Title: Hurt

Rating: T

Warning: Shounen-ai. OOC or not, I'll leave it to your judges. Just don't tell me that their love is OOC... Please?

Disclaimer: I don't own D. N. Angel. Dark owns Krad...

Chapter I

What a bastard you are.

Again, I spit it onto your face. Again, you raise your eyebrow and ask, in your own mocking way, if that's what you truly are to me.

Guess what? I hate you. I despise you with every piece of me that still survives to exist after four centuries of our fate.

Why, you want to know?

Because you are my worst enemy. Because you are my homicidal, sadistic, egotistic, royal-pain-in-the-ass predator. Because you are a threat to me, as you have long ago stated, that one of us has to die to keep the other stay in this world.

Because I can not stand seeing you even for a second.

… Because you never show me what is hidden beneath that fake mask…

… Because only you, only you can make my heart ache simply with your cold smile…

Heck, I can't even call that a smile, can I? The same movement of lips curving up, and yet, it isn't a smile. How could you smile if your eyes never did?

It hurts. It hurts whenever I look into those golden pools, just to realize that they hold too much pain and loneliness. Just to see the tinge of sadness that always presents, begging me to kill you and end this fight forever.

Everytime I blast my power at you, you won't dodge.

But I will miss.

Damn you. Damn you, Krad.

Why do you have to be an egotistic bastard all the time?

Stop playing tough while you know you can't! Stop with that so-called smirk of yours when you know, when I know that you are broken!

Will you please cry for me, just once?

Stop hiding from me. Stop pretending that you are a monster.

Let me ease your pain.

Let me touch your true heart.

Let me hold you in my arms.

Let me tell you that…

I love you…