A/n: Well, this is my first fanfic. I can tell you now, it's not going to be the best in the world. And I'm sorry for that. But as I write more, I should get better. So constructive criticism would be nice. And yes, I do cuss a lot. There will be a lot of cussing in this story. So here's a better summary.

Bella, Rose, and Alice go to college in Juneau. At UAS, Lauren's there. And so are the Cullen boys. To what extent will Lauren go to go get Edward? What ever will Bella do to stop her? What prank's will they play? And just what the hell is Emmett doing what those bananas?!

"Hurry…up!" I heard Rose growl for what seemed to be only the millionth time.

"OKAY! Jesus, she acts like there's a fire or something." I muttered under my breath. Or so I thought…

"Isabella Marie Swan!"

Ah, crap. Here we go.

"I heard that and you know how I hate being late. And that's what we're going to be if you don't move you little ass out here, down the hall, and into that damn goded, ugh! The fucking car! Get in the damn car, Bella."

"Bravo. Why don't you chill the fuck out, Rose? Christ, we aren't going to be late okay, we're going to college. Not a job interview."

At that exact moment, Alice came bounding in the room with a bag full of boxes.

Boxes of tampons.

"Who's on their period? Not I."

"Not I," I said.

"Put down the tampons, Alice. And nobody gets hurt." Rose said in a deadly calm voice. Which scared us even more then her just being on her period.

Once everything we could possibly fit into the M3 was packed, we hit the road.

Impending doom awaits us on this trip. Joy.

It was only 1,483 miles from Forks, Washington to Juneau, Alaska. About 1 day and 18 hours, without stopping. We really didn't want to stay at a hotel, so we alternated driving. Rose was driving now, as Alice had just got done.

Eventually, we got hungry. And we went to none other than…


"Yes, I'd like 3 pounds of fat. Preferably for my ass, please." Rose spat. "What do you guys want?"

"Then norm," I mumbled, half asleep.


"Uhh…um…a…no…how about a…nah…"

"Dammit! Just choose!"

"What Bella got!" Alice answered. Slightly afraid.

"Drink." Rose ordered.

"D.P. all the way!" I shouted.

"A sweet tea, Rose."

"Hello, can I take you order?"

Ugh. I totally don't get that.

"Yeah, I'd like two, 2 cheeseburger meals, one with a Dr. Pepper, and one with a sweet tea. And a grilled chicken salad. With a coke, please."

"Anything else?" said a heavenly voice.

"Nope, that'll do it."

When we pulled up to the first window, we all whispered "Holy. Shit."

Standing there, with an open-mouthed expression of his own, was an extremely gorgeous emo guy. I decided to have a little fun. My hood was up, so I pulled it away from my face and looked at him.

His eyes went even wider, if that was possible. I smiled and tapped Rose on the shoulder.

"Go!" I whispered in her ear.

Boy, she went, all right. Me and Alice were slammed into the seat, and just about me the windshield face-to-face when she stopped.

"I didn't say kill us, I just said go!" I said jokingly.

"Well, it's not my fault my car likes to go." She said.

"Alice, Alice hun, are you okay?" I asked. Her eyes were huge like she just saw someone slaughter a pony, or something; her mouth portrayed the same thing. Her tiny frame was shaking. Poor thing. Traumatized by the extremely hot emo guy a McDonalds. She'll forever be scarred.

A little down the road, Kid Rock's 'So Hott' came on.

"Oh my god!!" we screamed in unison. This wasn't just one of our favorite songs, this was our song. We were all dancing to the intro when the real fun began. (A/n: Normal is all of them, Italic is Bella, Underlined is Alice, and Bold is Rose.)

You got a body like the devil and you smell like sex
I can tell you're trouble but I'm still obsessed

Because you know you're
SO HOT I wanna get you alone
SO HOT I wanna get you stoned
SO HOT I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna fuck you like I'm never gonna see you again

Come on

You're like the kiss of death, like the hand of faith
I can tell you're trouble but I still wanna taste

Because you know you're
SO HOT I wanna get you alone
SO HOT I wanna get you stoned
SO HOT I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna fuck you like I'm never gonna see you again

Because you know you're
SO HOT I wanna get you alone
SO HOT I wanna get you stoned
SO HOT I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna fuck you like I'm never gonna see you again

You're So Hot, I wanna get you alone
I wanna get you stoned
I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna fuck you like I'm never gonna see you again
See you again
See you again

It was my turn driving, we were in British Columbia, we were all happy and really had to pee. Eventually, with full bladders and desperate hopes, we found one.

"Go! Go! Go! I'm about to piss my pants! I call a toilet first!" I shouted.

"Bitch please! It's whoever gets the toilet first!" Rose shouted right back.

Alice just squealed, letting us know that if there was only one stall available, she was going to get it. If not, she'd probably piss in the M3, and Rose wasn't having anything remotely close to that.

"Shit, Alice! Go!" me and Rose ordered.

"I can't move!" she sobbed. She dragged out the 'o' while doing so.

Rose's eyes got real big, and I hung my head, and muttered 'Dammit' knowing what was coming next.

"Commence Plan Don't You Pee In My Car Alice! Bella, NOW!" Rose shouted practically at the top of her lungs, drawing unwanted attention to us. We, undoubtedly, looked like a trio of mentally challenged teens. What, with Rosalie and her screaming, Alice and her sobbing, and me and my open-mouthed 'you've got to be kidding me' look, it would be hard to not stick us in the loony bin. We got looks from the great citizens of British Columbia. Looks that could only be described as 'what the fuck are they doing driving a car?' looks.

"Aw, come on, Rose. Do we really have-" I started to say but was but off by a livid Rosalie.

"Pick. Her. Up. Now, Isabella."

I knew I was in trouble because she used my whole first name. Luckily, the top was down, so it was easy to pick up a whopping 102 pound Alice. I picked her up bridal style and started jogging towards the ladies bathroom, which was on the other side of the building. Go figure. All the while Alice is still sobbing, Rose is about to bulldoze me out of the way, and I'm yelling at Alice to unbutton her pants, so she doesn't pee on them. Oh, boy. That earned us some more looks.

The only bathroom that was open was the handicapped one. This is going to be great, I thought. Yes, you probably guessed correctly. We did all go into the only one open. Honestly, it's not that big of a deal. We grew up together. Never spent more than a week apart. So, going into the same stall, who cares? Maybe the Canadians, but they'll just have to deal.

After the great toilet escapade, we got back on the road. But not for long! We had to get on the Prince Rupert Ferry to actually get to Juneau. Who knew it would be such a pain in the ass? I've never had a fear of boats, but I never nessissarily loved the things either.

Alice was darting around. Just going every-fucking-where. Rosalie was inside drinking a coffee. And I walked around the ferry. First I started at the bow, made my way down the port, and ended at the stern, made my way up the starboard and back to the bow. It was nothing to exciting to a normal person, but to Alice, it was like a kid in a candy store.

Finally, we made it to UAS.

And it…was amazing.

A/n: I hope you liked it! I know it's not every long, but I'm working on that.
For all of you who don't know the technical terms for boats the bow is the front, port is the left side, stern is the back, and starboard is the right. If I offended any Canadians, sorry.
Tell me what you think!