Disclaimer: None of the authors involved in this story claim ownership of Labyrinth or any of the characters originally found within.
From: FaeRel(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 12:52pm
To: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE: You as the new queen.
Yes, I remember the Fireys well. Silly things, there's just no explaining to them that not everyone can pull themselves apart. Though, I must admit I have a soft spot for them (they can be highly entertaining when not attempting to pull one apart)
It would not be the first time I was thought of as 'evil'. Most of my father's friends still see me that way; mostly likely because a small child with flame powers she cannot control is rather frightening.
The goblins seem happy with the new part of the castle, at least I assume since I haven't heard a song of how awful I am since. Jum-Jum informs me that the other goblins are a very surprised, so I suppose I won't know how they feel about the changes until the shock wears off.
I know you didn't mean I wasn't capable of being Goblin Queen. I know many don't think I can do it and I myself still am not sure I can (which is a slight improvement from 'I'm bloody doomed'). Though...I have to admit the goblins are starting to grow on me...a little. Slightly. Perhaps.
Hoggle, I can understand your irritation with Jareth. However, he did the best he could under the circumstances. You may not like him, but that 'rat' has been more generous with you than you might know. I'll advise you not to call him a rat again, it makes my fingers spark.
You make a good point about the rampant rumors. I understand Jareth ran his kingdom on a need to know basis, but as I'm constantly reminded, I am not Jareth. Perhaps it's time things were somewhat cleared up.
You are right Hoggle, the High King is involved. Though, it's not him that wants Sarah or Tobias. It's a complex and long story, and I'm not certain I even know the extent of it (hence why I keep it to myself, better than letting the rumor mongers get me in trouble with the High Court).
Her Royal Highness
Lady Rel
Goblin Queen
From: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 2:10 PM
To: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Subject: RE: Our new queen.
I don't believes what I'm readin'!!
You're getting' married to HIM?!
You just said you loved him, you never said nothin' before about getting'…Married!
Why do ya wanna go and do that for?! There ain't no reason for anybody to be getting' Married. Not a one. Ludo and Greeta ain't…and they're doin' just fine! You don't needs to get…
Oh, Sarah…
Ya knows--
I just--
I'm sittin' meself down. It's best I don't stand up right now, 'cause the shudderin' I'm doin' is liable to disconnect me bones apart.
You're getting married…
I just can't see it. He ain't never been that nice to nobody and you're connectin' yourself to him…FOREVER!! You know that, don't ya?! Forever!! Can't never be broken!!
I can tell you lost your mind when it comes to him, but Sarah… You're still a young'un! I don't think you really knows what Forever means! Especially tyin' yourself to us folk! Didn't Jareth tell you?!
What am I sayin', of course he didn't!!
What if somethin' happens and you ain't together no more? You got no idea the kind of hurt and loneliness that is! None!
He'd survive somethin' like that, cold-blooded as he is, but you...
I'm sorry, Sarah. This is too much for me ol' heart to take, not again, I--
I'm sorry.
Please don't be mad. I'll read everythin' later. I just needs to lie down…
Prince of the Land of Stench.
From: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 2:47pm
To: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE: Our new queen.
Oh, Hoggle!!
I'm so sorry!! I forgot!! I forgot that I hadn't mentioned that to you… I've been so stressed out with Linda causing me troubles and Toby still not being happy with me, and all the plans…
Hoggle, please! Please, please, please don't be upset with me over this! My family does not approve, none of them are happy about it, and Toby still won't even talk to me – I can't bear to have you falling apart on it!
I'm so sorry.
Look, I want to marry Jareth because… because I love him. And… oh, if you only understood… I want to do things right. I'm not going to just live with him and have a life with him without being married to him – that's not fair. His future is completely intertwined with mine.
And I wouldn't want to be married to him if it wasn't forever, Hoggle! I love him. Is that really so hard to understand? Maybe people do things differently in the Underground, but… here, in the Aboveground, when two people truly love each other, they marry. They marry and have children and live their lives together. I want it… I always have. I want to marry the man of my dreams, have a home, start and raise a family… and I can't do any of that if Jareth is not in the picture. He understands me, he loves me, he's kind and caring and absolutely devoted to me. There isn't anything more I could ask for in a man, and I plan on spending the rest of my life with him… even beyond that, if it's possible. I want him forever.
And besides, I see it as highly improper for a woman to live with a man if they're not married. Do you want me to be a scarlet woman? Well, do you?? Ludo and Greeta are different… they live by the laws of nature.
I'm young by your standards, but I'm an adult by mine. Hoggle do you… oh, maybe you don't know. In the Aboveground… people don't live as long as they do Underground. I will be lucky to live a single century… if that. Now that Jareth is here with me, his lifespan will be about the same. Out of a century, I'm 23 years old. That's about one quarter of my total life. Now do you think I'm too young? For the time I have with him, the time we have left to us… how can you possibly be upset with me for not wanting to waste a minute of it?
Jareth told me everything about it, Hoggle. I understand what 'forever' means.
And… I…
Now… urgh! Now you just see here!! How dare you say I've lost my mind, or that I can't possibly understand the hurt and loneliness! I understand hurt and loneliness, Hoggle. Don't forget. My mother abandoned my father and I when I was a small child, leaving me to take care of things. I understand it. When he disappeared for two weeks… I felt it. I missed him terribly, and I was petrified that I'd never see him again, that he was gone forever and entirely beyond my reach. I know hurt and loneliness.
And I'm already tied to him. You don't understand. Marriage is a mere legality, if I'm completely honest with myself. If I lost him now… I just couldn't… I'd… Urgh! What do you mean that he would…
I am going to say this once, and I will never say it again. I love you Hoggle, but you would truly do well to remember this and take me seriously.
I understand that you are upset with Jareth. I understand that you have a bad history with him. I know you don't like him. You've been hurt by him. I know.
But never, ever, call him cold-blooded or otherwise imply that he does not love me. Ever.
