Hey everyone! I'm the Blades of Broken Hearts! But you can call me Neon! Well this is my new story, and well, I'm new to this site! Please, keep flames to a minium and reviews are grately appreciated!

I do not own Inuyasha! Just the weird plot!

XsummaryX- Kagome Higurashi has been married to Sesshomaru Tashio for a good 4 years. There marriage has been falling apart for the last two. Kagome finds that she has a bundle of a joy on the way! On the very same day, she was to expose this great news to her husband, trying to fix her marriage, she finds him on his desk with another woman! But after finding out that Kagome actually is carrying his child, he wants her back! Well you know what Sesshomaru? SCREW YOU!

Kagome Higrashi, or also known as the successful wife of Sesshomaru Tashio, was having the most exciting days of her life. With her raven black hair comb back into a neat bun, and her eyes widen with happiness, she entered the doors to her huge mansion.

Walking up the granite stairs, she hummed a light tune under her breathe as she stared down at her stomach.

Just today, feeling the effects of morning sickness, she got a check up since her friend Sango insisted. And then she finally learned of bundle of joy that had resided in her body for the past 5 months.

But since of the last 2, her and Sesshomaru have been falling apart. They barely talked, and their relationship has been going down hill. He would often stay late for work, and when they were actually in bed together, he would never be in the mood for any sex.

Rubbing the newly forming bump on her stomach, she approached the huge cherry-wood doors that would lead her to her husband's study.

"Sesshy! I have wonderful news!" Kagome yelled out, her plump red lips stretched on into a grin.

The grin faltered. The happiness in her eyes receded, as the bright sea blues widen with shock. Her mouth formed an O as she covered it with a hand. Her whole face paled at the sight before her.

Sesshomaru's head was thrown back onto his paperwork in pleasure. The bleached-blonde's loud grunts would deafen anything as she rode Sesshomaru's body in bliss.

Her eyes stung, as a whimper formed behind her throat. Clenching her eyes shut for a minute, she opened them again with renewed rage.

"FUCKING MAN-HO!" she screamed furiously, tears streaking down her face.

Sesshomaru stared at her emotionlessly as Kagome took one of the innocent big plants next to her and threw it at the couple.

Spinning on her heels, she raced down the stairs. Taking her keys out, she started up her car and drove away.

Stopping at a deserted gas station 20 miles away, she collapsed her head onto the horn of the steering wheel. The horn made a huge screeching sound as she sobbed into her hands.

"I-I…" she trailed off in her crying, hugging herself with sadness. As the tears cleared up, she sniffed as she looked up at the night sky.

Staring at the moon, she stated with sadness:

"He promise he wouldn't break my heart."

To be honest, when Sesshomaru saw that Kagome saw him and Nemi where doing it, he could care less what she thought.

Since they got married, they've been trying hard to have a child to call their own. Every time they tried, the child was either a miscarriage or it never happened. That's been happening for the past 2 years. Though they've been married for 4 years, they hadn't really tried for the last 2.

Then he met Nemi. She was actually a daughter of one of his business partners. Kagome was with him when he met her, but she disregarded the looks Nemi threw in his direction. In the very same day, Nemi slipped her phone number into his pocket. And the very same night Kagome and him where having an argument about her unable to conceive a child.

In his frustration, he took out of the house and went on a drive. Rummaging through his pockets for a cigarette, he found Nemi's number instead. It was history from there.

Now, Nemi carried his child. He no longer cared about Kagome. She had failed at life by not being able to carry him a heir or a heiress.

Pulling his arms around Nemi, he pulled her body to him as she snuggled into the crook of his neck.

That's what Kagome use to do.

Driving around for another hour, she stared down at her belly. It made a huge growl of protest as she patted it.

"Gomen neh, Baby, Momma's going through a hard time," she said softly.

Lifting her head up, she saw a small motel ahead. Shrugging, she drove up.

The odors coming from the building wouldn't even fit the word 'disgusting' nor 'repulsing'.

Figuring this was the best she could get as of right now without her credit cards, she took one room for the night.

Once at the room, she opened the door. Making sure to lock it, she turned around to look at the bed. It was all grease and liquid stained. To be honest, Kagome rather not know what the huge white stain was on the floor.

Settling her bag on a chair, she curled up on top of the sheets. Encasing her own body, sobs again wracked her body.

Unravelling her body, she stared lifelessly up at the broken ceiling. Tears leaked down the sides of her eyes as thoughts flew through her mind a million miles per second.

Her body eventually slid down onto the stained carpet. Pulling her legs up to her chest, and wrapped her arms around them, she continued to cry silently.

As tears dribbled down from her face to the lap of her skirt, she lifted her head up to look out of the window at the new moon.

Looking down as she felt the kick of her baby, one phrase entered her head:

"I hate you….Sesshomaru."

Sooo, what did ya think? This chapter is kinda inspired by a song on my friend's myspace. hehe. I know it's kinda short, but quality is better than quanity. Well, atleast I hope this story has quality.

Sooo yeah,
