(A/N): Well, here it is! Finally, the final chapter! Awww I feel kinda sad, you know this is my first multi chapter story coming to an end. EVER. –Sigh- ah I've had so much fun writing this story. Honestly, I loved this; it was a dream to write. I'm thinking about doing another fairy tale parody, so if any of you have any suggestions let me know. Right, so on to the disclaimer!
Allen: Nella Chan doesn't own DGM and she doesn't believe in Santa anymore because of he horrible mean old goat of a father.
Lavi: yeah, he really wasn't very gentle about telling her he's fake either.
Nella: -sniffle- tell me about it.
Kanda: you're 14 damn years old kid and you're turning 15 in like 10 days. Grow up already.
Nella: hey! Its 8 days till my birthday thank you very much! –Pouts-
Kanda: ... that just proved how immature you are.
Nella: what was that Kanda-panda? You want to be in a threesome with Allen and Lavi?
Kanda: -Pales- oh sweet Jesus what have I done?
Allen and Lavi: you shouldn't have done that Kanda, she has the power of the authoress!
Nella: BEWARE!!
Everyone else: -Sweat drop-
"Yup. It definitely will." Lavi smiled and the two walked back into the ball, "Tomorrow! We will find her!" he punched the air, smiling.
Just as the red carriage was out of sight of the magnificent castle, the clock chimed for the twelfth and final time, and Allen was dumped unceremoniously out into the muddy streets, clad once again in her plain work dress. She sat there for a moment, dazed before looking around her. The incredibly large red pepper was lying on the ground beside her and the mice scurried away frantically. The golden pup, Tim, waddled over to her and licked her nose affectionately.
"Yeah, I'm ok Tim." She pushed herself up onto her knees and brushed the worst of the mud off her dress. Smiling softly to herself the white haired girl picked up the red pepper and made her way back towards the cross manor, to get some well deserved sleep after a night of fun, the bouncing puppy walking happily beside her in the night.
"What a wonderful night," she sighed dreamily gazing up at the inky night sky, "I wonder if Lavi will come to my favourite bar again..." she smiled and the dog barked encouragingly.
"You think so? I do too." After a solid half hour of walking Allen arrived at the gates of the elegant mansion and opened them. After shooing the exuberant puppy back into its yard, she made her way up the walkway. Letting herself into the dark house she made her way towards her attic bedroom, stopping briefly in the kitchen to leave the pepper for the family chef, Jerry. Finally arriving in her stuffy and dim bedroom, Allen flopped onto the stiff mattress and fell asleep, dreaming of the redheaded gentleman.
Allen was jerked from her comfortable sleep by a loud bang. Sunlight had filtered unnoticed to her through the cracks in the old shutters over her tiny window. Allen had over slept and as she sat up groggily, there was another loud bang as cross stormed into the room, red hair wild, eyes almost glowing with anger.
"Get up brat." She fumed and the still half asleep Allen complied, memories of last night not yet returning to the white haired girl.
"I'm sorry I over slept I-," Allen started, sleepily rubbing her eyes.
"Shut up." The red haired woman glowered at the younger girl who looked up at her wearily. The stormy grey eyes widened suddenly as the memories from last night flooded back into her mind.
"Stepmother I can explain-," the white haired girl started again, only to be cut off by a sharp slap to the face. She stumbled back and fell to the floor ungracefully.
"You are mine. I own you until you are married off, I die, or you die. You obey my rules and my orders. You live in my house, eat my food, take up my space. Your dear father left you to me, so you better do as I say brat." The woman loomed over the girl whose eyes narrowed in anger.
"You don't own me! I am a human being, not a dog! You have no right to say that! My father loved me and would have never left me to you if he knew you were such a horrible person!" defiance sparkled in those grey depths as Allen shouted back to the woman who made her life miserable. Cross' eyes narrowed in rage and she pulled the smaller female up by the front of her mud stained dress.
"I do own you Allen. You will feel no happiness, no joy, and no kindness while you are in my home, while you are under my rule. You don't even have the right to smile without my permission. Do you understand me brat?" the woman's angry gaze was met by calm steel coloured eyes. There was no nod, nor any acknowledgement that Allen had heard what cross had said but the woman released the girl, shoving her back roughly.
"You will get me enough money to last me a week. If you don't, god help me, you will not step foot in this house ever again."