Some time back… I discovered a new… depth to my powers, you might say. If I seek it out, if I feel with my mind, I can feel the emotions of others. It's weird, and I try not to do it too often because it is highly disconcerting. Animals and creatures are easier than people… so while I like to keep track of my little Mog Lion, Duncan, to make sure he's happy and well fed, I don't often try to tell how people feels. In truth, it often slips my mind that I can even do it, it's so new. Sadly, I can't do it over distances, it's strongest through touch.
I won't explain the details of it, because it's a private thing for me, but because of this, I know without a doubt that Jareth really, truly, loves me. He worries for me, he cares for me, he de…thinks I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever met, and he loves me. There is no doubt in my mind, and… I'm hurt that you think this is a fleeting thing, that Jareth will change his mind, that he doesn't really care, or that I don't care, either.
If you still don't believe me… when I get home, I'll bring you to my apartment and let you see for yourself.
I have to go. Linda is calling for something… I think she's asking for vodka, but I only give her water, as she shouldn't have any alcohol right now. Her medication keeps her pretty sedated, so she doesn't know the difference… yet. Oh, how I wish I was home. I hate it here.
My invitation will still stand. You're still my friend, I still love you, and I would still love to have you come to my wedding. Think about it… take as long as you need to. I am sorry.
From: ladieDelites(a)gmail com
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 9:55 PM
To: flyfishing4life(a)yahoo com
Subject: Re:BIG NEWS
Robbie Sweetie:
Yes, it was very odd indeed, and no, Gerald was positive they were going out of the building, and no, he is not behind on his rent. In fact, he was very punctual in paying right on time and in cash as well. Of course, many of the tenants pay me in cash, so that isn't odd.
Odd that you too have a 'birdwatcher' and maybe mine has some news about your neighborhood. In fact, I'm going to be at Uncle Sol's Sunday evening for supper and if you are interested, you are invited as well.
I'm glad you're taking special care of you back, and I wouldn't rush back to normal at work until after you get a clean bill of health from your chiropractor. The fact that he is still seeing you twice a week means there are still some problems, when you're down to once or twice a month, then it means you are getting better.
Uncle Sol was a great help; he did teach you a lot of useful skills and provided some hands on learning. Just think, if it wasn't for him, you might not have learned the joys of fishing. That is so, sweet about giving me credit for teaching you responsibility; sometimes I wasn't sure if I was being of much use to you or not. Remember those times when you use to ignore almost everything I said - of course, I guess I can contribute that to normal teenage tendencies. A lot of mom's were telling me not to worry, it was just a phase, and you would grow out of it. I'm happy to say that they were right, and you did turn out to be such a fine young man.
Never forgot, that I'm very proud of you, and I love you a lot.
Let me know about Sunday so I can inform Uncle Sol, just in case he needs to adjust how much he has to buy.
Luv ya Sweetie
From: RoyalMumsie(a)yahoo com
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 7:09 PM
To: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Subject: Re: Alone Again
My darling Jareth,
Oh my, such love and sweetness! I... I don't quite know what to say. I could tell you that I could not be happier with the man you have become. I am more proud of you than I could ever express. I love you and am thankful that you let me be myself.
It is unfortunate that Sarah's mother is not well and has such a risk to overcome. Leave it to your dear Sarah to have such a heart that she can look beyond any past shortcomings and can still provide support. I do hope that all things go well. If for some reason things don't go as planned and things have to be moved, so be it. You two love each other and the wedding will happen. From what I know of the both of you I can tell you are both too stubborn to let anything stand in your way.
I'm certain that you must be dreadfully lonely. Being away from the one you love is never easy. While I know I will never take your Sarah's place I could at least offer my company if you like. I would love to spend some time with you and you could have someone to make the days not so lonesome. Any time you'd wish to bring me over I'll be ready. Maybe then we could work on an Aboveground story for me. We should probably work on more of my Aboveground story before running into Sarah's parents again, don't you think?
Love always,
Her Royal Highness
Queen-Emeritus of the Goblins
From: RenfestPrincess(a)yahoo com
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 7:35pm
To: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Subject: Re: Hey Chika
Hey yeah I've been job hunting but it's so hard to find a job that fits my schedule… most jobs want me to fit their schedule and you know I just can't do that. So I've had a lot of down time. You know that feeling when you have so little to do you get nothing done? Yeah that's been my life lately.
Not BAD mind you…I just seem to have no time for anything, yet I have nothing to do.
Maybe you told me… I think you did when I called you trying to call my mom… Maybe we're both losing it.
I can only imagine. Have you told your parents about the engagement yet? I don't think you said yet.
If looks could kill… Poor Jareth.
He CAN'T? Now that's surprising.
… I bet he was just trying to be impressive. You know feed that all important Male ego.
I agree with Toby. Completely… though it's not a bad thing to show off every once and a while. Besides it's Jareth I think he'd go into shock if he wasn't showing off.
Probably a tune from Underground. Some mystic magical romantic song… man now I wish I heard it…
Eww. I can only imagine. Like I said I have so much time that I get nothing done. If you ever need my help let me know. I think I NEED something important to do.
I don't know why but I'm totally thinking royal blue.
From: RenfestPrincess(a)yahoo com
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 8:09pm
To: flyfishing4life(a)yahoo com
Subject: Re: I had a great time!
Yup if there's one thing I know it's sunscreen. I burn like a ripe tomato!! Hehe! Don't feel too bad. I mean I have a SERIOUS tan line. I look silly wearing a spaghetti strap now. Ah well that's just me being girly.
I'm glad you had a good time though. Hanging out with you is always and adventure.
Hehe. There's nothing to be shy about. I wouldn't dress you up like Peter Pan. If I did dress you up I'd make sure it was something you were comfortable in. You don't have to feel obligated to dress up if you don't want to. I'm flexible.
