Disclaimer: Unfortunatly, I don´t own Indiana Jones or any of his characters (I don´t own Harrison Ford or the gorgeous Shia LaBeuf either).
Hi! I just saw today the newest movie of Indiana Jones in Madrid (I´m spanish so, please, forgive my grammatical mistakes) and I am curious about the relationship between Indy and his recently found son, Mutt (in spanish version his name is Matt, but in english fanfiction I saw his name witten with "u" so I will use it like that). Is easy for a child to accept that everything you think you know about your origins are a lie? Therefore, how do you react if you met your real father who acts like your opinions doesn´t matter a thing for him? And Indy, what would you think if you suddenly discover that the kid you just met is really a son from which you have never heard a word? A son that isn´t exactly what you could expect from your own kid? Everything seems too easy in the film. But we know that Indy aren´t a soft person. Built a true relationship with a stubborn child like Mutt could cost a lot of time, unless...something happens. Only if something happens to him, a person like Indy would be able to let his true feelings go out. This story takes place just after the end of the movie adventure, a little before the wedding scene, when Mutt, Indy, Marion and Ox are still in the jungle. I hope you like it! Don´t read it if you didn´t see the 4th movie yet!
Chapter one
"Stop doing that!", shouted Mutt to his parents, who were finished some business from the past kissing each other breathless.
"Why should we, son?", said Indiana, smiling.
"Don´t call me that!", shouted Mutt.
"Why? You are my son", said Indiana.
"Only a day ago, you wasn´t my father, so stop acting if you would have raised me because, obviously, that´s not true! My father isn´t Indiana Jones, he never was, my real father was called Colin Williams and he died in the war as a militar pilot, this has always been like that and like that it will remain and an adventure in the Amazonas won´t change that to me, so get out of there and go back home", said Mutt.
"Kid, you like it or not, you are my son and you will have to learn to live with it", said Indiana. Marion punched him slightly in the arm.
"Be gentle with him, he is only a child and he is confused", she warned him in a low voice, so Mutt couldn´t hear them. "Mutt, we know that this is hard to accept for you, but..."
"Do you know? Do you think you know? You don´t know anything, mom! How would you feel if you suddenly discover that your whole life was a lie? That the father I always dreamt about when I were a kid, the one you told me that he was a good person, a brave militar and a great dad was nothing more than a chimera? That the man you showed me in the photos as my father when I was a kid wasn´t him, but this stranger who left you pregnant one month before your wedding day and about whom I didn´t hear a single word until a couple of days ago?", shouted Mutt.
"It isn´t his fault, Mutt, he didn´t know about you before", said Marion.
"And what? You know it and you lied to me! You lied to me my whole life telling me that my father was a ghost!".
"And what you expect, Mutt? What should I tell you when you were younger? He left before you was born, you was only a baby, for God´s sake! Should I have said to you that your father was alive but he didn´t know nothing about your existence? Is that what you want? You were a child, you would never have undestood it!", said Marion.
"Maybe I haven´t undestood it then, but I am old enough to know it for years and I had to discover it by chance in the middle of the damn jungle fighting for our lives, if that stupid russians haven´t kidnapped you, you would carried this secret to the grave and I would never know who was my true father!".
"Do you think you are an adult, Mutt? You are only a kid!", said Marion.
"Of course, I am a kid when I say that I have all the rights to know the truth, but when I have to save your sorry ass and Ox´s from the russias I am an adult, don´t I, mom?"
"Don´t talk your mother like that!", said Indiana.
"I´m not talking to you, professor, that´s not your problem, stay away from our business", said Mutt.
"It´s my business, I am your father now".
"I already said to you that you aren´t my father! A word more or less don´t make you my father, you never was and you never will, so go back to your school and leave us alone!", shouted Mutt.
"Look, stupid brat", said Indiana, approaching him, threating him with his index finger, "you will stop saying nosense in this very instant and you will behave, because when we leave this damn jungle you will sell that stupid bike of yours, you will return to your studies and you will be a normal person, do you undestand me, boy?".
"You can´t give me any orders, professor Jones! I won´t sell my bike, I won´t return to my studies and I will behave as I want, because I don´t have any reason for obey you so take your beloved hat, doctor Jones and go out of here, because probably we won´t see each other in the rest of our lives after that!", shouted Mutt.
