A/N: This is my second fanfic and I hope you like it. This idea has been stuck in the back of head for the past two weeks so I decided to write it.
Soundtrack- Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows (Look for A/N to start song)
Here's the story.
Full Summary of Hidden Love:
Bella is the new girl at Meyer Academy for Young Women, an all-girls boarding school in New York. When she arrives, she meets Alice Cullen and Rosalie Hale, her roommates. Later she meets Rosalie's brother and Alice's boyfriend, Jasper , and Alice's brothers Emmett, Rosalie's boyfriend, and Edward. Bella instantly feels a connection between Edward and herself. What she doesn't know is that Edward feels the same thing. Edward, Emmett, and Jasper attend Meyer Academy's brother school, the Cullen Academy for Boys. Edward and Bella begin a relationship. Their relationship is just starting to get serious when a scandal hits both schools. Both deans of the schools have now made rules prohibiting the boys and girls from seeing each other in an attempt to keep another scandal from occurring. Bella and her friends are desperate to find a way to see each other but can't find a way around the rules. Until one day, when Bella finds a key and a note in the basement of her dorm building. The note told her that the key opened a secret door that leads to a tunnel system that joins both the boy's dorm and the girl's dorm, but to find the door they must solve the riddles that will lead to the door. Bella goes to tell her friends and love about the note. Will they solve the riddles? Will they ever find the secret door? Will their love survive? All Human. AU. ExB. AxJ. EmxR.
Actual Story
Chapter 1: Arrival
(Bella's POV)
"Are you sure about this, Bella? You could always live with Renee," asked Charlie as we pulled into Meyer Academy for Young Women's parking lot.
"Yes, I'm sure. I'll be fine. You have your business trips and I don't want to be another burden that Mom has to deal with. Like I said, I'll be fine," I said to my dad.
"Okay, if your sure," he sighed. "Where's the main office building?"
"Over there," I said pointing in the direction of the large building with ivy-covered walls.
He pulled up to the main office where I got out of the car to get registered.
I walked into the main office where a small woman was sitting at a desk covered in papers.
"Excuse me. I'm Isabella Swan. I'm new here," I said quietly to the woman.
"Well, welcome to Meyer Academy. Let me get your paperwork." She shuffled through one of the many piles of papers on her desk until she found what she was looking for. "Here you go, dear. This is your schedule, rooming assignment, and a slip for all your teachers to sign. Just bring that back to me after classes tomorrow."
"Thank you," I said as I turned to walk back out to the car.
"I need to go to Meyer Hall," I said, looking at the map of the campus that was attached to the back of my schedule.
Charlie drove to my dorm where I got out, gathered my belongings and gave Charlie a hug.
"Bye, Dad. I'll call when I get settled," I said with a reassuring smile.
"Okay, Bells. I'll see you during the holidays, I guess," he said.
"I guess so, I'll call Mom as well. You know how she worries," I laughed quietly. Charlie laughed too.
"Bye, Bells," he said as he got into the car. He waved as he pulled out of the parking lot. I waved until I couldn't see him anymore.
I took a deep breath as I turned around to walk into my dorm building. The building itself was beautiful. It was an upperclassmen dorm and the most extravagant. The exterior was ivy-covered like all of the buildings on campus but the interior was completely different. It was modern and chic. The black leather couches and chairs I the common room contrasted well with the white plush carpet and the stark white walls.
I walked to the elevator with many pairs of eyes on me. I pushed the button for the eleventh floor where my room was located.
When I got to my floor, I walked out of the elevator to my room. On the door was a white board with the names Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale, and Isabella Swan. I put the key in the door and opened the door to find the largest dorm room I had ever seen.
To the left of the door was the kitchen area and next to that was a door. I guessed it was a bedroom because it had the name "Rosalie Hale" on it. To the right of the door was another bedroom with the name "Alice Cullen" on it. The common area was the first thing you saw when you walked into the room. The far wall was completely made of glass and overlooked the campus. Past the common area was another door that had my name on it. I walked to the door and opened it and was once again amazed. It was twice the size of my room back home. I went inside to put away my stuff. After I had finished unpacking, I heard two people laughing as they walked through the door.