Hey thanks! I like to cook… heck I like to experiment with cooking… That was one of the better recipes. Sometime I've got to tell you about the Devil's Delight Cake disaster.
Me too!!
Sue ;)
From: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 1:35 PM
To: ScrabbleAddict(a)crystalcast com
Subject: I'm a coward.
I'm sorry I ran out on ya without explainin'. I hope Troink and Ludo there with ya won't cause trouble in handlin' the Bog again.
There's plenty of sweets made. You know how to bake 'em. You can bribe Troink with 'em to stay if you needs.
Sarah sent me a message that she's marrying Jareth. You knows how I feels about him. And marriage. Me own love...
I went overboard again. I yelled at her without her knowing why I did it. She took it the wrong way and now I gets another mess to clean up after.
I can't stop stickin' me foot in me mouth. I don't know I'll ever learn to think before I speaks.
Don't try to search or come for me. You won't find me. I needs to be alone for awhile, sort things out.
I've sent for me cousin Fardav, from the far north side of the Labyrinth, to take care of all me other chores. He knows this place as much as me. He'll take care of things. He'll meet ya this evenin'.
I'm gonna talk to Sarah again, after I can calm meself. If she talks to you... Tell her I didn't mean it?
Wanderer, broken and lost.
From: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 1:47 pm
To: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Subject: I'm sorry.
I'm glad you found someone to love and loves you back, like you say he does.
I'm leavin' for a while. Took this contraption with me. Troink is with Didymus and Ludo now. I've arranged everythin'.
I have Toby's contact. Troink gave it to me. He's gonna need someone other than family to talk to and I understands how he feels. I won't be a monster. Promise.
I never thought I'd come to this. Not again.
I'll explain when me thoughts and me heart is back in order.
I ain't abandonin' you, Sarah. Never.
I love you.
Wanderer, broken and lost.
From: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 2:00 PM
To: Cluckerswillruletheworld(a)yahoo com
Subject: Sarah gettin' married.
Ya don't know me, but my name is Hoggle. I'm a friend of your sister's. I'm the dwarf that helped her in savin' ya. You mighta seen me in the Bog? Troink gave me your contact.
Sarah tolds me about her gettin' married to Jareth. I heard you was upset. Me too. Jareth and me don't get along so well and I don't likes the idea, either.
Toby, there's some things ya just can't talk to your family about. I know. If ya ever needs to talk, man to man, you can talks to me, if ya want.
Prince of the Land of Stench.
From: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 2:15 PM
To: FaeRel(a)crystalcast com
Subject: Changes.
Your Majesty,
I left the Bog.
Troink is now with Didymus and Ludo there. I've sent for me cousin Fardav, from the far north side of the Labyrinth, to take care of me other chores.
It has to do with Sarah and Jareth. I learned items I ain't happy about and I gots to sort things out. I can't say what 'cause I don't know what they told you. It ain't my place.
I took this contraption with me. I already talked to those that needs to know. I've lost meself in the Labyrinth. Don't try and find me. You won't. Just sends me a message. I'll come to you, if you needs me.
Prince of the Land of Stench.
From: FaeRel(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 2:19 PM
To: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE:Changes.
You what?!
I am fairly lenient with you and now you've buggered off?
Not acceptable.
You say it has to do with Sarah and Jareth? As far as I knew they were happily awaiting their upcoming wedding.
I won't find you? HA! You had better hope I don't find you! Blast it, Hoggle. I am Queen and I do expect a bloody explanation and it had better be good or you will remember fondly the days you were Prince of the Land of Stench!
I had better get an explanation Hoggle, and I better get it soon.
Her Royal Highness
Lady Rel
Goblin Queen
From: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 2:41 PM
To: FaeRel(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE:Changes.
At your IMMEDIATE request -
I understands you're upset, your Majesty. I have a temper, too. That's what got me in trouble in the first place.
I said I lost meself in the Labyrinth. I didn't leave it. You have this contraption. I took the time to tell you. I didn't have to. Remember that.
Since you know, the weddin' is the reason. I never told nobody but Didymus, but since you insist on bein' nosy...
I had a love once. That's all I'm sayin'.
Prince of the Land of Stench.
From: FaeRel(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 3:37 PM
To: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE:Changes.
Yes, you did take the time to tell me. My temper ran away on me...again.
The wedding is the reason? And you...ah. I think I understand. Though, I don't believe losing yourself in the Labyrinth is the correct way to deal with it. However, to each their own.
I will admit I am shocked...very...shocked. I'm not sure what I can say, but suffice it to say I understand. Thank you for trusting me with the truth. Now I feel like a bit of a...what is it Tobias says...'goof'?
Her Royal Highness
Lady Rel
Goblin Queen
From: ScrabbleAddict(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 4:38 PM
To: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE: I'm a coward.
Not to worry, my brother. No apology required, I assure you. Things are, for the most part, under control. Ludo, Greeta, Troink and I each have our group of assigned beasties to keep track of, so we are busy.
I have a batch of sweets baking at this very moment. Troink seems to be in love with your cinnamon squares. He is quite annoying whilst eating them (I, too, enjoy your bakery, Hoggle, but no sweet is worthy of the ecstatic noises that issue forth from his mouth) but at least it keeps him here and available to help with the pups.
Sarah is marrying His Former Majesty? I... I did not receive an e-mail from her concerning this. Why would she not tell me? I feel quite left out. Perhaps my lady is not as fond of me as I had deceived myself into believing...
I know of your own sad story, Hoggle, and am heartily sorry that this even has dredged up these feelings. I am sure that once you explain to Lady Sarah, she will understand. Please do not stay away too long, however... I miss your companionship. Ludo has Greeta, not that we ever had any epic discussions anyway. And Troink... He has a good heart, but Hoggle, he is rather fixated. Either he is yammering on about Toby or "dee kingy" or "dee lady" or he is extolling the virtues of your pastry concoctions, ad nauseum.
I will not seek you out, only return soon, Hoggle.
