Thank you Kai-Seiyen for being my first reviewer!!

Note: This chapter is rated for Blue's cursing.

Last Time:

Great, I'm stuck with Mr. Short-Tempered, a sissy boy, Vio, and I'm also stuck in another guy's body. My life is screwed, isn't it?

But something in my gut tells me this is only the beginning. Someone please tell me I'm wrong…

Chapter Three: Another Adventure Awaits

Ughh…I hate today…My head hurts as if someone ran over my brain or something…Too lazy to think…Five more minutes…

There was a sigh. It wasn't me…who is it that dares interrupt my sleep? They're so going to die later… "Green, wake up. It's almost afternoon." Said a voice.

Shut up—wait…Did he just say afternoon?! I slept in that late? Oh crap…I'm not used to this, I used to sleep and only roam at night…Now I'm "Green" I have to change that, great. Just great. Goddesses, you hate me don't you?

I yawned and pulled the covers over my head. I turned away from the voice. "Five more minutes…" I mumbled, inside my little cocoon also known as my bed sheets. Boy was it warm in here.

The nice half of my conscious kept squabbling and telling me to wake up. Screw my nice side, I'm sleeping. Its warm and comfy…Zelda's castle have nice things…Zzz…

"Come on, rise and shine sleepy head!" Chimed in a new voice. Oh crap, it's Red…isn't it? Can't he tell I'm most certainly not a morning person? "I know it's warm in there, but you have to wake up Green! Blue's going to take all the hot water!"

Oh dammit Blue, don't you dare take up all the water… "Urk, I'll kill you Blue…Don't you take up the water…" I grumbled in my sleep. E-eh? Its cold…Red must have pulled the covers off of me now. I covered my eyes with my arm and continued to sleep.

"Kill me? You're barely awake." Snapped the annoying voice of non-other than Blue. Great. He heard me, I'm dead. All I ever wanted was to sleep. Possibly sleep the whole day, but no. I had to wake up. "Get up, 'ya lazy ass."

I felt someone push me out of my bed, I rolled over and unfortunately, I rolled off the bed. My left shoulder collided with the hard wooden floor with a loud THUMP. Blue, I'm going to fucking kill you…I swear. When I get my body back, I'll so rip him to pieces…

"Eek! Green, are you okay?" Red cried out in a worried tone. At least someone cares…

"Who cares…" Blue muttered. "Red, let's go eat and leave him already."

"E-eh, okay then Blue…" Red pulled me up. Ouch, my shoulder hurts. "I hope you're okay, Green. I'm really sorry!"

There were footsteps, then a sound of the door closing. Great, they left. I pulled myself to the bed again and fixed it. Damn Blue, hurting my shoulder…Well, Green's shoulder, actually. Slowly, I fixed the bed and went to take a bath.

I was just changing when the door slammed open. I jumped and turned around. Crap, let's hope this isn't Zelda or something. I'm only in leggings, and I was just about to put on a black tunic; I found Green's style a bit…clashing to my own style.

"O-oh, sorry. I didn't know you were in here…" It was Vio, and he was putting his book down. "I came in here to grab my sword, you know, just in case." He eyed me. I kinda feel violated, ya know…but I kept it to myself.

"It's o-okay, I'm just changing." I answered, pulling my tunic over my head.

"You're not going to put an undershirt on?" Vio did his little habit of flipping through the pages of his book. Maybe he's just stalling to talk to me, I don't know. I learned not to always trust what Vio's saying, since he betrayed me before…Man, I got to get over the past…

"Hmm?" I looked down. Whoops, I guess I forgot. "Well…it's probably going to get warm today anyways. So I don't worry about it."

He looked at me again. "You look strange with black on, Green. You remind me of Shadow."

Seriously, this boy misses me too much. Why? I was evil to him. I treated him like all the others (excluding when I trusted him). I was on the dark side, why would he even think about me? "Oh really?" I answered. "I-I hadn't noticed."

Vio shrugged and strapped on his sword. "Well…" He sighed. "See you at breakfast…or lunch, if we're truly late."

Just as he walked out of the room, my stomach growled. Guess I hadn't eaten anything the whole day yesterday…I too, strapped on my Four Sword (well, it's mine now) and got out the door, making sure to lock it behind me.

"Green, I'm glad you're finally awake!" Zelda greeted us with a smile. "I got worried that you were in there for so long. Anyone care for lunch instead of breakfast?"

Blue's stomach growled, and loudly at that. "Heck, I'll eat anything right now."

Red giggled. "No you won't, silly! You wouldn't eat books!!"

Vio smiled to the group. "You're right, but Blue, if you ate some books maybe the logic will transfer to your brain. You don't seem like you like to read."

"I'm not stupid, Vio!" Growled Blue, who was glaring angrily at Vio.

I guess I came in just in time. Great, time to eat! I took a seat next to Vio. Zelda sat in the front, Blue sat next to Red. Many maids came to present the food. They looked delicious, the food I mean.

