The Carrot-Top Switcharoo!
Summary: In Karakura Town, while fighting two very powerful Arrancars, Ichigo Kurosaki gathers up so much power that it creates a hole in space causing him to be transported to Kaibara, switching spots with Kyo Sohma in the process! This is A Bleach/Fruits Basket cross-over.
Note: The times, weather patterns, and dates are all the same in both dimensions. Also, you'll notice some similarities with the different characters, like Tohru and Orihime, Kyo and Ichigo, Yuki and Uryu, etc. And when some one is thinking, it'll be italicized. Oh, and this takes place after summer break. After Ichigo and the others come back from the Soul Society, when Shinji transfers to their class, and when Renji, Rangiku, Toshiro, Rukia, Ikkaku, and Yumichika also transfer to their class. At the same time this takes place after Tohru and the Sohmas come back from the Sohma summer home (the second one) after summer break, when Tohru first meets Kureno, and Yuki and Kyo admit to themselves that they love Tohru.
Disclaimer: I do not own "Bleach" or "Fruits Basket", or any ideas or references I may have throughout the story. I do own the storyline though. But I would like to say that I own Momiji and Hanataro (even if I don't). "Why" you ask? Because I LOVE them!! They're sooooo cute!!
Ch. 1: Ichigo Disappeared!
The town of Karakura...IS UNDER ATTACK!! Ok, not really (If anyone can guess where I got that from, I'll mention them in my next chappy. Hint: it's from a cartoon show on Cartoon Network). But a really tough fight is taking place in Karakura right now. It's pouring down rain, and the wind is blowing hard. In Karakura Park, Ichigo is almost out of power, and so are his friends Rukia, Chad, Orihime and Uryu. All of them are extremely hurt. Ichigo's left arm is bleeding from a long cut, along with cuts and bruises all over. His Bankai has now disappeared and Zangetsu is in its original form. Chad's right arm is broken, and Orihime has some broken ribs, but she's still trying to heal Chad's arm with her powers. Uryu has cuts and bruises like Ichigo, and his fingers are bleeding from his shooting. Rukia's left arm is also bleeding, and she dislocated her shoulder. But her arm is in such bad shape that she couldn't pop it back in place without getting it infected.
In front of them are two Arrancars, new recruits, half-Hollow/half-Soul Reapers sent by the former Captain Sosuke Aizen to test their power against Ichigo and the others. The two Arrancars had barely taken any damage at all, except for maybe a few scratches.
One Arrancar was tall, about 6'7". He had really long dark-blue hair, up to his waist. He had cold, icy blue eyes, and he didn't smile. His personality was kind of like Ulquiorra. The other Arrancar was also pretty tall, about 6'5". He had blond hair, and it was a buzz-cut. He had dark-green eyes, with a crazy look in them. Unlike his partner, all he did was smile, and he laughed a lot too. And just like all Arrancars, they both wore long white robes with half of their face covered by Hollow masks.
The blond one, named Karlan, was looking at his enemies, laughing.
"Ha ha ha ha!" he yelled. "You guys are weak and pathetic! You were lucky to even lay a finger on us! You're out of your league! Can we kill them now, Noin, please?"
The calm one, Noin, turned toward his partner.
"Karlan," he said, "there's no need to get worked up about these weaklings." Then he turned to Ichigo.
"I don't know why Lord Aizen had such high expectations. It would have been more exciting if you had put up a better fight. Too bad..."
Ichigo, holding up his zanpakutÅ (a.k.a. giant kitchen knife), looked angrily at him.
"Shut up!" he yelled. "I'm not through with you yet!"
Then he ran towards Noin yelling and swinging his sword at him. But he easily dodged. Noin then proceeded to grab Ichigo by the hair, lifted him up as if he were a rag doll, and connected his knee with his stomach. Ichigo coughed up blood when this happened. Ichigo was dropped to the ground still coughing out blood.
"Ichigo!" yelled Orihime.
Rukia ran towards Karlan and swung her zanpaku-to at him. Karlan grabbed Rukia's sword with his bare hand, then grabbed her neck, strangling her. Uryu shot a number of arrows at both Karlan and Noin. Noin moved as quickly as lightening to dodge the arrows, and then turned back to Ichigo, not minding Uryu. Karlan just knocked the arrows to the side. The arrows then disappeared.
"Ha ha ha ha!" laughed Karlan. "You can't stop me girly! I'll break your neck with just one hand! I'll crush you slowly and make you suffer!"