I do not know if Lady Sarah will contact me, but I may send along a note to her expressing my disappointment at hearing her news second-hand. If I do so, I will pass along your message.
Ah! Fardav has arrived... Oh, dear... I... I must close. Fardav reached for a cinnamon square and Troink jumped onto his back, and... dear. Must go now.
R.S. Didymus
From: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:25pm
To: ScrabbleAddict(a)crystalcast com
Subject: Good news and Bad news
Hello Didymus!
How are you? I heard you've been busy. I hope you're doing okay.
Things here have been hectic, to say the least. I've been… well… I'll be frank. I've got good news (the best news ever!) and bad news.
I'll start with the bad news. It's not so much bad as… inconvenient. My mother, my real mother, Linda, called me the other day and lied to me and convinced me to come stay with her while she recovers from a surgery she chose to have and did not need. Urgh. Now, I am clear across the country and terribly lonely, and missing Jareth like nothing else.
Now, for the good news. Well… everyone else considers it bad news, but you've always been supportive of Jareth and I, so I'm hoping that you'll feel like I do, that it's good news.
A few weeks ago, at a party at my parents' house – and things have been so crazy since then that I forgot to tell everyone who really matters! – Jareth asked me to be his wife. And, of course, I accepted.
No one was happy about it besides Bethany, who we had arranged to come visit. Not even Toby was pleased. My parents threw a fit, and I have hardly heard from any of them since.
And, things have been crazy. I've been trying to put together the wedding plans on my own… and it isn't easy. I got so wrapped up in it all, and work, and then this thing with Linda, that when Hoggle emailed me, I told him about the wedding and… I forgot entirely that I hadn't mentioned the engagement to him yet. He did not take it well… and I'm worried.
Can you check on him, please? He said he had to lie down… I hope he's okay…
Uh-oh. I have to go. Linda needs my help. Such a ridiculous excuse of a woman. She has a surgery to make her nose smaller. Yep. She makes me think it was something serious, I come all the way here, and once I found out the truth, I tried to leave… only she got an infection. Now I really have to take care of her for… a week, at least, while she recovers. It's only her nose and yet… she still acts like she can't get out of bed.
So, now, she's calling for me… fun. Got to go. She's starting to get shrill.
Lots of love,
P.S. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you sooner… please forgive me.
From: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:42 PM
To: FaeRel(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE: No Subject
I will pass on your sympathies to my Sarah. You might email her yourself. I am certain that she could use the distraction.
Rella, it sounds as if Draconis has attempted to do his part in making up and is now waiting for you to take the next step. Likely, he is just as convinced that you are finished with him. Speaking for stubborn, self-possessed, foolish, love-sick males everywhere, I beseech you to (as they say here) cut him some slack. Go to him and make things right between the two of you.
Great chaos, I have been watching too many of my Sarah's 'romantic-comedy' movies in her absence. Unfortunately, the vast majority of her collection is made up of just such.
I will drop the matter, but I hope that you will take into account that, aside from Mumsie, they have access to the most powerful scriers in the Underground. Just because they were not caught in the act, does not mean they are entirely safe.
Good luck with the Labyrinthians. Do not forget that the Labyrinth is only the smallest part of the Goblin Kingdom. You might wish to plan a tour at some point, to let the subjects see their new queen.
PS- You are truly a good and dear woman.
From: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 7:04 PM
To: RoyalMumsie(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE: Alone Again
Her Royal Highness
Queen-Emeritus of the Goblins
I have been staying along at my Sarah's home for the last few days. I
have been surrounded by naught but romantic stories, sappy movies and
more things fluffy than you can even begin to imagine. As such, I
believe that I shall refrain from responding to your very kind
sentiments, lest I lose all semblance of manhood I still manage to
My Sarah has informed me that, much to her fury, her mother's surgery
was purely cosmetic and the risks minimal. The woman has, though,
managed to contract some sort of infection related to the thing and has
thus managed to convince my Sarah to stay with her longer. Much as I
take pleasure in her well-deserved suffering, I almost want to send you
to heal the bloody woman, just so my Sarah can come home.
I would appreciate your company, Mumsie, but I am afraid that is not
possible. Sarah is not here to make a portal for you and you do not
have the sufficient Chaos abilities to cross between Under and Above. I
am certain that you will take this opportunity to remind me that, though
I have left the Underground, there is no reason for me to have given up
my magic as well, but my mind is made up. If I am to live as a mortal,
then I shall do so properly.
However, we can certainly discuss stories through email.
Missing you (amongst others),
From: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 7:14 PM
To: cluckerwillruletheworld(a)yahoo com
Subject: Temper Tantrum
Are you still throwing a childish fit, or are you willing to speak with me now? I know that you were quite upset with my proposal to Sarah, though bugger if I know why, but for the love of Chaos, boy, talk to us about it. I think that you might find that it is not the tragedy you seem to believe. Both your sister and I still care about you deeply and will still see you quite often.
Gods know I'm not going to let you get away without lessons much longer. I've already had to stop your sister from blowing up again, I am not about to put up with the same from you.
Besides, we miss you. Your sister is beside herself, especially now that she has had to go visit with her mother. It makes her miss you and her real family all the more. I would very much appreciate it if you could write to her and let her know that you do not hate her. Please.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Your friend (and future brother),
From: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 7:49 PM
To: LittleHealer(a)crystalcast com
Subject: Little Sister
Dear Little Beth,
I hope that I am not interrupting your studies. Your sister has had to go visit with your mother, who lives very far away. I thought that I would take the opportunity, then, to write an email to my future little sister. :-)
Plans for the wedding are progressing, but I will leave my Sarah to tell you about them. I am certain that she can describe and explain them much better than I. All I know is that it will tie me forever to her, and that is enough for me.
Toby is still upset, though he is no longer grounded, so hopefully he will begin to talk to us a little. Perhaps you can work your magic on him as well as you did James? You seem to be as talented at healing emotions as you are bodies.
