Heh, here we are.

The last chapter.

Thank you so much for all of your support and the pleasing reviews most of you left. I am glad that Dark PitxPit can finally make a stand in Fan Ficiton World. If you write anything concerning this couple, I would love it if you PMed me.

And yay, some of Pit's past in Kid Icarus is revealed! Haha.

Enjoy it, my wonderful fans.

Oh, and soon I will post an 'alternate ending' as well. Where Dark Pit does… Some bad things.

Kiss the Darkness.
Kir Sirin.


Fall In to Darkness

Pit knew exactly where Dark Pit was.

He was just afraid to go there.

He could already hear the screams in his mind.

But, if it was for Dark Pit, the Angel of Light knew he would do anything too help him.

Even if it meant diving back into the Underworld.

Dark Pit scuffed the toe of his brown sandal on the black stone.

He was home.

He gazed at the Underworld and took all of it in.

Black miasma floated on still, thick air all around. No one knew what it was really from, many thought it came from the final breath of lost souls, but it crawled into your lungs and choked anything that was life.

Black rock protruded from the ground and the ceiling. It reached out towards you, wanting to snatch you away, and its sides were rocky and the ends were filed to a sharp point.

Creatures lurked everywhere. Every crevice someone could find would become their home. Only the Goddess, or God, or both, had a real house. Even so, it was nothing more than a chamber with a bed and a few cages for the occasional punishments.

Usually, if someone had crossed boundaries, the living nightmares would deal out their own kind of 'justice'.

The smell of decaying flesh was everywhere. It circled around Dark Pit's nose and he actually coughed.

It had been so long since he'd been here.

There were occasional screams from monsters and dead souls alike, but nothing you wouldn't get used to.

Dark Pit tightened his grip on his bow and decided he would pay a little visit to his mother.


Pit looked about the dark walls of the Underworld and fought to keep his beating heart still. His white wings shone brilliantly against the black miasma that threatened to consume him.

He heard a scuffle of claws against stone, turned around hastily, and then heard a chuckle.

He tried to swallow, but fear had closed his throat.

"Who..?" He whispered.

Pit could feel his desperation and cold fear take hold of him when the laughing grew louder.

Dark Pit was on full alert when he entered the Shrine. Anyone could be there.

He didn't have time for any surprises.

"Hello?" He called.

When no one answered, he took his chance and kneeled down before Medusa's statue.

The Shrine was nothing but a black cavern inside the Underworld where Medusa had fallen by the hands of Pit. The monsters of the Underworld had built a statue of her in the exact spot where she took her dying breaths.

Her last command was for Celeno to create Dark Pit.

The black angel raised his head and stared into the stone eyes of his Goddess.

"Mother…" He whispered. He closed his eyes and lowered his head. "What did you want from me? Did you truly want an angel to rule the Underworld? Had you no other plans for me? Mother… What did you have planned for me?"

"I would like to think I'm your mother, Pit." Said a sultry voice.

Dark Pit's black wings picked up at the sound of the silky voice and he flinched.

Pit let out a gasp when he felt cold claws clamp around his throat and his waist.

"You've come back?" Someone hissed in his ear. "The mighty Pit, have you come to kill our new Goddess as well?"

"I… I…" Pit tried to shake his head and say 'no' but his tongue had swollen and his head felt light and fuzzy. He closed his bright blue eyes as the claws punctured his delicate skin.

"Answer me!" The monster's grip tightened and his voice grew louder. "Or I will kill you just like I killed your boyfriend all those years ago."

Pit stiffened.

"Oh, you remember that, do you? Good. I killed him right before your eyes, did I not? You watched him die and did nothing to stop me. He cried out your name and you still stood frozen."

He had killed Kalico?

Pit fought with himself as the memory came rushing back to him.

"You're not an angel, Pit." A harpy with red wings walked slowly towards the black angel. "You're a fake imitation. Don't kid yourself. And, as for your role," She bent down and caressed his cheek with a long, blood red nail. "You're meant to be by my side. You're meant to be King."

Celeno, the new Queen of the Underworld, smiled brightly at Dark Pit. She had long, flowing black hair that curled at the ends. Her dark red wings were never folded. They were always out and for people to stare at. Her eyes were empty coals that had no pupils. Her entire eye was black and her long, think eyelashes curled over them.

Her nails were long, sharp, and painted forever red. She had red lipstick and a voluptuous form that was barely concealed beneath black and red cloth.

Her smile was her greatest weapon. It could convince even Palutena herself to fall for the dark-hearted harpy.

