resting.

410... 412... 414... 418... Wait... 418?

Leontius frowned. The room should be somewhere around here. He looked to his left between the door four one four and four one eight, just right beside the door four one eight, he found the room he was looking for.

416 – Cecilie Von Spitzveg

Leontius take a deep breath before he knock on the door. He slowly push the door open and he entered the room.

"Ah, Leontius, come in." said a woman. She was seating comfortably on the hospital bed, having just go through the most crucriating pain that a woman can experience. Her hair was blond - bright gold such as his, it was long, wavy and layered. She's very tired, her eyes told him so. But they also have love and careness in them.

"Mother," said Leontius as he came closer to the bed and peek in the blue bundle nested securely on his mother's chest. He gaped in awed. The baby was so tiny and pink in colour. A little blond hair can be seen on top of his head. He was so small that Leontius was afraid that his tiny baby brother would break.

"Leontius, meet your new baby brother, Crescentius," said his mother. She smiled fondly at the baby in her arms before move aside a little, so he can see his baby brother clearly.

Leontius blinked stupidly. Crescentius? Leontius chuckled. His mother sure has a way with odd names. Even his own name sounds embarrasing. Really, who named their kid with such roman-like name? Lucky for him, none of his friends knew his full name.

"Crescentius? Don't you think the name are a bit too much?" asked Leontius.

"It's not that uncommon. And it is not that bad. Why, remember what I name your brothers?"

"At least their name was decent..." grumble Leontius.

His mother rolled her eyes. "If you want, I can always change your name to Leofric like I originally planned."

Leontius gaped at her, utterly horrified. "You kidding me? Leofric?!"

His mother patted his hand softly and said. "Here. Hold him."

Leontius eyes went wide but before he can react or even do anything, his mother put the baby in his arms. Leontius just stand there stunned and looked at his baby brother fearfully. He was terrified that if he move, he might harm the precious bundle.


"Oh, don't be a baby, Leontius. It's not like you are just going to drop him or anything." gushed his mother. While he was busy looking at his baby brother, his mother tend to her needs... combing her hair so she looked presentable and re-arrange some stuff that was lying here and there.

Leontius sighed. Really, sometimes he wonder who is more sane in the family. Him... or his mother. Leontius look down at his brother and at the moment, something clicked. When come to think of it... his brother is kinda cute. He bent down a little and drop a kiss at his brother forehead.

Don't worry little one. thought Leontius fondly. You have your big brother to look after you.

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Leon jerked awake and imediately sit up straight. He looked around his apartment in a daze. He yawned widely before looking at his bedside table, looking for his watch. Leon grunted when he saw that it was still too early for him to be up. He blinked a few times, trying to get his brain to start working. He swore that he was dreaming of something just now. But he couldn't remember about what. Then, he remembers.

How odd. thought Leon. Why did I dream of mother all of a sudden?

Things was different shortly after Crescentius was born. His mother later date and married Jonathan Orcot. The guy was decent, and too love struck with his mother in his oppinion. He have nothing against the guy, his mother dated too many people for him to even be bothered. It was the guys relatives that he is not fond off. The Orcots are the type of people that demands perfection as far as he can see. They are pleasent outwardly and friendly when met. But Leon was sure it is a different story behind their backs.

Leon took a deep breath before he get up and freshen himself. As he was getting ready to work, he can't help looking at the small picture besides his bed. It was the picture of him, his mother, and Chris. It was taken shortly before his mother was release from the hospital. The next picture besides the first was the picture of the three of them at the park. Him and his mother was smilling widely at the camera that Leon took, while his baby brother was sleeping soundly in his mother's arms.

Leon smiled softly, remembering the time before misfortune happened to their family. Suddenly, his eyes cought the time on his watch.

"Oh, Great One. I'm gonna be late!" cried Leon as he hurried around his apartment, getting ready for work.

Great. Leon muses to himself. You wake up early and just sit there dazing around and dive into the memory lane and before you knew it, you're nearly late for work! Just my luck. Once he was presentable enough, he went to the kitchen, drink up the cold coffee he made last night, and dash out out of his apartment. If he was not at the station in ten minutes, both the chief and Jill will have his hide for lunch.

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Review on your way out!

-Elvina P.