How are your studies going and how are your parents? Please give them my regards and thank them again for their silence on the matter of my current location.
I hope to hear from you soon and, if you have a moment, why don't you write your sister? I know that she is feeling rather sad right now, being so far from home. I am certain that she would like a letter from you.
Your future brother,
From: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 8:07 PM
To: ScrabbleAddict(a)crystalcast com
Subject: Greetings
I owe you a great apology. I should have been in contact earlier, to release you of that ridiculous quest, if nothing else. Would that I could say my conscience got the better of me, however the truth of the matter is that my Sarah is on the other side of the country and I am bored out of my bloody mind waiting for her phone call. Still, I do feel guilty over the matter. I hope that you will forgive me.
I have learned from my Sarah that you are currently residing in the Bog with the dwarf, the beast and his new brood. I hope that things are going well for you. My life has certainly taken a turn I would never have anticipated. Abdicated of my throne, distanced from all I know and living as a mortal. On the other hand, I have found the other half of my soul, so I suppose I came out the better for it all.
Still… I cannot help but wonder what you, and the other inhabitants of the Goblin Kingdom , must think of me.
I have always been able to depend on you Ridley. More so than any of the other fools that called themselves my subjects. I hope that you will forgive my lack of correspondence. It would be good to hear from you.
From: cluckerswillruletheworld(a)yahoo com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2009 8:42 PM
To: maggiesmagicalmonkeys(a)hotmail com
Subject: RE: Still upset?
'course I am. Sarah keeps calling and stuff but I'm not answering the phone or anything. How could they do this to me? How could they?
I guess you don't understand. No one really does. You all THINK you do. but you don't.
And yeah. I know what you mean about sleep. I've had awful stomach aches since the Pizza party. Couldn't sneak on the computer though. What games have you been playing?
From, Toby
From: cluckerswillruletheworld(a)yahoo com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 8:46 PM
To: PrinceHoggleBoES(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE: Sarah gettin' married
Sarah told me about you! Yeah she said you're the guy who likes jewelry a ton...well she told me that when we were talking to each other. were not really anymore...
Hey - were you the guy who through the mud at me? It's not like I have trouble enough flying. Didn't need that too...
Troink huh? Can you pass him a message if you're seeing him/emailing whatever? Tell him that he's STILL wrong.
So you're talking to Sarah then? And she's getting married to Jareth. It's the greatest thing in the world...everybody thinks except me Mom and Dad. I think Mom might be faking a bit though. She likes those stupid wedding magazines a ton..
Why don't you like it? You already don't get to see Sarah that much. You don't go to game night. So its not like you're losing her or anything. And if you don't like Jareth it doesn't matter since you're not gonna seem them kissing all the time and touching. Blech.
I don't like it. its just all so crazy and not Sarah at all. Or at least the Sarah I know. She said she'd tell me before she went crazy or if she did something crazy and she didn't'. She said it at the same time as everyone else. like I'm just one of everyone else. it's hard.
You know what I mean?
From, Toby
P.S. You're the Prince of the Bog?? Does that mean you smell like it?
From: cluckerswillruletheworld(a)yahoo com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 8:48 PM
To: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Subject: Crazy People
I'm only emailing you to let you know that I can take lessons Underground for a while. Like I did before you showed up. Again I mean.
From (better not be brother), Toby
P.S. Sarah nearly blew herself up?? When??
From: ScrabbleAddict(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 8:56pm
To: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Subject: RE: Greetings
Dear... Er... (Former) Your Majesty,
I am sorry for that; I do not know exactly how to address you. To use your given name seems disrespectfully informal, and yet, you are no longer the king and therefore what used to suit such a situation no longer does.
I must say that I was exceptionally glad to hear from you! Rest assured that no apology is necessary. I would have written to you myself, only I felt it would be invasive and unwelcome. I am most keenly delighted that you chose to e-mail me! Sarah is on the other side of the country? Is the country quite large? I am having difficulty fathoming exactly how big places are there, but I gather from the tone of your words that she is far away. I do hope you hear from her soon.
Regarding My Lady... Hoggle informed me (before taking off by himself to gather his thoughts) that you have asked for her hand in marriage? I offer my heartiest congratulations to you both, only I was admittedly a little hurt that Lady Sarah did not impart the joyous news to me herself. I... I guess that I had esteemed myself a little too highly in thinking myself her friend, for I would have thought she would wish to share it with me.
Yes, the Bog is once again my home, and I am pleased to be back. The quest was harder on me that I like to admit; I am, after all, no longer a spring cub! We make quite the compatible unit, I do say. Ludo is besotted with his Greeta, who in pregnancy grows to astounding size, and their fourteen beastlings are cute as buttons. They are highly active and can eat almost as much as their parents. Fortunately Ludo is an apt food gatherer and takes his family responsibilities very seriously. Truly I have never seen him happier.
One of the goblins is residing here now, as well, the one called Troink. He is a bit of a challenge to focus, but once he understands what he is to do, he is a hard and willing helper. He is most adept at climbing trees, and trust me, with Ludo's offspring around, that is a handy talent!
You must know that you are sorely missed. Nobody thinks ill of you, but we do miss you. You are the quintessential goblin king, and there is no one who could ever truly take your place. I believe even those who resented your rule are beginning to realize what they are missing, now you are gone. I still cling to the hope that you will one day present us all with your triumphant return.
You have made me feel a pride I have not felt in years. It is heartwarming to read that you depend upon me. I am... I am most moved. You can continue to depend upon me, (Former) Your Majesty, I shan't let you down. Thank you for the e-mail... should you feel bored again, I hope you will fill a few minutes with writing again to this old fox, who thinks very highly of you and always will.
Yours as ever,
From: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 8:48 AM
To: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Subject: Blast. Saturday.
Bloody hell, it is Saturday. While normally I wait eagerly for a day that does not require me to fend for my very life (and virtue… as it were) at my place of employment, I am afraid that today will be extraordinarily long without that to distract me from your absence. I am so glad that you had me stay at your apartment, so that we can converse on your telephone, if nothing else.
