Random Acts

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor ever will, Fullmetal Alchemist or the characters within.

Act 2: Singing In The Rain

Edward stood on the wide steps of Central Headquarters looking out down the wide wet boulevard. He leant against one of the large marble pillars and watched the rain. It moved in long lines across the wet asphalt and pavement alike, blown by the wind in sinuous waves. He could smell the moisture and even felt the occasional sprinkling as the wind seemed to play with the falling water.

He looked up at the dark sky and knew he couldn't stay here. He had to get to the Library. The nice warm and dry Library. Ed smiled slightly as he stepped into the rain and felt the wind tug at his thick coat. He wouldn't admit it, but he did enjoy this kind of weather. And all the more so when he knew there was a dry haven awaiting for him.

He was not impressed when an umbrella suddenly disconnected him from the rain. He looked up and saw the dark eyes of General Mustang and sighed.

"What are you doing, bastard?"

"I am simply holding an umbrella, Fullmetal, and stopping you from getting any wetter." The General's voice was calm and there was a smirk lurking at the corner of his mouth. Edward could sense it.

"It's unlike you to be so helpful," Ed said bluntly. "What do you want?"

"Is it so hard to believe I am merely looking after the health of my subordinate? Walking in this rain could lead to all sorts of sicknesses."

Edward stopped walking and stared hard at the slightly taller man. "That is so hard to believe, it's unbelievable." His voice was flat and unimpressed and the General frowned with a slightly depreciating manner.

"I may have been a bit inconsiderate the other day," he said without looking at Edward and Edward's eyebrows rose.

"A bit?" Edward queried sarcastically and he could have sworn he saw a line of pink flash across the General's nose. "Hawkeye spoke to you, didn't she." And it may have been phrased as a question, but there was no question there and they both knew it.

"She might have mentioned something," Mustang murmured, trying hard for a casual sounding tone. Ed grinned. Hawkeye must have been extra forceful if the General was trying this hard, he thought. Getting Mustang to go out and apologise to a subordinate - in the rain, no less, was something only Hawkeye could accomplish. Although to call what Mustang was saying an 'apology' might be stretching the definition. This was one of those occasions when actions spoke louder than words, and Ed was surprised to find himself appreciating Mustang's effort. But that wasn't going to stop him.

"I see. So, you say you may have been inconsiderate. Is that because you can't decide if you were or not? Or because you don't think you were and you're just trying appease Hawkeye? Or me?" Edward crossed his arms across his chest and leant back slightly, golden eyes scrutinising the taller man.

"Why would you think I would do that?" Mustang tilted his head. "I do not need to appease you, Fullmetal."

Edward's eyes narrowed. "And why not?"

Mustang sighed. "I fail to see why you're making this difficult. I was not the one who lost his temper and lashed out because of a simple misunderstanding..."

"A simple misunderstanding? You said that you'd just ask me if you wanted to satisfy your curiousity." Edward kept his voice even but his eyes were beginning to glare. "I don't perform to satisfy anyone's curiousity."

"I didn't mean it quite like that," Mustang replied.

"Really? That's what it sounded like to me."

"I was merely thinking of you as a source of information," Mustang met the glaring eyes. "And the office would be a highly inappropriate place to engage in such activities anyway."

Edward's face shifted as several different emotions flashed through him. He had to close his eyes and grind his teeth as he fought against the impending loss of his temper.

"I don't see why you would think I would be interested in you that way." Mustang's voice with it's puzzled innocence struck Edward as the most arrogant sound he had ever heard and he gave up fighting himself. Up until now Edward had not been interested in the General that way at all. To hear that he assumed Edward did like him that way was just too much.

"Of course you don't. Your arrogance is simply outstanding. Well, forgive a mere source of information for being human!" Ed's hands rose and met and Mustang opened his mouth to protest. It was drowned out by the flare and crackle of alchemy.

General Roy Mustang found himself standing chin deep in water. He looked around him. Straight smooth walls surrounded him and he looked up. Just over a foot above his head he saw Edward looking down at him and realised the angry blond had constructed a well right under his feet and dropped him into it.

"Hawkeye would be very upset with me if I did anything permanent to you," Edward said almost conversationally. "And just so we both know; I can't think of any reason I would like you that way either. Frankly Mustang, you're just not my type."

Mustang blinked at the absolute conviction in Edward's voice and frowned. He had been knocked back even before he had even started. Not that he had been going to start anything, of course. But it stung. Edward waved down at him.

"See you later bastard," and Edward's head disappeared from Mustang's view.

"Edward?" He called and heard his voice echo. There was no reply. "Edward? Fullmetal? Edward!" His voice rose as no golden head reappeared. "Edward Elric! Get your short ass back here!"

Edward Elric walked away, hearing the General's shouts and insults getting louder and more inventive. He turned back for a moment and saw people giving the hole a wide berth. He smirked. The General was going to be stuck there for quite some time unless he changed his tune. Edward grinned and turned away, heading to the Library.


Author's Note: There are no excuses for this one... I'm at work and supposed to be doing payroll, they've left me alone for half an hour, it's raining outside and I want to go home to a waiting monster... who could refuse a bunny under those circumstances?

silken :)