"Listen, tadpole!", shouted Indiana, somewhat distressed by his rejection without knowing very well why, "Do you think this is easy for me? Two days ago, I only depended on myself, I didn´t have more responsabilities than look over my own skin and now I recently found out that I am attached to a woman I left more than fifteen years ago by a stupid and ignorant brat about whom I didn´t know a thing whose my honor compels me to take charge of him! Do you think I like this situation? Do you think I want to be the father of an useless and stupid boy who the only talent he has is being able to comb his hair in any situation and who hasn´t even been intelligent enough to finish his studies, a father of someone who can barely defend himself? Who would want to be the father of a failure like you? I don´t want to be your father, of course not, but things are like they are and now you are my son and I will make a true man of you, like it or not, so stop saying nosense and accept the reality because if it weren´t for the requirements that unites me to you, for me, you could go to the damn hell!", shouted Indiana. His words were followed by an absolute silence. Indiana considered his words and knew that he had inadvertently crossed an invisible line which he shouldn´t have walked upon. He looked Mutt straight in the eye and he regretted every word he said for provoking the emotions he saw in his son´s soul. There was anger, resentment in them, but also sorrow and a countless pain. Mutt really believed that his father´s words were true. Indiana saw that he really thought that he was a failure, but that hear it from other person, who furthermore was his own father, was much more humiliating and much more painful at the same time.
"Kid, I didn´t mean...", Indiana began to say, trying to fix something that didn´t have any possible solution at all. He didn´t really think what he said about him before; certainly dissapointed him that his son didn´t want to study like him, but that didn´t mean that the boy was stupid or ignorant at all; formal education wasn´t everything and that was something that could be easily arranged. He proved his intelligence a lot of times in this voyage and he wasn´t a failure at all. How many boys of his age could have gone through all that adventure without screaming like a baby and cry calling his mother? It had been a very dangerous trip and he knew that the boy had defended himself well to be this his first adventure of this kind. He remembered his fencing battle against Spalko over a car in motion and he couldn´t avoid that a foreing feeling of fatherly pride spread out in his chest. He himself couldn´t have done it better. No, the boy was far from being a failure and he knew it. He only wanted to hurt him with his words. And when he saw his son trying to contain the tears he knew he succeeded.
"Don´t say more, doctor Jones. You already said everything", said Mutt in a low voice. "Don´t worry about me, professor. You don´t have to become charge of me, I am not a kid anymore, I am already raised. Therefore, you didn´t know I existed so come back to your old life and ignore that you met me one day, I am only a mistake in your life that must be erased. I release you from any responsability you could have about me. After all, you are right about me: Who could want a failure for son? And that is what I am: a failure. Come back to your life, doctor Jones; I will returned to my stupid existence too".
"Come on, Mutt, don´t be like that, you...", began to say Indiana while Mutt walked to the stairs of the temple. He didn´t have the chance to end the sentence before the "click" of some gun´s secure being realised put him on alert again. It was right then when he saw two russian aim them to the head with their guns. He had been an idiot not supossing that Spalko would have left several agents behind to cover the rearguard; although he was surprised that these two agent survived the deadly trap in which the lost city became only a few minutes ago but, by the aspect they had, their survival was a truly miracle.
"Where are comrade Spalko?", asked one of them, pointing Indiana in the head with his gun. Indiana smiled ironically, remembering the fate that their enemy faced. Indiana put Marion behind him to protect her.
"She must be...lost in her thoughts", said Indiana, simply. He looked at Mutt, who was growling at their enemies. Indiana made him a gesture, ordering him to approach to him but, if Mutt saw him, he didn´t obey his father. Indiana cursed; from the position he was in, he couldn´t protect his child along with Marion and he was sure that the Russians won´t let him go near his son. He had to get rid of them as quickly as possible.
"We will find comrade Spalko by ourselves, but we already are in the lost city so we don´t need you four anymore", said one of the russian, pointing his gun to Indiana´s head.
"But I think that the one that isn´t really necesary is...you", said Indiana, with an ironic smile. Then, he grabbed his whip and with a quickly movement he snatched the gun away from the russian before kicked him out of the edge of the tower. "Well, I think I drop the idea".
"How funny, Indy", said Marion, ironic.