I have been keeping myself occupied as best I can, as you know. I have watched a number of your movies. You have very sentimental tastes, Precious. I think that I have ingested more sugary sweetness in the last four days than in four hundred years on the Goblin Throne. I even watched the one with the horrid prince-person again, so that I could see your happy ending. While I found the young woman's revenge against her step-mother and sister quite deviously amusing, I am utterly confident that I am far superior to the prince when it comes to adoring my lady. ;-)
I borrowed a number of books from the store for the weekend. I intend to spend the majority of my day reading. What plans do you have, Beloved?
Missing you desperately,
From: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 9:26 am
To: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Subject: RE: Blast. Saturday.
Good morning my Jareth,
You have my exact sentiments about today. During the week, I've been getting along with taking Linda (and Marcus… urgh. I hate that man) to the doctor for appointments and whatnot, today promises to be a nightmare.
Linda is having a small party. It's absolutely stupid. She has a nice infection in her nose (I haven't a clue how she got it) and she's in a lot of pain and is on some heavy medication to take care of it, and therefore really shouldn't have company… but she's insisting. She wants to see her friends and well wishers…
… and show me off, now that I'm here. I know it. She got all excited, said she had a dress I could wear that would look all pretty…
I told her flatly that no, she shouldn't have a party and so, if she was going to insist on having one, she'd have to get Marcus to help her do it, I will not. I'm here to help her get better, and if she's insisting on something that goes against her Doctor's orders, I will have no part in it. She wasn't too happy.
So in a few hours, the house will be swarming with all her Hollywood/LA friends. Marcus is here with a few of his friends, bringing in snack food and such. I just stocked up my room with water and food for the day and have locked myself in here. I only plan to emerge to help Linda with her medications – the rest of the time, I will be a major party-pooper and be in my room… doing nothing, really.
I did snitch some books from her study. She's got loads of books… poor things, she never reads them. What good is an unread book? It's a waste. So, I, like you, may spend the day reading.
Ah, you've been watching my movies. Yes, I do have sentimental tastes… but I also enjoy a lot of other films too. Have you found my action adventure films? They're tucked in the back of the cabinet where I keep the DVD's. I've even got a few horror films… not too many, because I usually find them cheap and ridiculously far fetched, but a few have kept my interest over the years. I highly recommend Jurassic Park and Star Wars – two of my favorites. But… there's a bunch in the back.
But, you are right. You are far superior in your adoration. You're the best.
I will call you tonight, per usual. I can't go more than a day without hearing your voice… even if it is not as good as hearing it in person.
Love you,
From: maggiesmagicalmonkeys(a)hotmail com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2009 9:53 AM
To: cluckerswillruletheworld(a)yahoo com
Subject: RE: Still upset?
You don't have to be so snippy! I'm on your team, remember? What we need is some sort of plan to get them to see that this is all wrong, you know? Something sneaky and creative, amazingly great!
Mom broke down and got me that detective game that I wanted, I've almost beat that. And Becca got me some educational games, some of them are pretty fun, others not so much. I could lend you some if you want.
From: flyfishing4life(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2009 10:01am
To: RenfestPrincess(a)yahoo com
Subject: Huh?!
Devil's Delight Cake Disaster? Do I really want to know about it? Should I know about it? Does it involve chocolate? If it doesn't, would you make it for me?
Rob 8-)
From:flyfishing4life(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 10:03am
To: ladieDelites(a)gmail com
Subject: Sunday at Uncle Sol's
I'm sorry, but I won't be able to go with you to Uncle Sol's. I'm sorry that I'm getting back to you so late about this as well.
I'm running out the door right now. I speak to you soon.
From: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 11:47 AM
To: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Subject: RE: Blast, Saturday
Sweetest Sarah,
Do you have any idea how much longer you will be staying with your mother? Not that I miss you, or anything. Not that I lay awake on your couch at night and remember lying here just a week ago, completely spent after bathing myself in your essence, completely content with you in my arms…
…it occurs to me that, were someone other than you or I to read the above paragraph, it could be taken in a very different way than intended.
You never told me, Precious, how your mother reacted to the news that you were getting married.
I wish you the best of luck in your hiding. Perhaps you could call me earlier…?
Loving you,
From: cluckerswillruletheworld(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2009 12:06 PM
To: maggiesmagicalmonkeys(a)hotmail com
Subject: RE: Still upset?
Sorry. I'm just really frustrated lately. Like if I wasn't paying attention I might punch a wall. 'Cept that would hurt. A lot. And before I answered your email Jareth emailed me all 'your future brother' and everything and I hate it.
What sort of plan though? I've been racking my head for days trying to think of something. Do you have any ideas??
Wow, that detective game?? You've been asking for it for ages - I thought you'd never get it. Almost beat it already? You're really smart!
I mean good at games. Yeah...
Maybe if mom lets me I can come over later? We can work on planning the whole Jareth and Sarah mess. I'm ignoring Jareth now and Sarah's off to see her mom California.
From, Toby
From: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 12:07 PM
To: ScrabbleAddict(a)crystalcast com
Subject: RE: Greetings
Call me Jareth. It is who I am, now. Nothing more.
Correspondence from you would certainly not have been considered invasive or unwelcome. I have always respected your bravery and dedication to your ideals. Now that we no longer need think of ourselves as monarch and subject, I should very much like to call you friend.
Yes, my Sarah is very far away. As far from me as if I were in the Goblin Castle and she in the heart of the Dueriann Jungle. Fortunately, communication is much simpler here and I can email her and speak with her on the telephone (which is like email, only with voices).