I thought about just hiding in my room until they left but I didn't know if they were leaving at all so I left my room.
I walked into the common area where two of the most beautiful people I had ever seen were sitting down on one of the couches. The first was small and pixie-like with short black hair that was spiked in every direction. The other looked like a model. She was tall was shiny blond hair that flowed past her shoulders.
They both looked up at me and stopped talking. The small one was the first to regain her composure.
"Hi, you must be Isabella Swan. I'm Alice Cullen and this is Rosalie Hale. I guess your our new roommate."
"I guess so and please call me Bella," I said as I looked at the floor.
"Hey, let's go to dinner somewhere. I'll call the boys. Bella, you can come too. You need to meet some of the boys around here. This all-girl school thing gets old very fast," Alice said in her soprano voice.
"I have to admit that she's right," Rosalie said with a laugh.
"Okay. I'm done unpacking," I said, nodding towards my room.
"Great. I'll call the boys," Alice said as she picked up her cell phone and dialed a number.
"Hey, hon. Let's go to dinner. Yes, bring Emmett and Edward. We're bringing our new roommate. How 'bout Italian? Okay. Love you. Bye," Alice said quickly into the phone.
"They're coming to pick us up in a few minutes. We need to get ready," she said, walking into her room and pulling some clothes out of her closet. She walked back out of the room and threw the clothes at me. "Wear those. They'll look good on you."
"Okay," I said, slightly confused.
I went to go put the clothes on and after I came out of my room, Alice and Rosalie sat me down in a chair and did my make-up and hair. When they were done my hair was in loose curls and my make-up was natural but nice. Rosalie and Alice were already ready.
Alice's phone buzzed and she went to go answer it. "They're outside. They'll be up in a minute," she said after she hung up.
After a minute, there was a knock on the door. Alice danced over to the door to answer it. When she opened it, three of the most perfect boys were standing behind it. The first one was tall with a lean figure and shaggy blond hair. The next one was huge with dark curly hair and enormous muscles. (Start song now) The last one pretty much resembled a Greek god to me. He was tall with messy bronze hair, perfectly smooth skin, and brilliant emerald green eyes.
"Hey, hon," Alice said as she kissed the blond on the cheek.
"Hey," he said with a smile.
"Bella, this is Jasper, my boyfriend, and these are my brothers Emmett, the doof, and Edward, the smart one," Alice said with a smirk in her brothers' direction.
"I resent that and I'm smart too. Just not as smart as Edward," Emmett, the big one, said.
"Don't insult my man, even if it true," Rosalie said as she gave Emmett a peck on the lips.
"Yeah, don't insult her man," Emmett echoed with a grin.
"You really must ignore them," I heard someone say in a velvety voice behind me. I spun around to see Edward behind me. He gave me a crooked smile that melted my heart. "They really do know how to behave but it doesn't always show."
"Oh, I'm sure they do," I said with a small laugh.
"I guess your stuck with me today," he said with a grin.
I smiled back, "I don't mind. I think I can handle the smart one."
He laughed, "Oh, can you? We'll see about that."
I just laughed as we left and went down to the car. When we got downstairs I stopped in awe. In front of me was the biggest Jeep I had ever seen in my life.
"Are we riding in that?" I asked in an awed voice.
Edward laughed, "Yes. It's Emmett's."
Emmett had overheard us, "Hey what can I say? I like big things."
We all had to laugh at this. I had a feeling that I was going to be good friends with these people and I had only met them a few minutes ago. Especially Edward. I felt like there was an immediate connection between us.
We got into the Jeep; Emmett and Rosalie in the front and Jasper, Alice, Edward, and I in the back. We all talked about different things until we got to the restaurant.
When we got there, we were immediately seated which was amazing considering the fact that the place was already packed.
"How did we get in so fast?" I asked Edward quietly.
He chucked quietly, "We're kind of well-known around here. We come here almost every week. It's Alice's favorite. And our families happen to be the local celebrities around here. I personally don't like it. My family founded the boys' school in 1901 and Rosalie and Jasper's family founded the girls' school in 1918. The fame has past down from generation to generation."
"Oh. Well I guess hanging out with you guys has its benefits," I said with a grin.