"You can't do that! This is my house by right! It was my fathers! He left it to me not you!" Allen cried, straightening herself.
"I don't care. My sons have more right to this home than you, besides they are much more capable and smart! An idiotic brat like you doesn't deserve this house. Besides, you can't claim the house until you're 18 dear, and I doubt you'll last that long." The threat went unspoken and the woman walked out of the dim room. She paused at the door and looked back at the girl whose tears slid silently down her pale cheeks.
"Get the money." Was the last thing the spiteful woman said, before vanishing into the hallway. Allen collapsed onto her bed and cried silently, hating the woman who had too much control over her. Allen pulled the battered deck of cards her father had given her the week before he died out of her pocket and fingered the edges lovingly.
"Mana... why did you leave me with her? Why did you give such a horrible woman power over me?" she whispered flipping through the cards, looking for her favourite. Allen reached the end of the deck and stopped. She thumbed through the cards
again and her eyes widened. It wasn't there. The ace of spades was gone! Her favourite card, a card from the deck her father had given her... the last thing he had ever given her. It was gone! Allen started to cry even harder, how could he be so careless with such a precious thing to her?
"Stop it Allen." The white haired girl looked up from her tear stained pillow and saw Lenalee standing over her.
"L-Lenalee..." she whimpered.
"Stop it!" Lenalee yelled, and Allen was taken back by the girl's outburst. Lenalee was normally very good at comforting the younger girl.
"Allen, you're stronger than this! Stop crying and get a hold of yourself! If you want to stay and fight for your home, then stop crying and hold your head high like you always do! Don't let that crazy woman control you! You don't have to put up with her, what would Mana say? He would want you to keep walking forward into the future, like he always told you, like you always say that you do, in memory of him!" Allen looked up at her friend who stood tall and she smiled softly at the older Chinese girl.
"You're right Lenalee." Allen sniffed as she sat up on her bed and rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palm, "You're right. I've got to keep my head up, keep walking forward, till the day I die." The white haired girl stood and Lenalee smiled at the determined kid.
"That's the Allen I know. Now get out there and give them hell." Lenalee patted Allen's fluffy white head.
"Thank you." Lenalee nodded as she walked out of the room, giving Allen a reassuring smile and shut the door softly behind her.
"You can do it Allen, that woman doesn't deserve the right to control you like that." Lenalee whispered to herself and hurried away to complete her chores.
Allen walked over to her mirror and glared at herself.
"Oh, Allen, so you lost one card. So what? Yes they're good cards and Mana gave them to you, but they're just material items. You don't need them to remember him. Now, if you want to get his house one day the house that is yours, you've got to buck up and make some money." Allen exhaled slowly and smiled at herself.
Quickly pulling on her boys clothing and tying her long white hair up into another black bandana, letting the ends hang out of the bottom to give the appearance of short hair she opened her window and shimmied down the side of the house, clinging onto the ivy that had crawled up the sides. Allen hurried out of the garden and down the road towards town, hopefully she would be able to hit up a few bars and win enough to appease Cross, Allen wasn't going to give up her father's home without a fight.
"Royal straight flush." Allen laid the cards down on the table and the men threw up their hands in defeat.
"I don't know how you do this kid. You win every single time, and I've never even seen you cheat!" one of the men who had lost a rather large amount to the young girl asked.
"Just luck I guess." Allen shrugged and pocketed her winnings as she walked out of the bar. The sun was starting to descend in the bright blue sky and Allen sighed. A few more poker games and she would have enough to appease her stepmother's rage, but Allen really didn't have the heart to cheat more people out of their money. She may have valid reasons to, but that didn't make her feel any better about the whole thing.
"Only a little more..." Allen whispered to herself as she looked down at the fat pack that she kept at her side for holding her winnings.
She walked into the tavern she had first met Lavi in and felt a small pang of sadness. She had really liked him, he was friendly and understanding and charming and kind... he reminded her of Mana to a certain degree. They were both good people, and she would probably never see Lavi again. Her stepmother would make sure of that. She would make sure that Allen never found happiness, as long as she lived. The young girl sighed and walked towards the poker game that was going on in the back corner.
As she focused on the game she didn't notice a tall man in a black cloak walk in and talk to the bar tender. Placing another winning hand on the table, she pulled in another larger stack of money and moved to the same table she had sat that day to count her winnings. She was getting pretty close to having enough, maybe one more game of poker and she could call it a night.