"Indiana, watch out!", shouted Mutt suddenly. Indiana turned toward his position to see how the other russian was pointing at him with his gun ready to shot him. He was too far to reach it with his whip and he had no weapons, so he was virtually defenseless in front of him. Indiana cursed in a low voice, but he knew that he always escaped from situations like that one. Luck had always been his ally, it wouldn´t leave him right now. They will live, like always. How, that was what he didn´t know. But he closed his eyes when he heard the shoot, thinking that his luck was on vacation that day while he waited to feel the pain in his skin. But the pain never came. Indiana opened his eyes, relieved and curious to know why the bullet didn´t reach him. He opened them in time to see how Mutt ran towards him and shielded him with his body. The breath ran out of his body when he saw Mutt with his arms extended in front of him with his eyes in blank while a trail of blood fell off the new wound of his chest.
"MUTT! NO!", shouted Indiana while Mutt was falling to the ground, nearly unconscious, but Indiana caught him in the air before he could hit himself against the stone ground of the tower.
"Don´t worry, doctor Jones, you will be with him in the other world very soon", said the russian with a malevolent smile.
"SHUT THE HELL UP! HE IS NOT DEAD! DID YOU HEAR ME? HE WON´T DIE!", shouted Indiana, holding his son in his lap, without dare to look at Mutt, afraid about he could see.
"As you like, doctor Jones, but I know something for sure: you will be dead very soon", said him, pointing with his gun to Indiana´s head again. He, defenceless again, tried to protect Mutt with his own body, but the kid didn´t let him and, long before the russian could react, Mutt quickly got his knife from his boot and he threw it to the russian´s trachea. He had no time to found out what happened to him before falling dead to the ground.
"Like all his comrades...he was wrong", whispered Mutt with a low voice. Indiana looked with apprehension into his blue eyes. He heard Marion and Ox calling them behind their position, shouting something, but Indiana didn´t undestand their words and he didn´t give a damn about it. For the first time in his life, the great archaeologist Indiana Jones was scared. Yes, he was very scared, because he didn´t want to loose the boy who was lying in his lap bleeding to death. He didn´t know what to do; all he know was that he couldn´t leave his son die and much less this way, so young, in the middle of nowhere and because of him. Mutt groaned in pain, taking out Indiana from his thoughts and he couldn´t avoid that a tear of powerlessness flowed down his cheek when he saw the pain reflected in his son´s eyes.
"WHY IN THE DAMN HELL DID YOU DO SOMETHING AS STUPID AS THAT!? WHY!? YOU ARE A FOOL, HE COULD HAVE SHOT YOU IN THE HEAD AND YOU WOULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW! DON´T YOU HAVE ANY COMMON SENSE, DAMN IT?!", shouted Indiana to Mutt, hugging him, trying to hide the anguish he felt in that instant disguising it like anger. Mutt cried in pain and Indiana released him and laid him on the ground.
"I don´t know why I did it...it was instinctive, I suposse...I just wanted to protect you two...you are my parents after all...I guess it´s natural" said Mutt with a whisper. It was strange for Indiana to hear the voice of that annoying brat so weak, so far away...
"Don´t say nosense, you are the brat and we are the parents, protect you it´s our duty, not the other way round", answered him Indiana.
"I suposse that for once...I will do as you say...and I will go to the damn hell", whispered Mutt. Indiana looked at him, horrified.
"This time...I would try to obey you but...I don´t know if I'll can do it", said Mutt with a low voice. Indiana sighed and he took his chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.
"Listen to me very carefully, boy. You won´t die, I will cure you, trust me. If you don´t believe in your recovery, if you convince yourself that you won´t do it, then you will surely die. You have to believe, okay, kid? Do you undestand me?", told him Indiana, with an affectionate tone very unusual in him. Mutt nodded weakly. "Good boy. Marion, stop snivel and come here".
"YOU WILL BE GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AFTER THAT!", said Marion between tears, kneeling next to her son.
