The Tanuki and the Crow

Deep within the Hidden Village of Sand, in a tall house built of adobe bricks and sand, something stirred.

Two figures were moving silently in the darkness, their bodies concealed by shadows. The spindly legs of the one were entwined somewhat awkwardly around the small body of the other. The other's arms, in turn, were wrapped around the back of the one. Their bodies writhed and squirmed like twisted snakes. Sweat flowed in small rivers down their backs.

The uke gasped and moaned in pleasure. The seme was silent, for he could not speak. He merely lay on top of the uke, letting the uke do all the work. But the uke did not care. Ripples of ecstasy ran down his body.

I hope my brother doesn't find out about this, he thought. He won't be happy.

The uke grabbed the seme's long, wavy hair in his fists and stepped up the pace, his hips rapidly rising and falling. The clicking sound grew rapid, and the bed began to creak.

"Crow!" hissed the uke. "Crow!"

The seme remained silent. The uke's breath came out in frantic little gasps, as the orgasm built up within him. Then he came, and a great tsunami of bliss crashed down upon his small, naked body.

"My crow," whispered the uke. "My beautiful crow."

Downstairs, a door opened, and a figure walked slowly through the hallway, his sandals making a gentle fap-fap sound. The uke tensed himself. He hoped it wasn't who he thought it was.

The footsteps came closer, as the figure walked down the landing. He opened the door.

It was who the uke thought it was. He recognised the figure, which bore a resemblance to a two-legged and rather heavy-set cat. Except it wasn't a cat, it was his brother, in his puppeteer's garb, back from a meeting with the village council.

The room was flooded with light. Kankuro took one look at the scene before him, and buried his head in his hands. Normally he would never dare to speak sharply to his younger brother, for fear of death, but he was tired, sweating profusely, and his joints ached. He was not in the mood for this.

"Gaara," he barked, "what have I told you about messing around with Karasu? How many fucking times? He's a battle puppet, not a sex toy!"

It was lucky for Kankuro that Gaara was too tired and too happy to kill him. Normally Gaara threatened his brother with death if Kankuro so much as looked at him the wrong way.

Sighing, Kankuro pointed towards the bathroom. "Get in there, and clean yourself up, please. And don't ever let me catch you doing this again." He went into the room and picked Karasu up from the bed. The puppet would need a lot of cleaning, judging by the stains on him.

It was at times like this when Kankuro wished he was an only child.