A sudden tap on her shoulder caused Allen to jump in surprise and scatter the neat piles of money she had been making. The young girl turned to glare at the person who had scared her, only to meet a familiar green eye that sparkled joyfully.
"Lavi?" Allen blinked and the man grinned as he slid into the seat across from her.
"The one and only. How's it going Allen?" he asked with an easy smile.
"Good I suppose." Allen looked at the redheaded man curiously, "Why are you here?"
"What a man cant come to a tavern every once in a while?" Lavi shrugged a light blush tainting his cheeks.
"Not someone who has a high enough status to go to a royal ball." Allen shot back as she began to straighten the stacks of bills. Lavi's eyebrow instantly raised high in a surprised ark.
"You didn't know my status?" he asked, slightly incredulously.
"No... Should I have?" the younger girl asked slowly.
"I suppose no, but I'm still kind of surprised, usually girls make it a point to know all of the dreamy aristocrats, and stalk them incessantly." He boasted shamelessly.
"Then why would I know about you?" a smirked at his stricken expression.
"Are you implying that I'm not dreamy?" he asked in mock hurt.
"maybe." she grinned cheekily and folded the stacks of money into bundles before she put them into her bag.
"So why'd you run off like that last night? Did I have bad breath or something?" Lavi grinned back and Allen blushed.
"Sorry about that, I would have stayed longer if I could have, but I... had certain time restrictions..." Allen smiled and Lavi nodded accepting.
"Ok, well, you should make it up to me, I was short one beautiful date for the rest of the night you know." Lavi smiled as the girl blushed an even darker scarlet and shifted uncomfortably.
"Oh well, I uhmm... thank you for the complement... but I honestly don't know how-," Allen said uncomfortably as she stuffed the last few wads of cash into her bag and Lavi cut her off.
"Well, how about a game of poker?" she looked up at the older boy in surprise, eyebrow raised in disbelief.
"You want to play poker even though you know I cheat?" Allen looked at the redhead whose smile widened.
"You said if the person you played didn't cheat you wouldn't." He shrugged, still smiling.
"Well... alright..." Allen nodded.
"Do you have a deck of cards?" Lavi asked a slightly more serious sparkle in his eyes.
"Yes...but its missing a card..." Allen looked down sadly, touching the comforting presence of the said deck where it laid in her pocket. Even if it was missing only one card, it felt thinner and incomplete to her.
"Oh? The ace of spades perhaps?" Lavi asked and his grin widened again as the white haired girl's head snapped up and eyed him suspiciously.
"How did you know that?"
"Well, when I was running after my date, and watching her bright red carriage ride off into the night I noticed this little bit of paper on the ground..." Lavi produced the battered ace of spades from a coat pocket and held it out to Allen, who took it almost disbelievingly.
"My card..." she whispered half to herself, before looking up at Lavi, smiling widely, tears prickling at the backs of her eyelids. "Thank you, so much!" she pulled out the rest of the deck and placed the card back on top, before shuffling skilfully. She dealt the cards Lavi grinned and picked up his hand.
They played together, neither cheating nor betting money. It was just a game for fun, and Allen found she enjoyed the game, even without the risk she ran when she cheated. It was nice to know her darker 'hobby' didn't affect her ability to enjoy the actual game. They each won a few hands before darkness started to set in and Allen sighed sadly before looking up at the redhead.
"I've got to get home. My stepmother is expecting her money..." Allen stood and gathered the cards into a neat stack before pocketing them.
"It was nice seeing you..." Allen trailed off.
"Then why don't we meet again tomorrow?" Lavi offered and Allen was looking at the tall redhead in surprise again.
"You want to? I mean... I'm just a low class servant, you really want to see me?" Allen waited for Lavi's reply and was surprised again when he smiled and stood to walk her out.
"Sure I do. I might have some social status, but I'm no snob I'll have you know. Maybe next time I see you, you wont be wearing boys clothes. Hmmm?" Lavi waggled his fiery coloured eyebrow and Allen smiled.
"We will see. I have to wear boy's clothes to gamble you know." They exited the dim tavern and walked through the town as the day was winding down, merchants and street vendors packing up, shop owners closing down, mothers calling their children into bed. Allen always liked this time of day, it was peaceful.