My Sarah did not inform you of our coming wedding? I find this terribly odd, as she most certainly considers you one of her best friends. You will have to forgive her, Ridley. She has been under such stress of late. Her family does not approve of our marriage, her biological mother has taken her away, she is working extra hours at her job to make up for the time she will be taking off for the wedding, and, to top that all off, she has to deal with a grouchy Fae who has no real place in her world. Do not let her know, as I would hate to disappoint her if I do not find a way, but I am attempting to come up with some means of allowing you and Ludo to attend the wedding without upsetting the Aboveground attendees. Perhaps an invisibility spell will suffice…?
I am glad to hear that you are doing well. I would like to… apologize. I should never have sent you on that bloody quest. I know that it was hard and lengthy and, in the end, to no point. At the time, I had thought it my only viable solution. I see now that I was lost from the start. I hope that you can forgive me. I should like to make it up to you in some way… hmm…
Hmmph. Ridley, you have a generous heart, but do not think for a moment you fool me when you say that none think ill of me. At the very least, I have seen what that dwarf friend of hers writes to my Sarah. I do not doubt that he is alone in his opinions. It is good to know that it is not unanimous, though. I did what I could as Goblin King, and found it very rewarding. I am glad that some, at least, appreciated that. Now, though, I ask that we not speak of the matter further, as I find it quite painful to relive the past, now that it is gone.
You would do well to dismiss the hope that I may one day return. I have abdicated fully. In order to return to the throne, I would at the very least have to receive the approval of High King Perron and that simply will not happen as long as his niece has his ear.
You are and always have been a true and valiant knight, Sir Didymus. And speaking of depending upon you, I hope that you will do me the favor of keeping my current location a secret. There are those that might take my current status as an opportunity to seek revenge for past wrongs. I do not worry for myself, but for those I love who might get caught up in any attempts at harming me.
From: maggiesmagicalmonkeys(a)hotmail com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2009 12:46 PM
To: cluckerswillruletheworld(a)yahoo com
Subject: RE: Still upset?
Maybe you should spend some time in the room of relaxation? But seriously, the nerve of that guy rubbing it in like that! We really need to run some damage control!
Most of anything that I can come up with involves getting them alone, but that involves getting to where they are. We could take our bikes if we have to... but I don't know.
Mom said you can come over any time you want... I really think she's sick, she's been real different lately.
I AM smart! But the game has different things each time you play it, so next time it will be all different. It's real fun too, at one point you get to see a dead body. kinda icky, but still mostly cool.
Sarah has a mom? I always figured that she was like me and didn't have a dad... well, that's cool I guess. Why is she going to see her after not even mentioning her all this time?
Hope to see you soon!
PS: Mom bought Ben and Jerry's Karmel Sutra! She said if you come over we can have some.
From: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 12:53 pm
To: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Subject: RE: Blast, Saturday
Beloved Jareth,
I'm not sure how long I'll be here. One moment, Linda is fine, and seemingly quite perky, and the next minute her medications are making her absolutely dizzy, and she needs help walking back to her bedroom to lie down. Usually, this happens after I've tried bringing it up that maybe she doesn't need my assistance anymore, so it's really hard to tell if she really is dizzy, or if she's faking it.
And, in case you're wondering… I've tried reading her emotions, and they're little help. They give me migraines. Like… very painful migraines. Her emotions are too scattered for me to get a real good reading on them, and her medications don't help. I know she does have pain, though, which might be causing the migraines… hm. I hadn't considered that as the cause… but anyway, that's one reason why I haven't just upped and left her – she may be lying on some level, but not when she's in pain. As to her lying… I think she's far too comfortable in it for me to detect it with her emotions alone. Which rather scares me, sometimes.
Hm. I think you are most definitely right about your first paragraph. LOL. I don't think anyone would think that I'd been testing my empathic abilities, diving into your emotions and then learning to show you my own. Ah… it was so wonderful. Seeing all of you, and then being able to show you all of myself… you were absolutely exhausted.
… goodness, that really could be taken the wrong way, couldn't it? Lets just hope this exchange never finds its way to my family… they'll never believe the truth! LOL!
Ah, how Linda reacted…
Well, it was some time before she remembered that I had blurted out that I was having a wedding soon. Once she remembered it, she totally cornered me and demanded I tell her why I hadn't sent her an invitation.
I told her the truth. We hadn't gotten invitations yet, and also I hadn't thought to invite her. Not seriously, at least. I refused to tell her more about it, or about you, until two days later when she broke down and sobbed about how she at least wanted to know who was marrying her 'baby'. I told her… when I mentioned your name, she was completely nonplussed about it. That's when I realized that, oh yeah, she wouldn't know your name, would she? I only learned it on my run through the Labyrinth because Hoggle mentioned it a few times. She never had that chance.
I think she's gearing up to nag me about it again, but is trying to find a new way to argue on it. We'll see. She took the general idea of it well enough – better than the others did – but… that's only to be expected from Linda. She marries and divorces entirely too frequently.
Hm. I think I will call you earlier. I've got no reason to wait, today, if you're not at work.
I love you. So much.
Missing you badly,
From: JamesWilliams(a)hotmail com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 2:37pm
To: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Subject: RE: Trip
Karen told me that you have had to take an emergency flight to LA because of Linda. I am glad to know you care for your mother, but I just wanted to make sure everything was alright with you. She didn't guilt trip you into it, did she?
That's all I really want to know. I don't like the thought of my little girl being pushed around by her mother.
I hope for and answer soon.
Your father.
Your father
From: ScrabbleAddict(a)crystalcast com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 4:01 PM
To: XiledOwl(a)yahoo com
Subject: RE: Greetings
J... Jar... Jareth,
Verily I say it is nothing short of unnatural to address you in so informal a manner! However, since it is what you have requested I call you, and because you have said you hope that we may be called friends, I shall acquiesce.
As far from you as though she were in the Dueriann Jungle, eh? That is far, indeed. But it must be comforting that you can the sweet maiden's voice, and e-mail with her as well. I do hope that she returns to you soon.
