DISCLAIMER: I don't own Twilight or The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl…and it makes me sad…

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Twilight or The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl…and it makes me sad….:(


"Ooo…this is a classic." Bella lifted the DVD from the shelf, and held it out, so Edward could read it.

"The Matrix?" Edward raised an eyebrow at Bella's choice.

"Yeah, Charlie made me watch it when I was like eight. I don't really remember what went on, so maybe…"

"I've seen it about six billion times. It's Carlisle's favorite movie. He actually had a small role in it." Edward placed the movie back on the shelf.

"Oh, who did he play?" She asked interested. She never knew Carlisle was an actor.


"Huh? I thought Keanu Reeves played Neo?"

"He did. Carlisle changed his name, so that if anyone ever found out he was a vampire, he could just say that he is Keanu Reeves."


"It's his alias. He uses when he does acting."

"Oh…" Bella giggled. "Carlisle is Keanu Reeves."

"It also keeps fan girls away from our house."

"Carlisle has fan girls?" Confusion consumed Bella's face as she looked at Edward.

"Sure he does. I have fan girls too, you know."

"You do?"

"Yeah, haven't you ever noticed all the mail we get at our house?"

Bella shrugged. "I just assumed that Carlisle had a lot of friends."

"No, it's like this." He leaned up against the shelf of movies. "We get anywhere from 34,000-45,000 letters from girls, and sometimes guys, wanting to marry us, have babies with us, inviting us out to dinner, and so on and so forth."

Bella nodded.

"So usually about 2,500 are Emmett's, 4,000 are Jasper's, 230 are Esme's, 10 are Rosalie's, 8,300 are Carlisle's and that leaves 18,000 for me."

"That's a lot of girls…" Bella's eyes fell to the floor. "I bet most are better than me."

"But there is only one person I would ever respond to. If she were to send me any mail once in awhile." Edward lifted himself from the shelf and put his arms around Bella.

"Maybe she should send you some mail some time."

"Maybe she should." He smiled.

"Hey, what about Alice? Doesn't she get mail?"

"Oh yeah, we don't consider hers to be fan mail considering she accepts every invitation. She flew to England last weekend to have tea and crumpets with some guy named Gideon Emery."

"Huh? Vampires don't eat."

"We know. Apparently neither does the Emery guy; 'he was too sexy to eat' was what Alice said. She said his voice was heavenly, too. She came back and told Carlisle to bite him, so that he could talk to her forever."

"So why don't you consider it fan mail?" She put her head on his chest.

"Oh, because half the fun is you and them knowing that you'll never be together, because they don't have a shot."

"That doesn't sound very fun." Bella lift her head up so she could see his beautiful eyes.

"It's fun for me." She smiled, and pressed her face back into his chest.

"So…" Edward began. "Are we going to pick a movie or not?"

Bella pulled away from him, already missing being so close. "Yeah, let's go."

"Maybe this." Edward picked up a DVD from the shelf. "Dracula, this my friend is an actually classic."

"A vampire movie?"

"What you got a problem with vampires?"

"Yes." Bella said with a laugh. " They're way too stubborn and caring."

"You wound me." He put his hand over where his beating heart should be as if he had been hurt by Bella's comment.

She smiled and laughed.

Bella then turned her attention to the titles on the shelf behind him.

"Are you two going to actually pick a movie or am I going to have to call the cops?" The cashier yelled from the front of the store.

"Sorry, we're almost done." Edward replied.

"We're closing in five minutes! You two better be out by then!"

"Ok." Bella replied this time. She glanced over each movie. "Hmm…decisions, decisions. Edward?"

"Yeah." He was at the other end of the shelf looking over another group of titles.

"Have you found anything?"

"Negative. Did you?"

Bella let her eyes follow the line of movies searching for one that would fill their movie-watching craving. Her and Edward had been having movie night every Friday night, starting today.

That's when one DVD caught her eye. It was pushed in towards that back, behind Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and Max Keeble's Big Move.

"Hey, Bell, did you find anything?"

"Affirmative." She reached back behind the DVDs and pulled out the one she wanted. The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl, it was perfect.

"What movie?" He was quickly to her side. She handed the movie to him. He examined the cover.

"What this?" She nodded. "This is a kid's movie."

"Come on, Edward. It looks kind of cute and Shark Boy or should I say," She flipped the movie over and looked for the real name of Shark Boy. "Taylor Lautner is kind of hott."

"He looks like a twelve year old."

"A hott twelve year old."

"Fine, Bella whatever. We'll watch the twelve-year-old shark and the lava chick movie. As long as you promise not to say he's hott anymore."

"Deal." The two shook hands.

"We're closing now!"

"Ok, we're done." Bella grabbed the movie from Edward's hand and ran up to the cashier.


Author's Note: Umm…this is kind of a random story…yeah.

Oh yes, and If you can guess what video character I love that Gideon Emery plays, I will give a imaginary cookie. Fun huh?