"You know, I don't get to experience normal life like this often. Its nice." Lavi was smiling wistfully as he said this and Allen wondered at his longing for a life of lesser luxury.
"Why don't you like your life? Getting waited on hand and foot, getting a proper education, it must be better than this." Allen gestured around herself at the town as it got ready for the coming night.
"The old panda is never happy with anything I do. I'm supposed to be a stoic, cold bastard who can deal with the stresses of the family responsibilities; I don't like the expectations that I have to live up to. I would much rather be a carefree teenager
like you, even if it meant chores and hard work. Believe it or not, but I like to get my hands dirty and do hard work from time to time." Lavi grinned down at the shorter girl who smiled back.
"Well when you put it that way..." she giggled as they neared her house.
"Do you like your life?" Lavi asked and Allen was thrown slightly by the question.
"I some resects yes I do. I like my friends, and I like doing things around the house, cleaning I find is a very calming thing, as weird as that may sound. I like gambling to a certain degree, its fun, but I don't like to cheat."
"What don't you like about it?" Lavi asked and Allen paused for a moment, considering.
"The way my stepmother controls my life. The house, it was left to me by my father, but she took over it because I was still too young to own my own house. So she has that over me. She treats me like a servant even though I have more right to that house than her or her bratty sons. As soon as I'm 18, I want to kick her out, and live happily in the house my father built." Allen smiled dreamily at the darkening sky and Lavi stared at the girl, admiring the way the last rays of the sun reflected off of her pure white hair.
"You think very fondly of your father, what was he like?" Lavi asked and Allen smiled sadly.
"He was a kind man, understanding and warm. He would let me crawl into his bed at three in the morning and cry if I had a bad dream, and he would teach me tricks, with cards or juggling or anything. He would pick me up if I fell down and bandage my scraped knees. We used to play poker together, trying to catch each other cheating. I only ever caught him without him letting me once, he was really proud of me..." Allen trailed off, lost in her own memories and Lavi smiled at her gentle look.
"I never really had anyone like that. Just different nurses and maids. Panda never was very cuddly." Lavi chuckled to himself and was surprised by a gentle hand being placed on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry." Allen smiled and squeezed his broad shoulder.
"For what?" Lavi was genuinely confused.
"Everyone should have someone like my father, someone who loves them. I'm sorry you don't feel like you did." Allen smiled as she stopped in front of the gate to he house. Lavi blinked down at the young, innocent little girl before smiling softly.
"This your place?" he asked and Allen nodded, "Well, then I guess this is good night. I'll meet you tomorrow outside the same place?" Lavi asked hopefully and Allen smiled.
"Sure but I cant promise if I'll be dressed as I girl." She winked and walked through the low fence gate, closing it softly behind her.
"Oh, Allen?" Lavi called before she had taken two steps. The tiny girl turned and was surprised by gentle lips brushing softly against her own. Lavi leaned back over the gate and grinned at the girl who was standing, frozen in place, her face a deep scarlet.
"See you tomorrow!" he called as he walked back down the road, waving at Allen over his shoulder. She stood there and watched him walk away until he was swallowed by the darkness. Shakily, Allen made her way into her house and into her room. Changing quickly, Allen walked into cross' room with her peace offering and prayed she had enough.
"He WHAT?!" the Chinese girl exclaimed as the younger white haired girl shushed her.
"Quiet! Geez Lenalee. He kissed me. Well, it wasn't really a kiss, more of his lips just brushing mine." Allen whispered as the two worked, washing up the dishes from breakfast.
"Well that's still huge! Do you like him like that?" Lenalee whispered back, looking around suspiciously for eavesdroppers.
"I don't know. He's a really great guy... he wants me to meet him later today, can you cover for me?"
"OF COURSE I CAN!!" Lenalee practically screamed into Allen's ear.
"Lenalee! Eardrum!!" the younger girl covered her ears and her friend grinned sheepishly.
"Sorry. I just can't believe my little Allen has a date!" she whisper-sang joyfully "And with such a handsome man!" Lenalee sighed dreamily and Allen giggled.
"He really is handsome isn't he?" Allen smiled as they finished the dishes and wiped her hands on her apron, "I want to go get ready, is it ok if I leave this early?"