"Don´t tell him off now, Marion, it´s the least he need in this moment. Hold him tight. I need to look at his wound, he is bleeding too much", said Indiana and Marion nodded, holding her son by his shoulders. The once insensitive professor Jones tried to convince himself that he needed to calm down a little to prevent his hands from shaking if he wanted to help his son. He removed the boy´s jacket and tore his shirt apart to reach the wound and, when he saw it, he cursed in a low voice. The bullet had passed through his chest, thank God far away from his heart, but that didn´t mean that it couldn´t have broken a central artery or a vein (and, for the amount of blood that was flowing from his wound it was perfectly possible) or, even worse, it could have affect his lung and then he would drowned in his own blood to death long before he could bring him to any medical attention. Indiana refused to even think about that possibility while he tore apart the remainders of his own shirt and he began to bandage his chest tenderly, ignoring his cries of pain. "Don´t be a crybaby, child, it isn´t a very serious wound".
"Don´t try to lie to me, I am not stupid, even if you don´t believe it", said Mutt.
"You are not stupid, you are a smart ass, that´s always the problem", said Indiana, finishing banding his chest and he removed Mutt´s jacket away from him and used it to put pressure on his wound.
"As smart ass as his father", smiled Marion.
"I´m...I´m sorry", whispered Mutt, with a barely audible voice. He was finding difficult to breathe and Indiana noticed it. He looked into Mutt´s eyes and saw them wandering disoriented by the sorroundings, fighting to maintain the consciousness. Indiana hold his face in his hand, forcing Mutt to look directly at him.
"Mutt, listen to me. I know it hurts and that you feel very bad, but you have to stay awake as long as you can, ok? Don´t sleep", ordered him Indiana.
"Everything...is spinning...", muttered Mutt.
"So, look at my eyes, ok? Forget everything else, think that we are alone, here only are you and me, kid, fix your eyes on mine and hold on, ok? Everything will be ok, you will be ok, child", said Indiana, trying to transmit him a confidence that he didn´t feel.
"Sorry...", Mutt whispered again.
"Ey, ey, calm down, boy, you don´t have to be sorry for anything, what happened it´s not your fault. You was just trying to do what do you think was right, you didn´t do anything wrong. The only ones to blame for this situation are those cursed russians, but we gave them what they deserved so stop apologizing, ok?", Indiana told him, softly.
"I am not sorry for that...I´m sorry for haven´t been a good son for mom...I know that I made her suffer a lot...and I regret it", whispered Mutt. Indiana shook his head, feeling how hard was becoming for his child to breathe. "And I am sorry too...for haven´t been the son...that the great doctor Jones would have wanted...I really would have liked...not met you... as a failure..."
"Don´t say that, it´s not true! You are not a failure, I don´t think about you like that and I will kill anyone who dares to insinuate something like that!", shouted Indiana, but Mutt couldn´t hear him any longer. His breathing become almost non-existent, his eyes closed and his body became limp in his father arms. Indiana, panicking, hugged him tightly into his chest. "MUTT! WAKE UP! Don´t you dare to do this to me, don´t you dare to die, child, dammit, did you hear me? Open your eyes!".
"Indy! Is he...is he...?", said Marion with fear.
"NO! OF COURSE NOT, DON´T YOU DARE TO INSINUATE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!HE IS ALIVE! MY SON WILL LIVE, I ASSURE YOU!", shouted Indiana, panicking, rocking him in his lap and hugging him tightly. The pain he felt in that moment seemed unbearable, it appeared that this bullet had gone through his own heart. Why on earth was he so desesperate for that noisy brat? He was his son but he only was that for a few hours, it was impossible had taken so much affection in such a short time for anyone. But he love him, he couldn´t deny it. Simply, he couldn´t stand the the thought that, perhaps, he wouldn´t see him again, that he would not grow up, that he would never be happy. Was that the paternal instinct about which he had always heard and never believed? He didn´t know, but one thing was certain: he won´t let him die, he couldn´t let him die and, if that happen, he would follow him without hensitation. A life without shouting Mutt had become an idea very difficult to bear for him. The great Indiana Jones couldn´t avoid crying like a child holding his wounded son in his arms. Ox, seeing him plunged into the panic, left aside his own pain and approached to them. Indiana, thinking that he wanted to take Mutt away from his embrace, moved away from him instinctively, hugging Mutt even more tightly into his chest, like a lion protecting his cub.
"Calm down, Henry or you will hurt him even more", said Ox, trying to bring him back to reality. Indiana growled, but he slightly loosened his preassure on Mutt. Ox approached at them and put two fingers on the child´s neck. "He is alive, but his pulse is weak, we have to do something for him. If we stay here mourning his wounds, he will surely die".