Everyone started eating quietly. It wasn't until Vio stopped eating when we started to talk. "Princess Zelda, I have a question to ask. Many questions actually." He started, looking at his food with disinterest.

Zelda stopped eating as well. "What is it, Link?"

"First, call me Vio. Second, I wanted to know why you made Green pull out the Four Sword. Nothing seems to be in danger…"

"Ah, I'm actually pretty glad you ask." Zelda paused, as if thinking for the right words. "It's actually about Shadow Link."

I almost choked on my lunch. Quickly, I downed some water and started to cough violently. Vio gave me a pat on the back. Everyone returned their attention back to Zelda, even me.

Vio raised a brow. "Shadow?"

I gulped. I hope she won't tell everyone now I'm not Green. I'm truly scared, scared that everyone would try to kill me. I don't want to die…

Zelda smiled at everyone. "Yes, Shadow Link. I have heard some rumors in the villages around that he has returned."

Blue smirked. "So you want us to kill him or something?"

I choked again, this time on my own spit. They do want to kill me! I felt Vio nudge me in the stomach. I looked at him, he gave me a weird questioning look. I turned away and faked sipping some water.

"Of course not…Blue, is it?"

"Yes, it's Blue."

Zelda sighed. "I don't want you guys to harm Shadow Link. I want you guys to help him."

Vio crossed his arms. "So, let me get this straight. You asked Green to pull out the Four Sword just to have us help you find Shadow Link?"

Zelda nodded. "But take notice, he may be hard to find. And when you find him, please don't hate him for what he has done."

"That's all?" Blue blurted out.

"No, that's not all." She announced. "Actually, I wanted you guys to do another thing for me."

Red piped in this time. "Which is?"

"Fine the great fairy." She answered.

I coughed violently again. Damn water. "T-the great Fairy?" I managed to splutter out through my coughs. "But she's just a legend, isn't she?"

Zelda shook her head. "I don't believe so. That's why there are fairies in this world, isn't it? By the help of the great fairy. Seems that she's the closest thing to the Goddesses we have, besides the Triforce."

"Why do we need her help, Princess?" Red questioned, looking curiously at the girl.

"And what does this have to do with Shadow?" Vio added, looking somewhat intrigued.

"I cannot answer all your questions, but the answers will appear in due time." Zelda took a long drink of water. "But, I believe one thing. Shadow's in dire need of help."

Wait…when she said "Shadow's in dire need of help" does she mean me, or does she mean Green? Since I'm in Green's body, doesn't that make him in mine? My head hurts from all this thinking…Why does it all have to be so confusing? Where was my body now?

As if Vio read my thoughts he asked, "Why do you mean? Shadow's in dire need of help? Is he dying?" He seemed panicky, perhaps I really had found a friend in him all along…

Zelda shook her head. "I cannot answer that much. Find the great Fairy and ask her."

"Where is the great firefly or…fairy or whatever she is anyways?" Blue asked, looking skeptical.

"You should go into the forest first," Zelda answered, "There is someone in there that can answer where fairies are from. Perhaps you can find a lead there."

"You mean the forest to the east?" Vio questioned. "The one past Lake Hylia?"

Zelda nodded. "Yes, that one. You seem to know the way very well Vio."

"Ah, I do…" Vio answered. "I've been there when Shadow Link appeared." He looked at me.

Was Vio on to me? Or does he already know I'm Shadow? Whatever it is, I hope he doesn't hate me for it…I still want some friends around…Haha.

"So, I trust you know the way then Vio." Zelda smiled accomplishedly. "Anyways, I shall ask the maids to get your packs ready for tomorrow! Today, you can do as you wish, but not show yourselves as the Four Sword Heroes in town. I don't want people to cause a riot."

Vio nodded. "Understood." He looked at the rest of us. "No walking around Castle Town."

Blue yawned. "Yeah, yeah. You didn't have to repeat it like we're stupid or anything…" He grumbled, grabbing his cup of water and guzzling it down quickly.

"Oh, you're not?" Vio raised a brow. He looked a bit amused as well. "Who was it that got in trouble with father? Certainly it wasn't me."

Blue glared at Vio again. "Well…it kinda was."

Red pouted. "Guys, please stop fighting! We have to get along!"

"Funny, I usually hear this when Green and Blue are fighting…" Vio said, pushing his chair in. Hey! When did he get out of his seat? Hmm, I guess I never noticed.

"Where're 'ya going?" I asked him.

He looked at me. "Somewhere."

"But guys, Daddy said he grounded us…" Red started to cry randomly again. Geez, he has emotional issues or something…Sometimes, Green's other three sides scare me. A lot, at that.

Zelda smiled. "You can always wander around the castle."

Blue got up and grunted. "I'm going to train."

"All brawns and no brains." Vio scoffed. "Useless."

"Okay, you have something against me or somethin' Vio?!" Blue strolled over to Vio and jabbed a finger at him. "'Cuz you and me, we can have an all out brawl if you want!" He reached for his Four Sword.

