Author's Note: This is my sophomore story attempt! I promise you, it's a Tommy-Kim story... even though it may not seem like it right away! Also, I'm disregarding DinoThunder for the purposes of this fic. (Sorry DT fans... It just gave me way too many characters to work with!)

This takes place approximately 10 years after MMPR ended.

And by the way, I don't own Power Rangers. That's all Saban, or Disney... or whoever. :-)

Chapter 1


"Hey, handsome."

"Hey sweetie. Where are you?"

"At the church. Where are you?"

"On my way to the church."

"Well, good. I just missed the sound of your voice."

"Liar. You're calling to see if I'm going to be on time."

"Alright, you caught me. But, really… do you blame me?"

Tommy chuckled. "I guess not. I don't have a very good track record."

"So you'll be here soon?"

"Of course I will."

"Alright. I love you, baby."

Tommy's heart warmed at the sound of his fiancée's thick Australian accent, and he pictured her smiling face before uttering, "I love you too." Then he snapped his phone shut and climbed into the passenger seat of Jason Scott's truck.

"He's on his way. I told you he wouldn't be late," Katherine said triumphantly as she passed the phone back to her maid-of-honor, Tanya Sloan.

"I'm glad to let you win this one, girl. I would have killed him if he was late to his own wedding," she responded, lifting her sweeping yellow gown away from her feet and making her way across the room to her purse. "It's almost 'go' time. Are you ready?"

"I'm so ready!" she responded enthusiastically, pushing a strand of blonde hair away from her face.

Tanya stepped back to her friend's side and began adjusting the elaborate train on her gown. "I'm so happy for you!" she said, admiring Kat's image in the mirror. She was tall and thin, with shining blue eyes and glistening blonde hair. Her dress was a shiny white satin with several gathers in the skirt and a long rounded train.

Katherine sighed as she turned to take in her own reflection. She had been planning this wedding as a far-off fantasy for months, but seeing herself in her wedding gown finally made it all seem like reality. She was thrilled about marrying Tommy. In all truth, he was the only man she'd ever loved, and despite their roller coaster relationship, she knew deep down that this was the right thing for both of them. She had never been more confident about a decision in her life; yet, in the back of her mind was a nagging feeling she just couldn't shake.

Something's wrong.

She shook her head, desperately trying to rid herself of the vague suspicion that hung in her mind. She was lost deep in thought when the door to the dressing room burst open, and another gorgeous young woman dressed in yellow bounced in.

"Alright, girl, Tommy and Jason just pulled up. Are you ready for your veil?" Aisha Campbell said excitedly, rubbing her hands together in anticipation.

Katherine paused to look at herself in the mirror one last time, while Aisha and Tanya exchanged nervous glances.

"Kat, what's wrong?" Tanya inquired hesitantly.

"I'm not sure… Something just doesn't feel right. Like, something bad's going to happen."

Aisha sighed as she began to pin her long white veil into her light hair. "It's the 'too-good-to-be-true' syndrome. Seriously, you're marrying a great guy! And everything's working out beautifully! I'm sure it's natural to doubt all that, but really… Just enjoy the ride! You deserve to be happy. You both do." She guided Katherine's shoulders back towards the mirror, and she and Tanya stood on either side.

Kat gazed at herself with her two best friends. This was a true Kodak moment. The three of them together looked absolutely beautiful. She took a deep breath, and turned towards Aisha.

"You're right. This is the happiest day of my life. I'd better enjoy it," Kat said quietly, blinking back a small tear. Aisha wrapped her in a hug, and Tanya soon joined. The three clutched each other for a moment before there was a quick knock on the door.

"Ladies? Are you ready?" rang out the voice of Adam Park.

The three exchanged glances, before Tanya grabbed Aisha's arm and turned back to Kat. "See you at the altar!" she exclaimed, before the two yellow clad women made their way to the door, leaving Kat alone with her thoughts.

"I swear, if you adjust that tie one more time, I'm going to choke you with it," Jason hissed. He and Tommy stood at the front of the church as the last few guests made their way to their seats. The pews were filled with friends and family, but most predominantly former rangers, some of which Tommy didn't even know. He had lost touch with several of the most recent ranger teams. It had been over a decade since Tommy last donned the ranger mantle, but he was still legendary among the power ranger teams, and when word got out that Tommy Oliver was marrying another former ranger, it spread like wildfire.

Tommy turned to face his best man. Jason had been a consistent guiding light in Tommy's life since the day he moved to Angel Grove. He had always been there for Tommy to look to, whether he was a ranger or not, and today was no exception. "Thanks, bro," he uttered quietly.

"For what? Threatening to kill you?" Jason replied sarcastically.

Knowing that this could push them down the path of being overly sentimental, Tommy decided not to push the issue. The two of them had strong images to uphold, and they couldn't do that if they were getting teary-eyed about their meaningful friendship. So Tommy nodded knowingly and let it drop. He knew that deep down, Jason knew what his gratitude was for.

The music changed suddenly, signaling them that the ceremony was about to begin. The two men straightened their posture and took their places next to the altar.

The first person to appear at the back of the aisle was Tommy's mother, escorted by Adam. She was beaming with pride for her son, and was visibly trying to hold back tears. Adam escorted her to the front pew as she blew a discreet kiss towards her son. Then Adam retreated to the back of the church to continue his duties as usher.

Next was Katherine's mother, escorted by Rocky DeSantos. She was making no effort to control her tears of joy, and they fell freely down her cheeks.

Aisha's bright smile appeared at the back of the church, and her obvious confidence soothed Tommy's nerves instantly. She took the arm of Tommy's other groomsman, his brother David, and the pair made their way to the front of the church.

Once the two had taken their respective spots on either side of the altar, Tanya began her trek down the aisle. She smiled brightly at guests as she walked by, her arms filled with a large, brightly colored bouquet. She winked at Tommy as she turned to stand beside Aisha.

Tommy took a deep breath. This is it… he thought to himself. The music shifted again to the bridal march, and the expectant guests stood and shifted their attention to the rear of the church.

The music played several bars, but the doorway at the back of the church remained empty. Tommy fidgeted with his tie one last time. The suspense was killing him.

Quiet whispers spread through the crowd as the guests remained on their feet. Finally, a figure appeared in the doorway – not dressed in a white gown, but a tuxedo.

From his spot in the doorway, Adam strained to make eye contact with Tommy. When he did, he raised his arms up in a panicked shrug. The whispers turned to startled gasps as Adam made his way hurriedly to the front of the church.

"Tommy! She's gone!" he stammered.