"You are right, Ox", said Indiana, wipping aways his tears. "The child needs an urgent medical attention, the sooner we get where someone can give him it, the better".
"But we are in the middle of the damn Amazon, Indy! How can we get medical help for him here?", asked Marion.
"That´s why I said that the sooner we reach the civilization, the better. Well, some place civilized enough to take care of him, although the only quacks to which I would entrust his life are across the ocean, but, under this circumnstances, I resign myself with what we find", whispered Indiana. "It will get dark soon. We can´t begin our jouney now, we could get lost and, if that happens, it could be fatal for Mutt"
"So, what should we do?", asked Marion.
"For the moment, we should get down from here and go near to the water, we need to do him a proper cure and do a fire to boil some water, his wound could be infected if we allow contaminated water enters in it being him so weak. In addition, we need to give him heat; soon, the temperature will be lower than now and we have nothing to wrap him up, we could not allow him to cool down. Tomorrow, we will start the trip".
"How much it take to us to reach somewhere inhabited?"
"I don´t know, three days, maybe two if we are lucky and some of the cars that the russians left before descending off the cliff still work. If we don´t find a transport, I can´t calculate how much time".
"Three days!? Mutt could be dead by then!", shouted Marion.
"Then pray for any of the cars works, because we can´t do anything more for him", said Indiana, standing up and taking Mutt in his arms. "We should also give him some water to prevent dehydration and perhaps try to obligue him to eat a little to regain his strengh. But the most important thing we should do it´s stop his bleeding, so go".
"Come on, puppy, put a little of your part, I need you to help me", begged Indiana, trying to make Mutt drink some water from his hands. Indiana drop a little amount of water into his mouth and sighed relieved when he saw the kid swallowing. He came back to the river to take more water and returned to his side. He did the same thing but, this time, Mutt began to cough violently. When Indiana saw that, he ran to him and hugging him with force, preventing him for moving because of that coughing attack. "Calm dow,child, take it easy. If you continue coughing like that, you will start to bleeding a lot again. Try to breathe slowly, that´s it, very good boy".
He felt strange talking to that kid as if he was three years old. God, he didn´t even know if he could hear him, but he felt better if he talked to him. When they descended from the temple, Indiana had persuaded Marion and Ox to go in search of food. She refused, saying that she wanted to stay with her son, but Indiana had told her that they need food, that Ox couldn´t do much at his age and that he could protect Mutt much better than her if something threatened him, so, in the end, she decided to go. But that wasn´t why he wanted her away from them. He wanted to be alone with Mutt, he wanted him for himself. She had denied him for eighteen years, now it was his time to be alone with his son. When he saw Marion and Ox dissapear into the deep jungle, he launched himself towards Mutt and hugged him with all his force, leaving flow the tears of fear and frustration that he could hardly suppress in front of the others, sometimes unsucessfully. He whispered reassuring words into his ear crying, beggining to all the gods he knew for his son´s life. Every time he heard his heartbeat, he was afraid that the next never came, he was so pale, so weak...
"Please, Mutt, get better, get better, get better...", Indiana begged him. He move away from him with difficulty, wiping away his tears and tended him tenderly in the ground. He needed to make a fire and clean his wound with hot water, so he had to make a campfire as quickly as possible. He wrapped him in his own jacket and left him in a safe place under a tree. "I will back there in a minute, I won´t leave you alone, undestand?"
Indiana ran from side to side looking for wood to make the fire that weren´t too wet, a very complicated task in the middle of the Amazon, especially when he refused completely to move very far from Mutt. In any other moment, he would stop searching and would have refused to make a fire, but if his son needed a fire, no damned forest was going to stop him. He managed to find some dry branches under a rock that protected them for the humidity and ran again to Mutt, who didn´t move an inch from his position under the tree. He took his famous lighter from his pocket and tried to light up the wood.
"Come on, dammit, make fire, make it...", cursed Indiana trying to ignite the wood. Finally, he did it with a cry of joy and picked up his child. Indiana put him next to the fire to keep him warm and then he pulled out from the bag he still retained a metallic bowl that he had collected from the tomb of Orellana before leaving with the skull with a misterious coat of arms that he wanted to descipher later, he filled it up with water and put it in the center of the fire. "Let´s look at that wound, brat, and the best for you that the injury is better than I imagine, because if it is not, I...I will imagine some medieval torture that I can inflict to you. Your grandfather Henry was specialist in medieval history and I can examine his records until I find something I like, I assure you".