"You're my creator." Dark Pit replied emotionlessly. "My mother is dead."

"Hm," Celeno smiled warmly and continued to stroke his cheek. "Isn't a Mother a creator as well? Pit…" She leaned forward and whispered, "why don't you give your Queen a kiss?"

When Dark Pit only stared back, Celeno giggled.

"Why so cold, Pit? I thought you would come back with your heart and then we could be together." She smiled widely as her lips grew closer to Dark Pit's. "Have you not succeeded, My Evil Angel?"

"Pit!" Kalico screamed. A hot tear fell from his green eyes as a black monster drove his clawed hand deeper in his gut. "Help me, please!"

Pit stood frozen in his cage.

His first love was being killed before his eyes.

"Pit!" Kalico started to cry as the pain numbed his entire body. He screamed over the laughs surrounding him. "I'm sorry, Pit! I wont reject you again! I'll be yours forever, just help me!"

"Heh," Golden eyes sparkled as his voice hissed, "We've got ourselves a gay angel. How delightful." He drove his claws deeper into the green-haired angel's chest. "When you die, you should end up here."


Pit's tears fell hot down his cheeks and cooled his chapped lips.

Pit opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Tears fell down his cheeks and he heard Kalico's murderer snicker in his ear.

"Memories never die." He hissed.

"I'm done with you, angel." The black monster sneered. He thrust the wounded angel into Pit's limp arms and walked away.

"Ka-Kalico…" Pit whispered. He watched the light leave Kalico's green eyes and felt his body grow cold in his arms.

His heart shattered.

"Kalico… Don't…" But Kalico slipped through his numb fingers and fell heavily to the floor.

Kalico was…


Dark Pit pushed Celeno's shoulder back, but she was stronger than her feminine physic showed.

"You should treat your Queen better, My Angel. When I make you my King, you will have to learn to take me."

"I won't be your King." Dark Pit stated flatly.

Celeno's black eyes held a spark of anger. "Something about you has changed. Something happened with you and the other Pit." She grabbed Dark Pit's arm and roughly pulled him up to his feet. "Come with me." She ordered sternly.

Dark Pit looked over his shoulder as they walked out of the Shrine and took one last look at his true mother.

Her eyes held no warmth as the doors closed behind them.

Pit could feel fear and sadness overwhelm his heart. The monster smiled against the skin of his ear.

"Now it's your turn."

Dark Pit and Celeno walked in silence until the harpy spoke, "Pit, why must you—"

But Dark Pit gasped.

He stopped but quickly kept walking so Celeno wouldn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

So she wouldn't notice an Angel of Light being attacked savagely by a living nightmare that had also tormented Dark Pit.

He could feel his entire body grow cold and unfeeling.


Pit's face was stained with tears and his blue eyes were now clouded over with fear. A black monster with yellow eyes, dull, yellow fangs grinning out, and sharp claws halfway inside the angel's chest was standing behind him.

His eyes locked with Dark Pit's.

"Oh look," the monster hissed into Pit's ear. "Another angel."

Pit's heart leapt at the sight of Dark Pit only a few feet away from him. The black angel locked eyes with him and Pit almost smiled.

If he was so close, then why wasn't he coming to his rescue?

Pit could feel everything in his world crash when he saw some woman with red wings cup Dark Pit's face in her blood red nails.

"Pit," Celeno spoke. "are you even listening to me?"

Dark Pit stared back into her all-black eyes and swallowed his pride. "Of course, my Queen." If he was going to get out of this and save Pit, he would have to be sweet to her. "My ears are always waiting to be filled with your wonderful voice."

Celeno smiled. "That's how I like my angels." She fingered his cheek with the tip of her nail. "That's the Pit I love."

Dark Pit grabbed the harpy's dexterous hands and clasped them within his. "Celeno, my Queen of Darkness, will you wait for me in your chambers? I wish to pay a little visit one last time to the Sight Lake." He lowered his head to complete the act. "So I can see my heart one last time."

"Hm, of course." Celeno smiled and pulled her hands away from Dark Pit's. "You hurry and come back to me."

Dark Pit nodded his head obediently. "Of course."

When Celeno was out of sight, Dark Pit rushed over to his Angel of Light and drew his blades.

"Angels are so annoying, don't you think?" The monster's voice oozed as Dark Pit stopped in front of the two.

"Let. Him. Go." Dark Pit said tightly.

"Or what? You'll poke me?"

