Snape I Am

by Ri-kun

and the

Death Eaters

I am Snape!

I am Snape!

Snape I Am!

That Snape I Am!
That Snape I Am!

I do not like that Snape I Am!

Do you like Green Light and Spam?

I do not like them, Snape I Am!

I do not like Green Light and Spam!

Would you like them here or there?

I would not like them here or there.

I would not like them anywhere.

I do not like Green Light and Spam.

I do not like them, Snape I Am!

Would you like them on the cart?

Would you like them in the dark?

I do not like them on the cart.

I do not like them in the dark.

I do not like them here or there.

I do not like them anywhere.

I do not like Green Light and Spam.
I do not like them, Snape I Am!

Would you eat them on the Mark?

Would you eat them with a hart?

Not on the Mark.

Not with a hart.

Not on the cart!

Not in the dark!

I would not eat them here or there.

I would not eat them anywhere.

I would not eat Green Light and Spam!

I would not eat them, Snape I Am!

Could you? Would you? With a potion?

Eat them! Eat them! Have the notion!

I would not, could not, with a potion.

You may like them on a broom.

You may like them in the Room!

I would not, could not, in the Room!

Leave me be. Not on a broom!

I do not like them on the Mark.

I do not like them with a hart.

I do not like them on the cart.

I do not like them in the dark.

I do not like them here or there.

I do not like them anywhere.

I do not like Green Light and Spam

I do not like them, Snape I Am!

The Train! The Train!

The Train! The Train!

Could you, would you, on the Train?

Not on a train. Not on a broom.

Leave me be, Snape. Give me some room!

I would not, could not, on the Mark.

I could not, would not, with a hart.

I will not eat them on the cart.

I will not eat them in the dark.

I will not eat them here or there.

I will nto eat them anywhere.

I do not like Green Light and Spam!
I do not like them, Snape I Am!


With a wand?

Here with a wand!

Would you, could you, with a wand?

I would not, could not, with a wand!

Would you, could you, on the Lake?

I would not, could not, on the Lake!

Not with a wand. Not on a broom.

Not on the Mark. Not with a hart.

I do not like them, Snape, you see!

Not on the cart. Not in the dark.

Not on the Train. Not on the Lake.

I will not eat them here or there.

I do not like them anywhere!

You do not like Green Light and Spam?

I do not like them, Snape I Am!

Could you, would you, with a Snitch?

I would not, could not, with a Snitch!

Would you, could you, with a witch?

I could not, would not, with a Snitch.

I will not, will not, with a witch!

I will not eat them with a Snitch.

I will not eat them with a witch.

I would not, could not, on the Lake!

Not with a wand. Not on a broom.

Not on the Mark. Not with a hart.

I do not like them, Snape, you see!

Not on the cart. Not in the dark.

Not on the Train. Not on the Lake.

I will not eat them here or there.

I do not like them ANYWHERE!

I do not like Green Light and Spam.

I do not like them, Snape I Am.

You do not like them, so you say.

Try them! Try them! And you may!

Try them and you may, I say!

Snape, if you will let me be.

I will try them.

You will see.

dramatic pause


I like Green Light and Spam!

I do! I like them, Snape I Am.

I would eat them with a Snitch!

I would eat them with a witch!

I will eat them on the Train.

I will eat them on the Lake.

With a wand. On a broom.

On the Mark. With a hart.

I will eat them on the cart. I will eat them in the dark.

I will eat them here or there. I will eat them ANYWHERE!

I do so like Green Light and Spam.

Thank you! Thank you, Snape I Am!

Done in loving memory of Dr. Seuss. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling and Dr. Seuss, along with Warner Bros.

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