"I would be insulted if you didn't!" Lenalee exclaimed and shooed the girl up to her room, "Now go!"
Allen giggled and hustled up to her room "Thank you Lenalee!"
"You're welcome! Now hurry up and skedaddle!" the Chinese girl skipped away humming happily to herself as Allen hurriedly changed into a nicer dress. It wasn't fancy, just a plain pale blue little dress she usually wore when she went to church or into town to buy groceries. She ran a brush through her work knotted hair and threw open her bedroom window. Quickly climbing down the side of the house again, although a bit more carefully than yesterday, she was wearing a dress, she rushed over to the gate and hopped over it.
"Well, someone is awfully excited." Allen was surprised by the voice and tripped over her own feet, very nearly face planting before a pair of strong arms caught her.
"Don't scare me like that jerk!" Allen glared up at the grinning redhead.
"Well, it's not my fault you weren't paying attention." He replied cheekily and Allen rolled her eyes as he helped her up.
"Sure, sure. So, what are we doing today? I'm dressed as a girl and everything, so we can't gamble." She smiled and Lavi raised an eyebrow.
"Well, how about we take a walk around town and see what there is to do?" he suggested.
"Inviting a lady out and not even planning the date. Tsk, what kind of noble gentleman does that Lavi?" Allen scolded playfully and Lavi's smiled widened.
"I do believe that would be me." They laughed together as they arrived in the town. The pair walked from store to store, browsing goods, talking with merchants, chatting with people that Allen knew, just walking around enjoying the others company. The fun day was brought to a screeching halt when a sudden voice rang out over the crowd.
"Allen?" the girl froze in place and Lavi looked down at his female companion questioningly.
"Oh no, not now..." Allen whispered desperately and Lavi looked up at the tall redheaded woman who approached the two, a wild anger in her eyes.
"Why are you here, and not at home doing your chores?" she demanded as she spun the white haired girl around roughly by the arm.
"L-Lenalee said she would cover for me today..." Allen trailed off uncertainly and Lavi glared at the mean spirited woman.
"It is not Lenalee's job to do your work. Now, come along. You are going to go home, and do a double load of chores for punishment." Allen looked up at the older woman pleadingly but the redhead turned on her heel and began to stalk off.
"N-no." Cross stopped and turned back to the defiant girl.
"What was that brat?" cross demanded and Allen took a shaky breath.
"I said no. There is no reason for me to be punished. Lenalee is covering my chores of her own will. Besides, I'm having a good time today, and I won't let you ruin this for me." Allen's steely grey eyes met cross' enraged glare evenly and Lavi had to give her quite a bit a credit. He wasn't sure if even he could meet that look calmly.
"You will not disobey me brat." Cross stormed forward a grabbed Allen roughly by the arm. Allen pulled back and cross tightened her grip, glaring daggers at the younger girl. A hand was suddenly over cross' on Allen's arm and the woman turned her gaze angrily to the person who dared to intervene with her idiot stepdaughter's punishment.
"Now, is that any way to behave in front of a prince?" Lavi asked, his eye flashing dangerously.
"Prince...?" Cross said slowly before she gasped and backed away from Lavi and Allen, "W-what? What is the prince doing with... with the brat?" she babbled.
"We were on a date until you so rudely interrupted. Now if you would excuse us." Lavi grabbed Allen's hand and pulled her in the opposite direction of cross.
"You're... the prince?" Allen squeaked out and Lavi smiled back at her.
"Yeah." He stopped when they were a good distance from the crowd and could talk in some privacy.
"O-oh my god! I called the prince a jerk!" Allen cried out and Lavi looked at her in surprise before chuckling softly to himself.
"Is that all you're worried about?" he asked gently.
"Well... I don't really understand... why would you pick me of all people? I mean, I'm just a low class, card shark servant girl. You're... a prince... I mean... you could pick from any of the girls in the kingdom! I'm sure there are many girls way prettier and smarter and... Better than me! Why would you-," Lavi pressed a finger to the girls mouth effectively silencing her.
"I'm picking you because you're the one who I like. You're smart, and funny, and you can fight back when I tease you, not just blush and giggle. You can cheat at cards and not be afraid or intimidated by the men you play against. You're unique and I know you wont think any differently of me just because of a title I didn't choose to be born into." He smiled at the girl, who was looking up at him in wonder,
"You're beautiful and strong willed and I want you to be my wife. Allen, will you marry me?" Allen's eyes widened in shock as the red haired prince held her.