Indiana smiled bitterly to the memory of his father and looked to Mutt, thinking that he will never meet him. What would have thought the professor Henry Jones the first about his new and unknow grandson? Nothing good, he was sure of that; he would think that the child was a good for nothing boy and he will return him to his studies kicking his butt non-stoping if it was necessary. But he was sure that his father, in his own way, would love him; that damned brat was adorable, he had to admit that. And he look a lot like him; if his father loved him and he knew he did it, that little boy would have ended being his weakness as well. It was sad to him that Mutt would never meet his grandfather, because he will make sure that his child and his father won´t meet in the afterworld in a very long time.
"I will tell you anything you want about him, Mutt. I will tell you what happened to us when we went to search the Holy Grail together...yeah, together and with a couple or dozens of nazis too, and when we investigated the oringins of the Temple Knights, and so much other things...everything you like", said Indiana while he was removing the jacket from his chest and began to unwrapped his bandages that he had been improvised from the remaining of his own shirt covered in blood. He whispered at the sight of his wound: the shot was clean, but the bullet was still inside his body, so it was only a matter of time that it become infected and the fever will appear soon, but he was more worried about the fact that it didn´t stop bleeding yet but now it wasn´t much more than a trickle that ceased to be pure red, indicating that it was already producing an infection. Indiana cursed, submerging the bandages in the hot water and began to put preassure on his wound. Mutt moaned in his sleep.
"Thanks God, Mutt, at last I know now that you still can feel something. Stop complain or your mother will come here and you now perfectly well that is a big threat", said Indiana, still putting preassure in the sides of his wound until his blood flew again pure red. He caressed his son´s hair who was groaning in pain in his unconsciousness, trying to calm him a bit. "It´s done, pup. This is going to be even harder for you, but it doesn´t mind, right? You are a though boy, I already see you fighting against the russians, you could have defeated the Lenin army alone, you can´t be scared of your own father".
Indiana used Mutt´s jacket to catch the bowl without burning himself and left it to cool down slighty before took the now wet bandages again. He sighed deeply before turning towards Mutt again.
"This will hurt, pup", said Indiana with a low voice. He looked at his wound and then to the bandages, doubtful. He didn´t want to hurt him, but...it was necessary. "This will hurt me more than you, I assure you".
Collecting the last remainders of his lost courage, Indiana clenched his teeth and began to clean the wound with one of the hot bandages. Mutt screamed and began to writhe in pain on the ground, trying to get rid of the pain that gripped him but Indiana held him down, preventing him from moving while he was cleaning his wound. Over and over again, Indiana ignored his cries of pain while he was cleaning the blood and the dirt off his injury the very best he knew until the wound stopped bleeding and he was satisfied. Taking the rest of the bandages off from the bowl, he bandaged his chest tightly and lied him down again next to the campfire while he ws washing his hands in the river. He returned back to Mutt quickly and discovered him crying in his sleep, being a victim of pain and convulsions.
"Don´t cry, my child, don´t cry", whispered Indiana, sitting at his side next to the fire and then he sit him in his lap embracing him, putting the child´s head into his chest. Mutt couldn´t hear him in his unconsciousness, he only cried disconsolately, victim of his pain and his fears. Indiana was unable to comfort him and that was breaking his heart, knowing that he was suffering and he couldn´t help him. Was that being a father, feel your son´s suffering as his own? Indiana didn´t know, the only things he felt was rage and powerlessness, but very soon he also feel his own tears mixing up with his son´s ones, that was flowing from his eyes non-stopping. Indiana kissed him in the forehead and caressed his hair while he was rocking his child. "Don´t worry, my pup, everything is over now, I am with you this time and I am going to take care of you, I won´t leave you until you get well, I promise you, but stop crying, please".
"Indy! I heard Mutt´s screams! What happened?", shouted Marion from the denseness of the jungle, running towards them. "Indiana! What happened to him? Tell me!".
"Why you didn´t tell me, Marion?", asked Indiana between tears, still rocking Mutt tightly on his chest. Marion looking at him worried, without undestand his words. "Why you kept him away from me?"