Edward laughed, "Yeah, I guess it does."
After this our waiter came came to serve us. All throughout dinner I was thinking about how fast I had connected with these people, especially Edward. I was usually considered the loner but apparently that wouldn't be the case this time.
(Edward's POV)
I was with Emmett in Jasper's room laughing at Emmett because he never knew when he was being insulted or not when Jasper's phone start play My Girl.
That just made us laugh harder than before. My best friend was in a serious relationship with my little sister. I found it a little weird but they were happy so I was okay with it.
"Shut up you two," Jasper said as he went to go answer his phone.
"Hey, baby. Okay. Do I need to bring your doofus brothers? That's fine. Yes, sweetie, Italian's fine. Love you too. Bye," he said into the phone.
Emmett and I were still laughing. "Oh would you two shut up? We have to meet the girls for dinner and they're bringing their new roommate, so get off your butts so we can leave."
"Well if it makes your 'sweetie' happy, then we'll get up," Emmett snickered.
"Well, my 'sweetie' is your little sister and could easily kick your butt," Jasper shot back.
"He's got a point there," I said to Emmett.
We all walked down to Emmett's Jeep, it's the biggest, and drove to Meyer Academy. When we got there we took our time going up because we know that the girls would probably still be getting ready. Jasper called Alice to tell her we were outside though.
When we finally reached their dorm room, Jasper knocked on the door and Alice answered it.
"Hey, hon," Alice said to Jasper as she kissed him on the cheek.
"Hey," he said back.
(Start song now) Then she turned back to her room where I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. She had long shiny brunette hair that was loosely curled on the ends and skin that glowed in the light.
"Bella, this is Jasper, my boyfriend, and these are my brothers Emmett, the doof, and Edward, the smart one," I heard Alice say. She always introduced us like that way to her friends so I was used to it.
"I resent that and I'm smart too. Just not as smart as Edward," Emmett said.
"Don't insult my man, even if it true," Rosalie said as she gave Emmett a kiss.
"Yeah, don't insult her man," Emmett echoed.
As they were having their little conversation, I slipped into the room behind Bella.
"You really must ignore them," I said behind her in my velvet-like voice that makes girls melt for me. I'm not what you would call a playboy because I could easily get girls but I chose not to. I've never really found a girl that really made me happy. I've dated before but it's not my favorite thing to do. But I might have to make an exception for this girl. I just had a good feeling about her.
When she heard me she jumped and spun around. I gave her my apparently "famous" smile to calm her. "They really do know how to behave but it doesn't always show."
She smiled and giggled once. Her laugh sounded like music to my ears. "Oh, I'm sure they do," she said.
I smiled again, "I guess your stuck with me today."
She smiled and said, "I don't mind. I think I can handle the smart one."
I laughed, "Oh can you? We'll see about that."
She laughed her musical laugh again as we left. When we got to the Jeep she stopped and stared. "Are we riding in that?" she asked.
I laughed at this, "Yes. It's Emmett's."
Emmett had apparently overheard us and said, "Hey, what can I say? I like big things."
We all laughed at him as we got into the Jeep and headed towards the restaurant. I was sitting next to Bella, which I didn't mind. On the way there, we talked about random things.
When we finally got there, we were immediately seated as always. Bella looked confused, "How did we get in so fast?"
I chuckled quietly, "We're kind of well-known around here. We come here almost every week. It's Alice's favorite. And our families happen to be the local celebrities around here. I personally don't like it. My family founded the boys' school in 1901 and Rosalie and Jasper's family founded the girls' school in 1918. The fame has past down from generation to generation."
She smiled, "Oh. Well I guess hanging with you guys has its benefits."
I laughed, "Yeah, I guess it does."
All throughout dinner I was wondering why I had just connected with Bella. I guess it was just something about her. I was usually the loner when it came to certain things but I guess that just wasn't the case this time.
A/N: Well, there you go. Tell me what you think. I need to know if I should continue writing this story. REVIEW!
If you've read my other story then you will know what I'm going to say next but if you haven't then go read it and review that one too. But I'm going to tell you anyway. Being a crazed Cullen lover doesn't make you a complete psycho, it just means that you like them... a lot. :D