lol ok sooo sorry for the long wait but here's the first part of the next chappie, I know i said I wouldn't work on it anymore but I couldn't resist finishing it up! here's part 1

Chapter 4

She walked down the streets of Paris, turning heads everywhere she went. Dressed in a black tank top and short shorts, with boobs the size of beach balls and a butt to match, Gabrealla Midnight Destiny Sparrow Diyeh walked confidently to the Paris opera house. Every guy that saw her wanted her, but she didn't care about any of them, there was only one person she wanted. She was there for one reason and one reason only: to see the Phantom of the Opera

Going into the extravagant main lobby she walked right up to the managers, her waist length curly brown hair blew in the wind as she approached. "Hi there!" she said in a high pitched voice "I want to be the prima-dona and prima-ballerina." She said with confidence. Both Andrey and Fermon looked at each other slowly then back to her with confused looks on their faces before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

"Oh child, that won't happen I'm afraid, you need years of schooling, plus both those positions are already filled" Fermon said with a chuckle. Destiny looked annoyed and huffed, clearing her throat she began to sing 'Think of Me Fondly' As she sang more people showed up and put flowers at her feet, they clapped and cheered for her and when it was over both men were in shock. They had never heard anything more beautiful in their entire lives.

"My dear, you shall be our new prima-dona!" Fermon exclaimed in excitement. Just at that moment Carlotta was walking by "You miss are fired!" with that he shoved Carlotta to the door without another word, ignoring her screams of protest.

"And you shall also be prima-ballerina" Aundrey added, ordering someone to draft a letter of resignation to Christine. Destiny smiled, and walked to her new dressing room, admiring it. Going over to the mirror she easily found the secret passageway leading to Erik's lair. Going in she marvelled at it, and as she went deeper and deeper she could feel her excitement growing as she got closer to meeting her lover.

Meanwhile in the Phantom's lair, Erik and his best friend, Nadir the Persian were relaxing with a friendly game of pong on Erik's computer. So far Nadir had proved he was quite good and was kicking his friend's butt.

"Hah I win again!" he exclaimed triumphantly

The phantom looked annoyed and rolled his eyes but looked back when he heard someone coming in a boat. Curious, both men went to investigate and there they saw her! She was beautiful and singing a song of love as she rowed up to the lair. Stepping off the boat she made a b-line for Eric and hugged him.

"Oh Erik my love! I knew one day we'd be together!" she said. Erik looked confused

"Um...I don't know you, go away" he said flatly

She looked sad "But we're meant to be together!" she whined. Nadir had had enough of her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Now miss I shall give you one warning, leave now or I will force you to go!" she spun around and kicked him in the gut, sending him flying through the air and into the water. Erik was amazed and in shock but he didn't have time to say anything as she kissed him deeply. Breaking the kiss he smiled and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were glowing green, hypnotizing Erik

"You love me." She commanded.

"I love you" he repeated, sounding like a zombie, as Nadir got out of the water, soaking wet and spitting out water

"Erik, don't just stand there! Get her out!" he yelled but the Phantom didn't do anything, he just sat there with her with a stupid look on his face, his mouth open and drooling some. Finally she went back up to her room since there was a big opera performance tomorrow and she was needed on set, not that she needed to practise but so that others could learn their part with her. After she left Erik was blushing

"I think I'm in love Nadir" the Persian facepalmed

"Oh by Allah"

The next day Gabriella preformed beautifully, her performance got her standing ovation and flowers, numerous gifts from the opera-goers and lots of money. The Persian couldn't believe it; Erik was head over heels for her throughout the entire show. She met Erik in the lobby and kissed him

"Oh Erik my love, did you see that?" she asked

"Yes I did pumpkin, it was stupendous!" he said. Nadir couldn't take it anymore

"Hey hussy get away from my friend!" he yelled going up to them. She smirked and pulled out some papers, giving them to the manager

"Hmmm well according to this you're an illegal immigrant." She said, looking at the manager, her eyes glowing. Fermon nodded

"Yes it would seem so. Guards, take this man away!" with that two cops grabbed the Persian and pulled him away, the man kicking and screaming the entire time

"No don't do this! Erik, stay away from her! She's dangerous!" but he was thrown out the door and soon on a boat back to Persia.

She smirked and pulled Erik close "Let's go back to your room for a celebration" she said with a kiss and pulled him away.

Meanwhile out on the street both Christine and Carlotta were now suddenly penniless and sat at the street corner begging for change. Their once beautiful dresses were dirty and torn and their hair was a mess. They sat at the corner everyday living out of a cardboard box trying to get enough money for food. They hated the woman who stole their lives and were determined to get back at her. They noticed the Persian being lead on a boat and were able to sneak aboard and see where their friend was going. Of course Raoul was no help since he had suddenly turned into an obnoxious drunk and spent his vast fortune on booze.

Meanwhile the Mary-sue had turned Erik into a sex god. He knew every position possible and had amazing stamina. Currently they were doing doggie style, which was her favourite

"Ohhh Erik! I'm creaming!" she moaned as her sandwich closed around his throbbing sausage.

"Huuuurrrrr!" Erik moaned as he squirted his mayo deep into her spasming meat cannel as they both collapse in the afterglow, having had constant sex for the past several hours.

"Oooh Erik I love you!"

"I love you to" he said and kissed her. They went on like that for the entire night.

Over the next several weeks the Opera house enjoyed great success due to Destiny's singing. She was always the star of the show and everyone loved her. Though back in Persia, things were different. Nadir had gotten his job back with the Persian police force and was out walking the beat when he heard two women scream. He recognized them and ran to them, finding them to be his friends Carlotta and Christine.

They were in a narrow ally, surrounded by at least 10 thugs, leaping into action, the Persian easily kicked everyone's butt effortlessly like something out of the Matrix or Assassins Creed. He jumped off walls, dodges knives, did parkour stuff and the like. Casually dusting himself off as the defeated thugs moaned beneath him he went up to Christine

"What are you doing here?" he asked

"Well we were looking for you, we need you to come back with us! The girl who stole Erik has to be stopped!"

Nadir sighed and rubbed his head "I don't know if I can help"

She grabbed his arm lightly "You can use 'that' technique"

His eyes went wide and he sighed "But if I use 'that' technique I could destroy all of Paris!" he said fretting

"It's our only chance!" she begged, finally the Persian accepted it and the three of them were soon on a boat back to Paris.