A/N: Well, this is the second poem of the three I have written for YYH; all of them are shounenai. Anyways, the story behind this one is as follows: Kurama has fallen in love with Yusuke and confesses, but is cruelly rejected. These are his thoughts.

6/12- Thanks to BlueDragonGirl1 for her review and grammatical correction!


It is such a simple question,
Yet can yield so many unpredictable answers.

Why do you not see it?
She only cares for you as a friend.

I could have given you more.
My heart, my soul, my love,

Why did you reject me so?
Were you so truly disgusted?

Perhaps it's wrong to love you,
But I can only follow my heart.

I see you, ever so beautiful.
Nothing can compare to you.

Sparkling eyes, bright complexion, rosy cheeks.
You are my savior, my angel, my beacon of light.

I think of you all the time.
You never wander from my mind.

You may have destroyed our relationship,
But my love for you lives on.

However unwanted.

I hope you enjoyed it. Please review.