(A/N): Alright people, as promised, here it is! Part two in the

Don't Rub the Lamp!series! YAY!! :Throws streamers and confetti into the air: Anyway, I really hope I can meet the standard that you guys expect. I don't wanna let any of you wonderful readers/reviewers down. It really is you guys that keep me going.

For those of you who care, I am now officially a senior! I passed all my classes which means that next year is smooth sailing for me (only three core classes while the rest are fine art classes). This summer I'm going to be working at least 20 hrs. a week and I'll be performing in a summer program of Grease (I'm going out for the part of Frenchie. Wish me luck). But, writing this story is still at the top of the list.

For those of you who are newbie's, I HIGHLY SUGGEST you read the first installment, Don't Rub the Lamp!. This story won't make any sense unless you do. I would also LIKE for you to read the songfic series, Don't Rub the Lamp! The Musical, but it's not necessary to understand the story, allthough it does help give a bit of a back story for Sarah and Lisa and fills in a bit of the time between Aladdin and The Return of Jafar.

I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter!

Love you all!

Disclaimer: I only own Lisa and Sarah. The rest of the characters belong to Disney.

Sarah's Pov:

I watched as Lisa strapped her weapons to her belt. Her back was to me and I was pretty sure that she didn't realize I was watching her.

"Will you quit glaring at me like that?"

Oops…Guessed wrong.

"Are you going raiding with Al again?" I asked as I stepped further into our bedroom.

"We've got a lead on where Abis Maul and his goons have been taking all his loot. How can you expect me to stay away?"

I shrugged. "Wishful thinking?"

Lisa sighed exasperatedly and turned to look at me.

It was weird how little and how much has changed since we sent Jafar packing in his black lamp about half a year ago.

Lisa hadn't changed much physically. She was still tall and lithe, although she was a bit more muscular. Her skin was still pale, despite the fact that she spent hours flying around in the Arabian sun. Her mid-back length black hair was still in dread locks, only now they were pulled up off her neck with her thick, black cord.

Standing before me, in her form-fitting black ninja garb, she truly looked like the fighter she had become.

After a month in the palace, she and Al had become restless. So, they went on this whole 'Robin Hood' thing. They started stealing riches from gangs of thieves around the kingdom and giving it to those less fortunate.

I always knew Lisa would be the one chasing down bad guys.

Nothing had really changed with me, excluding my ever-growing wardrobe.

I had introduced the palace to clothes from my time; i.e.: tank tops, capris, flare pants, ect. At this moment, in fact, I was wearing a white tank top I had made with a pair of green, classic Arabian pants.

My hair still remained short. As often as Jasmine had encouraged me to grow it out, that is one subject on which I refuse to budge.

Jasmine had become a close friend of mine. Not anything like Lisa, but a friend none the less. She was the one in the palace that I felt understood the heart-ache I was going through while Genie was away.

Genie…I miss him so much. I don't know how I've made it this long without him here. It's gotten bad enough that I've actually started having dreams about him.

…Lisa loves that.

A few days ago she actually woke me up by hitting me repeatedly with a pillow. When I came to and asked her what was wrong, she looked at me seriously and said:

"If I have to listen to the audio of your 'Genie Dreams' one more night, I'm gonna either cut out your tongue or cut off my own ears. Can you guess which one I'll attempt first?"

Needless to say…I learned how to control my dreams.

But, back to the present.

Lisa finished wrapping her right arm in its cloth guard and looked back up at me.

"Wanna walk me to the balcony?"

I smiled. "Sure."

Lisa and Al always meet up on the balcony to avoid Jasmine. She still doesn't know what they do, thank goodness. Sometimes, she's more of a worrier than I am!...but I don't think she'd be able to stop Lisa, no matter how hard she tried.

When we reached the balcony, I leaned against the railing and looked out over Agrabah. Lisa stood a few feet behind me and took in the same view.

"If this IS Abis Maul's hideout" she started, "…you know what that means, right?"

I smiled to myself and looked back at her.


She looked at me and gave me a rare smile.

"The second movies starting," we said at the same time.

I laughed and Lisa shook her head.

"You know, I get the feeling we're spending too much time together."

I then heard a rustle of wind and fabric. I turned back to see Aladdin sitting on Carpet and smiling at us.

"Hey girls!"

"Hi Al, Hi Carpet." I greeted.

"Ready to go?" Lisa asked, hopping up onto Carpet.

"Ready as ever!" Aladdin said excitedly. "I KNOW this is it! We're going to find that hideout this time for sure."

"Glad you're so sure of yourself." Lisa mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Alright then," I said, "Be safe, you two."

"We will." Lisa replied.

"And don't forget," Aladdin said, "If Jasmine asks…"

"I don't know where you are." I finished. "Don't worry bro. I've got to finish the new outfit I've been making for Jasmine, anyway. She won't notice a thing until you're back."

Aladdin smiled at me.

"Alright. Bye, Sarah!" Aladdin called as they took off.

" See ya sis!" Lisa also yelled.

"Bye! Be careful!" I replied to them as they faded into the horizon.

I turned around and started back into the palace to meet up with Jasmine, the whole time praying deep in my heart that the second movie would start soon.

(A/N): Okay guys. Sorry there wasn't much action in the first chapter. I felt that the readers need to be caught up with the girls and how they've been in the half year since Jafar was 'defeated'.

As always, reviews are highly welcome, flames will be laughed at then burned. (I've got the lighter and the marshmallows!! - IrishBeerIsGood)