I can readily understand why I have not heard from My Lady, and of course I can forgive her. It sounds to me as though she is quite overwhelmed with many difficult situations. Please pass on to her my heartiest congratulations and wishes for a lovely wedding.
You... you would attempt to find a means for Ludo and I to be present? Jareth, I... I am more than touched, and most deeply appreciative. But... an invisibility spell? Are you... that is, can you still employ magic, although you are a mortal? As to that, are you really? Does one become mortal when one decides to remain Aboveground? Forgive my curiosity. I am merely trying to work it all out in my mind. As for the offer, it is most kind, but would it not detract from your happiness and ability to focus on your big day?
The quest... I confess it was the most harrowing and lengthy ordeal I have ever gone through. My regret lies, however, not in the quest itself, but in the fact that I did not accomplish my mission. I never even laid eyes upon the Ebstone, and for that I will always brand myself a failure, for until now I have never failed to complete an assignment. I do forgive you, with all my heart. Please do not feel the need to "make it up" to me.
As to the other subject you mentioned, I will only say... wait. No. I shan't say another word, as you have asked me not to do so.
Regarding the hope of your return... Jareth, I cannot feel that something is amiss somewhere. You know that my sixth sense is almost as keen as my sense of smell, and all I will say is that something feels dreadfully wrong. More than anything else, that is the overwhelming consensus here... I have heard it said more times than I can count.
It is rumored that Lady Chenea is going quite mad. Aside from a terrible insect infestation problem, she claims odd happenings in her chamber and upon her person. She reportedly bats at herself frequently, and falls apart in tears and screaming fits for no apparent reason. Her family is quite at a loss.
I shall guard your secret with my life. No one will get your location out of me. (If you could see me now, you would see my teeth bared; I just scared off Greeta II, who was sitting upon my lap. Ah, well, it is easier to type without her in the way!) Please do not fear for that. Put it out of your mind and know that you can trust me with anything.
We have not had any further word from Hoggle; I do hope he doesn't get himself into any trouble.
With warm friendship,
From: FairiesByte(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 4:52pm
To: RenfestPrincess(a)yahoo com
Subject: Guess where the flip I am?
I'm sorry I couldn't email or call you about this nonsense sooner, but things have been pretty busy…
Guess who called me last Sunday? Linda. Yep, my mother… my biological-but-doesn't-really-care-much-about-me mother.
Now… guess what she called me for?
That's a trick question, really. What she said she called me for wasn't what she really called me for. She called to tell me that Tuesday she was having a life-threatening surgery done, and she wanted to see me, and she needed me to help take care of her, blah, blah, blah. In the end, though, I found out she lied to me about the surgery, that it wasn't life threatening… it was a nose job.
But, ah well, she got her comeuppance on that one – she ended up needing me to take care of her anyway, because she got a nasty infection from it all.
So, in short, guess where I am? I'm in Los Angeles – and I am not a happy camper. She paid to fly me out, but the wedding is only a month away, and… I had to leave Jareth behind. I'm missing him like nothing else.
Plus… I don't know when I'll be getting home! I thought I'd only be here until, like, Monday or something, but with her infection? It's debatable. Jareth was worried that we'd have to push back the wedding, but I sternly said NO to that – I am NOT letting her ruin the happiest day of my life, that's for sure!
Hm. I wonder what she would do if she found out I was going to marry the Goblin King? Well… former Goblin King. I haven't mentioned Bethany, but I'm sure she remembers her, and I doubt she'd forget Jareth… though, it appears that she never did learn his name, because I've said it several times – each time waiting for her to suddenly remember it and flip out – but she just thinks it's an odd name and that's the end of it. I just wonder…
Ah, poop, I have to run – Marcus, Linda's right hand man (but who insists that he is not a nursemaid and so while he'll do anything else for her, he flatly refuses to care for her while she's on all these medications – I personally think he's afraid of blood), has just come over and is fussing about… something stupid, I'm sure. I know you're on tour with that play right now, so don't worry about responding to this, just give me a call and we'll talk. I'd call you, but I don't want to have your cell phone go off during a performance or anything!
From: cluckerswillruletheworld(a)yahoo com
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2009 5:43 PM
To: maggiesmagicalmonkeys(a)hotmail com
Subject: RE: Still upset?
Mom says she'll take me after dinner! And yeah, Jareth is just being so...ridiculous. Really.
Maybe he put a spell on Sarah or something. She nearly blew herself up the other day apparently, and partly 'cause of me. I think. And cause she's not happy 'cause of her Mom.
Well Sarah's mom is really never there. She's just off in things always and sometimes they visit. I don't know how Sarah feels 'bout her really. We don't talk about it much.
It does sound like your Mom is sick. BUYING ICECREAM?? That's not like her at all.
Get them alone? Huh...like tricking them? You'll have to tell me your ideas tonight! And we can't really go where they are - well there's not point since Sarah isn't there. But we could get something on Jareth maybe...
Dead body? Eck...I mean yeah kinda cool. That's really neat that it changes all the time.
Okay, Mom wants me to help her now with something. I'll see you later!
From, Toby
in alphabetical order
Amara - La-Petit-Aviateur
Bethany - AmericanWoman
Didymus - FaeriesMidwife
Hoggle - Anij
James - LadyVampyre666
Jareth - DanikaLareyna
Karen - OceanFae
Maggie - Bratney
Rel - CoffeeKris
Rob - Yodeladyhoo
Sarah - MartiOwlsten
Sue - Whisper Branson
Toby - Kore-of-Myth
Troink - Sylistra the Scholar
Valarie – MidnightWalking
Marti's Note: Would you look at this… Marti updated again. Actually, I was a lazy bum and suffered computer problems like crazy, so this didn't get updated as quickly as it should have been… so sorry about that, folks. I'll try to be speedier, next time. To help me be more motivated, why don't you review? (I know, I'm shameless). Oh, and Danika is feeling much better, now. She's upgraded to dancing in a hula skirt. Quite the improvement, I'd say.