A/N: Don▓t only anything┘ only the plot.

Miley let the waves flow between her toes...she sighed. Nick still didn▓t know.. and she has missed her chance.. he never will.


The Jonas Brothers and Miley (as Hannah Montana) all ran backstage after a massive concert they had just preformed greatly. They all hugged and high-five. Miley looked into Nicks eyes just before they hugged. She blushed and looked away to hid her rosy cheeks. Nick understood this rejection for a 'Well Done' hug so just congratulated her instead.

"Well done, you was great out there tonight Hannah!" Nick shouted over the voices of screaming fans and load voices.

Miley blushed again... oh how she wished she could tell him who she really was, not a star, a normal girl, with normal friends, and no celeb friends.. apart from Jake Ryan.

"Thanks! You too!" Miley, too, shouted over the noise.
"Nick, look there▓s something I need to tell you. I think its time you knew." Miley said taking Nicks arm and pulling him outside.

"What Hannah? You know you can tell me anything." Nick said, he had a worried look on his face.

"I▓m not exactly who you think I am.." Miley was about to pull off the blonde wig when she heard Nicks phone ringing.. he sighed and pulled it out his pocket.

"Look, I▓m so sorry, I▓ve got to take this one." He said placing the phone to his ear.

Miley nodded, but inside was hurt... not because of Nick, just because she wanted to get this over and done with.. so if he hates her, she wouldn't have to talk to him ever again. See his face in every magazine, she could handle that... but talking to him.. that was hard.

Miley stood waiting, the wind blowing in her blonde wig. She could hear Nick talking down his Blackberry. She looked around, a plain normal car park, with normal cars.

⌠I bet no one else lives a double life.■ She muttered under her breath.

⌠Sorry, what was that?■ Nick said placing his phone in his pocket.

Miley looked up with shock.
⌠Err.. Nothing.■ Miley said turning pink.

⌠Look, I just had a great offer! If we want, me and my bro▓s can perform at the Disney Channel Games! Can you believe it┘ that▓s great? Huh? I mean┘ you will be there to.. Right? I know it▓s like┘■

⌠Yea, great, Nick┘ whatever, I mean you have your fun!■ Miley said, obviously angry.

⌠Huh? Anyway.. So we get to perform..■ Nick said carrying on, not realising Miley or ▒Hannah▓s▓ anger.

⌠You just don▓t get it do you!? I mean┘ you▓re the same as every other boy out there┘I thought you could be my best friend! Someone I can trust! Someone who▓s there for me when I fall?!■ Miley screamed into his face.. Should couldn▓t believe the strength she just had. She never realised how strong her voice could really be. Neither did Nick.. He had never seen Hannah like this. He couldn▓t believe it.

⌠Hannah, I▓m so-■ Nick started to say.

⌠Forget.. Your just a big waste of my time. Just remember Nick, I▓m not who you think I am.■ A tear stung her big beautiful brown eyes. She turned away, she couldn▓t let him see her like this, her strongest┘ or was it her weakest?