"You... really want someone like me?" she asked softly and Lavi's eyes softened as he leaned down, gently pressing his lips to the object of his affection's pearly ones. After a moment he pulled away and pressed his forehead against Allen's as she looked up at him, a small blush dusting over her pale cheeks.
"What do you say Allen?"
"I... I... yes." Lavi grinned and kissed his bride-to-be tenderly. After they parted for a second time Reever walked over and clapped his redheaded master on the shoulder.
"I'm guessing she said yes mate." The Australian man smiled as Lavi grinned stupidly.
"Who could say no to a sexy beast like me?" he asked jokingly, receiving a solid smack from both Allen and Reever. And he pranced away, laughing like a kid in a candy store, pulling Allen along and spinning them in happy circles.
The wedding was large and extravagant, but that was to be expected. The only heir to the throne was getting married! Servants fussed over Allen's stunning wedding gown and played with her hair, much to the young bride's annoyance.
"Guys, its fine, can you all just leave me be for a while?" the servants bowed and scurried away leaving Allen to her thoughts.
Lenalee had been over the moon when she found out that Allen was getting married to a prince no less. Cross had been furious, but what could she do but scowl? Tyki had looked surprised and pissed off, but he took it rather well. Kanda had... well he really didn't care either way. Everyone else in the house Allen had loved so much had been ecstatic over the news and Allen had begged Lavi to hire them all, which he had, they were all now currently employed at the castle and worked directly for Allen. She had everything she could want, so why did she feel like something was missing?
"Father..." she whispered sadly, sitting in a plush chair in front of a window. That's what it was, she wanted her father to be there to give her to the man she had fallen in love with. There was a quiet knock on the door and Allen called out an unenthusiastic 'come in'. Lavi slipped into the empty room and looked worriedly at his melancholy bride.
"What's the matter Allen?" he asked worriedly.
"Its nothing..." she turned away from the redhead who didn't buy it.
"If it was nothing you would ask me why I asked you what's wrong." He smiled and sat beside the younger girl.
"It's just... I... well I'm just missing my father... I... wish he could be here you know? I mean... I don't really have anyone to give me away... I wish he was here." She told her love softly.
"Well, that's normal. I mean, he was someone important to you and it's only natural to want him with you. But I think I have the solution! It might not be your father, but I have someone to give you away! Yuu Chan!" Lavi called and Kanda walked in looking just as sullen as even.
"K-Kanda?!" Allen stuttered out, in total shock.
"Yes bean sprout cinder-Allen. Damn Lenalee talked me into it."
"Awww, I love you too Kanda!" Lenalee bounced in and smiled at the girl before chasing Lavi out of the room, "Out you! Its bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the ceremony!" she scolded and Lavi laughed good naturedly.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going! See you at the altar love!" he called as Lenalee slammed the door.
"Thank you Kanda." Allen smiled up at the stoic young man who shrugged.
"Better me than Tyki."
"You got that right! No offence Kanda, but Tyki is a pervert!" Lenalee sang happily and Kanda rolled his eyes.
"He is my brother. I've known the kid for a bit longer than you." Kanda scoffed.
"Well, it's just about time to get going." Allen stood and straightened her dress, "Lets go get married." She smiled and the three walked out of the room and down the hall towards the chapel.
The actually ceremony was short and sweet. The couple said their vows and they were married. With the last 'I do' Lavi pulled Allen into a passionate kiss and the whole congregation cheered. The happy couple ran down the aisle together and pranced to their new chambers, hand in hand.
The newly married couple lay together comfortably, lightly dosing as the sun peered through the windows.
"Hey Lavi?" Allen asked sleepily.
"Yes love?" Lavi responded.
"Do you think my father would have liked the ceremony?" she asked tentatively and Lavi propped himself up on an elbow and looked at his wife steadily. After a moment he smiled.
"If you liked it, I think he would have." Allen smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, I think you're right." They settled back down together, each dreaming of their future together as king and queen.
-Story end-
(A/N): well that's all folks. I hope you enjoyed this, I giggled so much whist writing the ending, I really didn't know that such light mentioning of sex would be so much for me, I thought I was more mature... oh well!
Please review my story!