Dark Pit swiftly struck the point of his sword through the middle of the monster's forehead. The monster exploded into ash and black miasma.

Now Dark Pit knew what it was.

The black miasma surrounding the Underworld was the ashes of the nightmares living within it.

Would Dark Pit become the same when he died?

Pit fell into Dark Pit's awaiting arms and the Angel of Darkness sighed at the contact.

"Pit…" He whispered. "Why have you come here?"

But when Pit looked up at the fallen angel, the fear in his eyes was too overwhelming.

Dark Pit held him tighter. "Let's talk on earth."

When they reached earth, Pit suddenly collapsed. Dark Pit fell to his knees and caught the scared angel.

He was shaking.

Dark Pit gave him a moment to calm down and then repeated his previous question, "Why did you come to the Underworld?"

"I came to find you." Pit whispered into Dark Pit's shoulder.


"You left… Just… Left… It was an accident, okay? I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Why do you always act like this whenever you hurt me?" Pit wrapped his arms around the black angel. "Why would you leave me?"

"You don't understand." Dark Pit whispered.

"Then tell me." Pit desperately held the other angel tighter. "Don't go back to that place. Don't leave me again. I need you to stay with me. Don't leave me alone."

No matter what Pit would say, Dark Pit could only whisper, "You don't understand."

The Angel of Light shoved himself out of Dark Pit's embrace and stood up. "What don't I understand?!" Pit yelled through the tears in his eyes. "Just tell me!"

"I came here to kill you!" Dark Pit blurted. He tightened his fingers into fists. "I… I only wanted your heart, don't you see? I only came here to…" His voice broke into a whisper as he lowered his head. "To kill you…"

"What…?" Pit breathed and took a step backwards. He shook his head slowly, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Pit…" Dark Pit shakily stood up and took a step closer with tears in the back of his dark blue eyes.

"N-No…" Pit had tears in his eyes too as he looked at the Angel of Darkness.

But they weren't tears of sadness.

They were of anger.

"You were just going to be my friend and then kill me?!" Pit screamed. "You manipulated me! I can't believe I tried to get you back, you monster!"

Dark Pit's body went cold.

You're a monster, nothing but darkness.

"Pit…" He took another step and reached his hand out towards the angel, but Pit smacked his hand away like it was a bug.

"Don't you touch me! I don't want to see your face anymore!" Hot tears spilled from his sapphire-blue eyes. "I hate you! I—"

Dark Pit pulled the other angel roughly back in to his arms. As he felt Pit struggle against him, he was glad for the first time in his existence that he didn't have a heart.

Because if the pain he was feeling right now hurt this much, then he was sure it would be unbearable if he had a worthless heart.

"Pit," He whispered. "Please… Take that back. Don't say that you hate me." He wasn't surprised when he felt fat tears course down his cold cheeks. Dark Pit rested his chin on Pit's head and tightened his hold around the fighting angel.

"No!" Pit screamed into Dark Pit's damp chest. His tears were sinking into the black fabric. "I hate you! I hate—"

"Stop it."

The desperation in Dark Pit's voice made the angel stop.

"But…" Pit sobbed. "You were going to kill—"

"Not anymore." Dark Pit tried desperately to reason with the Angel of Light. "I-I can't… A life without you, a world without you, Pit… It would be empty. There would be nothing special about it. It would be no different than the Underworld. The sun would be gone."

Pit's eyes widened.

"W-Well… I guess you're like the sun then. It's so beautiful that you wish you could reach up and touch it, but you can't. It's always out of reach. It provides light for all of earth and is the greatest star in the galaxy. When it's gone, you feel sad for the rest of the day and find yourself wanting it to return..."

Dark Pit tried his hardest not to let his voice crack as more tears were swallowed by Pit's light brown hair. "You chase the darkness away. I-I could never…"

He pulled the angel closer against him. "Please Pit… You're all that matters to me. D-Don't say that you hate me…"

Pit sighed and buried his face into the darker angel's chest. "You're stupid. You don't need to kill me because you already have my heart." He looked up and smiled brilliantly into Dark Pit's dark blue eyes. "I love you."

"What…?" Dark Pit breathed. His eyes widened.

Pit chuckled at the tear-streaked face before him and placed his lips over the darker angels.

Dark Pit crushed the angel against his chest to feel that splendid heart of his flutter; causing Pit to gasp into his mouth and Dark Pit to shudder.

Dark Pit smiled against Pit's blushing face.

This was all he wanted.

All he needed.

Dark PitxPit Forever.

Kir Sirin.