Something tells me Blue's not going to be happy after this fight. Intuition, I guess.

Red grabbed Blue's arm. "Blue, please stop picking fights! It's not very nice, and I hate it when you're all mad at each other!" He protested, trying to pull Blue away from Vio, who was standing there looking at Blue as if he were crazy. I guess he was kinda…ya' know…crazy.

Blue turned around and roughly hit Red on the head with his hammer. What kind of an insane person carries a hammer along with them? Okay, I'm so convinced that Blue's an insane person trying to kill us all…and they call me crazy…Geez, Blue sure takes the cake for this one.

"Shut up, Red!" Blue fumed and stomped out the room. Note to self: Never piss Blue off more than necessary.

Red stood there, crying over his head wound. Ugh, am I actually feeling bad for such a crybaby? I must be getting soft…

Vio sighed. "Let Blue be Blue, Red. Leave him alone for the day so he can get over it. You know he's the short-tempered one."

"Wahhh! I think I shrank!" Red sobbed. "It hurts!"

Zelda stepped in. "Why don't we look at your head, Red? Come on, come with me." And she led the poor boy out of the room.

Goddesses, I really am getting soft. I'm feeling bad for a crybaby. A sixteen-ish year old boy who happened to cry like there's no tomorrow. I'm going to go insane if I'm not back in my body soon. Trust me, if the Four Sword Heroes don't kill me, I think my sanity will.

Maybe the Goddesses want me to feel bad for people…Nah, they're probably up there, in their comfortable clouds and what-not; laughing at me. Yes, laughing at me and enjoying their snacks and such, watching me as if I were some kind of entertainment!!

My imagination scares me, sometimes. Okay, no more "goddesses are laughing at you" stuff. Get yourself together, Shadow Link! You're a strong boy, you've survived worse than this.

So I'm living in another person's body. I survived day one, didn't I? Yes…I'm going to be just fine.

"Hey, Green." Vio looked at me with strange eyes. Maybe I'm not going to be just fine.

"Hmm?" I answered back, looking at him.

"Do you think we'll find the Great Fairy at all?"

"Why do you ask?"

Vio sighed. "I'm worried, okay?"

Oh? Worried? He didn't seem like the type…plus, why is he telling me this? Why not Red? He seemed much more caring. Heck, ask Zelda!

"Why?" Sometimes, I hate my curiosity too. Why did I even ask?

"If Shadow's in danger, it's obvious I'm worried, isn't it?" He asked.

Is he trying to tell me something, or am I just over thinking this? "He's…fine, I'm sure."

"Plus, why were you so into telling me that he was dead yesterday?" His cold blue eyes met mine. "But Zelda here, thinks he's alive. If she made you pull out the Four Sword, she would have probably told you what she was planning, right?"

I gulped. "I-I don't know. She never told me." I grabbed my left shoulder, which had been stinging a bit. "She just led me to the shrine and asked me to pull out the sword."

"Oh…I see." Vio turned around and walked away. I stood there, watching him leave. Did he buy it?

(Vio's POV)

"I-I don't know. She never told me. She just led me to the shrine and asked me to pull out the sword."

"Oh…I see." Something tells me he's not telling the truth. Whatever it is, I'll find out.

I don't know if I'm scared to find out, or if I'm going to be glad I know. Hopefully whatever Green's hiding will lead us to Shadow.

Taking a left turn to the library, I thought for a bit longer. If my suspicions were correct, and this boy—whoever he is—isn't really Green, then…if Zelda say's Shadow's in danger…what does it all mean? I don't get it. Where does this all add up? Green pulled out the sword, and Blue, Red, and I split into four again. Only Green could have done that…

Unless…No…There's no way Shadow could possess Green. Zelda had already said it, he was in danger. No…no, there should be another reason for that…wait, what if Shadow possessed Green because he was in danger! Then what could have happened to the body? Bodies don't just disappear…though, Shadow's a shadow in the first place. Do bodies even matter? Then what happened to Green's consciousness? Was it locked while Shadow was in charge?

Maybe I was over thinking this? No…it seemed somewhat logical.

But it doesn't explain how Shadow is alive…

Quietly, I began to search the grand library for books. Any book that can help me. Just any. This library has a lot of books, old, new…I'm sure any of those could help me. But…what am I really looking for? Shadow possession? Spells? Magic books? Fairies? Maybe this giant book of magic could help…

The book had a beautiful cover. It was purple with gold on the edges. Apparently people took more care in the cover than the inside it self. Slowly, I opened the said book. It looked used, the pages were worn from fingers flipping through the pages. The paper was yellow, old, and some of the pages were wrinkled. That didn't stop me, at least the words were still somewhat legible. Sure, some of them faded, but I can make out most of it.

Sitting down and reading, I sighed deeply. Let's hope my guesses were correct, and Zelda's legend about the Fairy was true; because I get the feeling something bad would happen if we ran out of time.

And time, was something I think we don't have much of.