Warning: Abuse and brotherly lerv XD

Disclaimer: i own EVERYTHING! As you are reading this you have now become mine! BOW TO ME!!

CHAPTER 1: The Secret

Blood. That's all he could see. Gods. There was so much of it.

'Why does he do this to me? Why does father hate me so much?'

Those were the thoughts running through Sasuke's mind. Those were the thoughts that always ran through his mind after his father beat him. As Sasuke's senses started to return to him again he could start to smell the alchohol that was still lingering in the air. Sasuke was just lyeing there on the hard wooden floor letting the same old thoughts run through his mind. 'The house is quiet' Sasuke thought. 'Father usually takes a nap after he's done beating me, Mother must still be working at the hospital and Itachi said he was going to a friends house after school', he had asked Sasuke if he wanted to tag along but Sasuke said he would be fine and had an essay he needed to do anyway. Why didn't he listen to his brother?

Sasuke tried to sit up. Big mistake, there was a sharp pain in his stomach, one or two of his ribs must be broken. His father usually tried to avoid hitting places like the face and lower arms and legs so that his and Sasuke's little 'Secret' wouldn't get out.

After coughing up some blood he headed out of the empty room (Sasuke's family is quite rich and lives in a large house but not as big as a mansion, so his father thought it would be fun to set aside a room for him and Sasuke but he kept little devises in there like whips, bats, chains, and knives but he wasn't stupid and said that, that was his private study and didn't want anyone going in there he also put a lock on the door to make sure nobody went in. The maids did as they were told, Mikoto probably forgot about it by now and Itachi couldn't care less.) and walked through the halls. It was Friday so there were rarely any maids in the huge house. Once he reached his room he slowly opened the door and stepped in. He looked around, he had navy blue wall paper with a matching bedspread and oak floors. He limped across the room and looked at the clock 7:37pm. Itachi said he would be home at 8:00. And he was usually a little bit early when Sasuke was alone with his father. Itachi knew that Sasuke and his father didn't like each other and had once or twice walked in on him and Fugaku(father) having a fight. But Itachi had no idea what really went on. As for Mikoto(mother), she didn't pay much attenton to Sasuke. Some people would have called it neglect but Sasuke didn't care. He didn't need her. He was just fine with Itachi. He only needed Itachi.

Sasuke finally looked away from the clock and limped towards the closet. he pulled out some pajamas, nothing special just a grey shirt and navy blue sweat pants. Then headed for the bath room. He turned on the lights and stepped in. The bathroom was mostly white he was never one for decoration. He closed the door and locked it. Then turned to the mirror to survey his face and just as he suspected there was no damage. He lifted up his shaggy bangs to get a closer look. there was a small bruise on the side of his forehead but that it and since it was covered by his bangs he had nothing to worry about. Then he looked at his arms and much to his disappointment there were small bruises all over them and the same with his leggs.

"Stupid bastard" he muttered to himself. He then carefully pulled off his shirt but when he started to lift up his shirt he winced.His ribs were definitley broken. He sigh and pulled it the rest of the way and then tossed the blood stained shirt aside. When he opened his eyes(wich were closed because of the pain) he stared wide eyed at the mirror. His torso was a complete mess. There was a long gash going from his right collar bone to the other side of his stomach. It wasn't bleeding much anymore but it stung once it met the cool air. There were also some minor cuts and a shit load of bruises, especially on his back, he opened the drawer and pulled out some disinfectant.

"Sasuke? Sasuke, are you in the?" Oh. My. God. Itachi was home! How come he didn't hear him coming into his room?

"Yea, I'm in here aniki." he tried to sound as relaxed as possible."I'm just changing"

"Why are you changing so early? It's only 8pm"he said slight curiosity in his voice.

"I know I'm just tired" he then changed as quickly as he could. "OK, well anyway I stopped at a movie store on the way home and rent some movies. I'll wait for you in my room." He heard his bedroom door being shut. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, with one last look in the mirror he gathered up his dirty clothes and threw them in the hamper for the maids to pick up. Then he opened his door and headed to Itachi's room, he hoped Itachi rented a scary movie so that he would have an excuse to snuggle up to his Nii-san. He really wanted to be held right now. He was only eight after all.

He finally reached Itachi's room and opened the door. He saw Itachi putting in a movie to watch on his big screen T.V. (I've always wanted one of them sob T-T) then sat on the couch and patted the seat motioning for Sasuke to 'come here'. Sasuke put on his signature smile (and did his best to hide his limp) and made his way over to Itachi.

He crawled up on the couch and snuggled close to Itachi. Itachi wrapped an arm around him and reached over and grabbed the remote with his free hand and clicked 'play' and started the movie. Sasuke curled up into a ball and rested his head on Itachi's lap while Itachi thoughtfully stroked his hair. As the movie started showing the FBI warning and all that crap nobody cares about, Sasuke turned his head and stared up at his Nii-san. Itachi had changed into his pajamas too. He had taking his hair out of his usually loose pony tail. Sasuke loved it when he did that. He loved the way it hung like a beautiful black curtain. when Sasuke was about two years old he'd sit and play with Itachi's hair for what seemed like hours at a time. Itachi was truly beautiful. That's one of the reasons the town loved him so much. That and he was a genius. He graduated high school at only age fifteen. He was eighteen now and was going to a highly respected college not too far away. Everyone loved him. Sasuke couldn't help but get jealous. Nobody ever payed attention to Sasuke. Itachi looked down and noticed a wierd face Sasuke was giving him.

"Yes, Otouto? Are you OK?" Sasuke quickly turned his head back to the T.V.

"What movie are we watching, aniki?"he asked innocently "A scary movie?"

"Yes, you do like scary movies don't you?"

"Yes" A smile grace the younger brother's lips, then he sat up and gave Itachi a peck on the forehead then got back into position.

"What was that for?" Itachi smiled at Sasuke's cuteness. "For paying attention to me".

Itachi kept a small smile on his face but felt guilt crawling in his stomach. He hated how everyone treated Sasuke. They always walked past him and acted like he wasn't even alive, like he was some insect that was getting in peoples way. Even his own Mother ignored him like someone she had to tolerate. He hated them, all of them for that.

He saw Sasuke's breathing regulate wich told him Sasuke had fallen asleep. He stopped the movie and put sasuke into his bed then walked around to the other side and got in. After he pulled the covers up securely over Sasuke, wrapped his arm around him and he too fell asleep.

Ok thank you fer reading this crap i know that this was really boring but i just wanted to...you know...set the story er wat ever you call it.

i know the story is very boring and stuff but i have to warn you i've got a SICK mind. seriously. so if i get good reviews then there going to be blood, violence, abuse, rape, torture and all that good stuff in the future. Maybe yaoi if you'd like!