I've never written this kind of story before so I'm a bit nervous, so um here's the description!

Lavi comes to Allen asking for a favour, he wants Allen to help him hook up with Lenalee. Allen's fine with it, though he doesn't understand why Lavi would want to ask him. As Allen attempts to teach Lavi the way of the gentleman he himself finds that he's developing feelings for Lenalee…


Allen was bored, ever since the earl had been defeated there had been little work for the exorcists, only the occasional Akuma clean ups and the Job of reassuring old lady's, by 'exorcising' any suspicious building in sight.

Allen now spent most of his time with Lenalee and Lavi when he could make it-bookman was always forcing Lavi to study the way of the bookman, so Lavi didn't have much free time- and if Lenalee and Lavi weren't around he'd go off to find Kanda, who would just ignore him or mutter something about Bean sprouts before leaving. At these times Allen was usually found in his room reading. Today was one of those times, though today he was unfortunately not reading a book of his own choice.

He groaned for was not the first time as he tried to find something about the book that did not repulse him. Of all the books Allen had ever read, this would have to be the worst. He closed the book and looked at the picture on the front cover, it was a picture of his master a cigarette in his mouth and Timcanpy hovering in the air beside him. The book was entitled 'The life and trails of a Brilliant General', his master had written an autobiography and Allen was the 'lucky' one who got to read it first. His master really did have a lot of nerve though, shoving the book onto Allen, when he knew full well of its contents.

The amount of times Allen had read about that 'awful' apprentice who was always causing trouble was countless. Nothing would give him greater pleasure than to smack the red haired general right around the head. Who had paid off all of Crosse's Debts? Who still had debts to pay because of his master's harsh treatment? Allen pushed the book away, finishing it would have to wait until another day. He couldn't believe that after this one he'd have another twenty volumes to read.

If only Lenalee were here, then I'd at least have some one to talk to, thought Allen as he leaned back on his chair just barely keeping balanced, he wouldn't have even minded if Lavi came crashing through the door trying to get Allen involed in one of his lastest schemes.

Suddenly the door crashed open "Allen you've got to help me!" Lavi shouted. He scanned the room, he couldn't see Allen anywhere. Looking disappointed Lavi headed for the exit. "Guess he's not here" he mumbled, no longer excited.

"Wait Lavi, I'm down here" Lavi looked down at the floor and saw that the white haired exorcist was lying on the floor in a huge heap, with a pile of books on top of him. It was so typically Allen that Lavi couldn't help but laugh.

"It's not funny" Allen muttered as he let Lavi help pull him up.

"Maybe if it was someone else, but with you it's always funny. I mean how many times has this happened this week already?" Allen mumbled something incoherent, but Lavi thought he caught the word five. "Five times already Allen? It's only Wednesday, you really are clumsy"

Allen cleared his throat "Didn't you come to talk to me about something?" he said, obviously trying to steer the conversation away from is carelessness.

"I have a confession to make" said Lavi as he knelt down before the other exorcist, who had become nervous at the word confession. He was trying to think of a kind and Gentlemanly way to reject Lavi. "You see I like Lenalee" the white haired exorcist nearly collapsed with relief. "Is that it?" He asked not noticing the strange looks Lavi was giving him.

"It's just that I thought that you might like her to, so I wanted to run everything by you first" Allen was a little surprised that Lavi had been courteous enough to consider his feelings, surely there was some catch? "Its fine Lavi, as long as you look after Lenalee I don't think I'll have any problems" said Allen, while inside he was thinking of the odds of Lenalee accepting him. 'I could take in cash for those who want to bet that Lavi''s accepted. I could make so much money out of this!'

"Allen? Did you hear what I just said?"

"No, sorry Lavi I must have spaced out there for a moment"

"Well I was wondering if you could train me, so that I know how to make Lenalee like me" Allen looked at Lavi confused. Why would Lavi, famous for having been with nearly every young woman in the order want help from a boy who had never been on a date?

"Why do you want my help? I don't see how I could be of any use…"

"I want you to teach me how to be a gentleman, Lenalee seems to like the sensitive type and I'm not very good at being 'sensitive'"

"How much will you pay me for these lessons?" asked Allen an evil smile playing on his lips. Lavi looked somewhat dissapointed, exactly what kind of Gentleman made a friend in need pay?

"Come on Allen, we're friends aren't we" said Lavi, though he knew his efforts were going to waste when he saw Allen's impassive face. "Okay fine how about twenty quid a lesson" Allen's unmoving face told him that was a no "twenty five?" Allen stared at the wall, ignoring Lavi. "Okay then, 30 quid thats my final offer" Said Lavi weakly hoping it would be enough to satisfy the money hungry exorcist.

Allen gave a sigh."Fine i accept your measly offer but only because your a freind, anyone else would have had to pay double. Come see with the money around lunch time and we'll begin your lessons"

"Thank you Allen!" said Lavi as he hugged the exorcist "I'll see you tomorrow" he shouted as he ran down the hallway.

As soon as Lavi was out of sight, he collapsed onto his bed. Just what had he let himself in for? Exactly how was he going to transform Lavi into a gentleman? Why did he even think she liked Gentleman anyway? His thoughts were just a huge mess.

A light Knock at the door startled Allen; he quickly got up to open the door.

"Hello Allen" said Lenalee smiling brightly.

"Hello Lenalee" said Allen relieved to see it was her and not Lavi back with even more far fetched plans. "Want to come in?" he asked as he stepped away from the door. "Yes thank you" they both sat down on Allen's bed there was a moment's silence.

"So your Job went well then Lenalee?" asked Allen

"Um, yes thank you Allen. It went really well, no one got so much of a scratch it was only a bunch of level one's"

"Well that good I wouldn't want youor any of the others getting hurt" Allen said as he looked directly into her eyes. Lenalee looked away from Allen finding that she couldn't look into his eyes. "So what have you been up to Allen?" she asked as she stared at her lap. Allen not noticing started talking animatedly telling her about his whole day, not missing anything out , not even what he'd had for breakfast-which was a long list. The only thing he didn't tell her about was Lavi.

It had been a while since he'd last properly talked to Lenalee, so they both had a lot to talk about. Lenalee didn't end up leaving until quarter till 12! Once Lenalee had left Allen lay down on his bed, it had been an interesting day, but a tiring one. It was time he got some rest.


I think the ending was a little rushed, but other than that do you, the reviewers think this story's okay?