A/N: This takes place after chapter 8 Flight of This is How it Ends. This diverts by changing just one detail, now a new story is born, a new take on it. This will be a more dark take on This is How it Ends. In this Tak instead of being alive is gone. While not dead she is frozen and she and Zim may never be together ever. Now some may just move on, but if your an insane irken whos only love ever is gone, what would you do :)
This is how it ends infinites Part 1
Chapter 1: His Wrath be Terrible his Vengence Swift
Zim's base near Jupiter
"Connecting life support cable"
"Prep for storage complete"
"Starting primary storage Drive"
"Securing Pak hard drive"
"Life functions about to be frozen"
"Securing Pak memory core"
"We will be together one day my love" Zim said as the light began to drain from Tak's eye's.
"Pak memory core secured, Freezing body"
As Tak was stored safely in the capsule her body shut down and her eyes went black. "Nooooooooooooooooooo" Zim said pounding on the capsule before collapsing to his knees.
7 hours later
It had been over 8 hours since he had rescued Tak from Dib and Zim was still crying. He had gotten Tak to safety but by the time he got to his base it was too late. Her body had been so badly abused by the filthy human experiments that all that was left was a shell. As Zim continued to sob his computer flickered on. "Is this a bad time sir?"
"What so you think you piece of crap, she is gone; my life means nothing now, why don't you go back to building the base and leave me be".
"Not exactly sir, she is just frozen her memory and all she his is still intact"
"But I'll never see her again, only the control brains on Irk can restore her and that will never happen so just leave me alone"
"But sir I've found some interesting information that I thought you might be interested in"
"What could possibly interest me now?"
"It's about how Dib escaped from Tak's base and it concerns the Tallest"
"What!! Computer show me the information"
15 minutes passed as Zim studied the files carefully and after reading slammed his fists down on the computer. "It was them, they caused this, they are the reason Tak was captured, they will pay" Zim shouted as he went back over to the medical capsule that Tak was in and pressed his head against the glass staring at her lifeless body. It won't be the Tallest that just pay, all the factions that played a part in her leaving me will pay. My vengeance will stretch across this galaxy, I will burn Earth slowly, Dibs family will die slowly and he will then finally suffer and know my pain. Then the Tallest will pay, no the whole Empire will pay they all played a hand in this. I will drown this galaxy in blood, the stars will weep at my actions and the heavens themselves shall tremble at what I will reap.
Collecting himself he starred at Tak, "My Love I will set things right, you will be avenged" he said as he slumped back down to his knees crying.
A/N:Pretty much sets the tone for the story. Dont know how often all be able to update as Next week I'm leaving for Canada for 2 weeks for the final part of my training to be a Corpral.