He started squeezing harder and blood leaked out of Rukia's mouth. She dropped Sode no Shirayuki (her zanpaku-to, if you don't know its name) to use her good arm, then she tried to get out of his grip, but it didn't work. Her vision was starting to blur and she couldn't breathe. Orihime hadn't finished healing Chad yet, but she really wanted to help Ichigo and Rukia. Chad put his left hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry, Orihime," said Chad, trying to make her feel better. "It looks bad, but they'll pull through, alright?"
Orihime looked Chad in the eye. He was just as worried as she was.
"O...okay," she said.
Noin was looking at Ichigo, who was struggling to get up. Noin lifted up his leg, and then kicked Ichigo hard in the side, sending him 20 feet away. Then he walked slowly towards him.
"There's no need to rush to kill a worm", he thought.
Ichigo struggled to get up again, in the process coughing up more blood.
"Why don't you give up?" asked Noin. "You're just going to die anyway. Why not make it less painful for yourself?"
Uryu sent another stream of arrows at Noin, but he disappeared.
"Where is he?!"
"You certainly are annoying."
Before Uryu could turn around, he felt a huge pain in his back as Noin hit him. Uryu fell to the ground, unable to move, but just barely conscious. He looked up at Noin with an angry look.
"All I did was hit some pressure points," he said. "This way you won't interrupt me again. I'll deal with you later."
Ichigo laid there, struggling to get up. He hurt all over, and he was afraid of what might happen if they lost. Aizen would take over and all of his loved ones would die!
Then there was a voice in his head. Who else could it be but Zangestu?
"You've gotten weak Ichigo", he said. "What happened to you? I thought you were better than this."
"Be quiet!" Yelled Ichigo.
"Then maybe you should get up and fight! Do you want them to win? If not, then get up off your lazy ass and fight!"
Ichigo after hearing that began to power up. He started to get stronger and got his strength to get up. Noin turned around and looked at Ichigo. He was glowing bright red. Then a flash came from Ichigo: His zanpaku-to went bankai!
Karlan stopped too. He dropped Rukia when he felt the amazing amount of spirit pressure. Rukia looked up in a daze.
Orihime and Chad looked over at Ichigo. They were surprised by their friend's power. It was so strong that they could see it! Who knew anyone had that much power, let alone Ichigo? Uryu looked up at him, also amazed.
"Ichigo?" He thought.
Ichigo looked up at Noin while Noin looked back at him. They stood there for two minutes, but it seemed like a decade.
"Hmmm..." said Noin. "This is interesting."
Then everyone noticed that there was something wrong: Ichigo's power kept growing. Everyone in the city with a hint of spirit pressure felt it. Then, all of the others showed up: Urahara, Yoruichi, Toshiro, Rangiku, Renji, Ikkaku, and Yumichika. They had also sensed the power coming from the park.
"This is bad," said Yoruichi. "If his power keeps growing, he's not going to be able to hold on. Everyone within a 30-mile radius will die, and so will he."
Ichigo ran towards Noin, but Karlan got in his path.
"What? Oh, no you don't!"
But it didn't matter what he was going to do to stop Ichigo, because he was cut in half before he said anything else! Then he disintegrated. Everyone was in awe at what had just happened. Earlier they barely had gotten a scratch on him. Now he was dead with just one hit!
Noin was really interested now. He had just the slightest little smile yet it all went away quickly though.
Ichigo ran towards him and swung his zanpaku-to at Noin. A huge wave came from it.
Noin moved out of the way to avoid being killed, but he ended up getting his left hand cut off. It was bleeding endlessly, but it didn't faze him.
"I see now that you really are powerful," he said. "I would really like to fight you at your current level, but I've kept Lord Aizen waiting too long. We'll meet again soon."
And with that, he disappears.
Something was still wrong though. Ichigo's power kept growing. This was very bad (duh). They had to do something. Then Ichigo began to yell out in pain from all the power. He fell to his knees.
Urahara looked up into the sky. Then his eyes got big.
"Hey, look at that!"
Everyone looked at where he was pointing. In the dark rain clouds above, there was a rip, a tear about a mile wide. In it was pitch blackness, but there was lightning everywhere. Orihime ran to Ichigo, but a strong force pushed her back, keeping her away. It seemed to be some sort of force field.
"Ichigo!" she yelled to him, but to no prevail. "Ichigo!"
She banged on the force field, but it didn't help. He was still yelling in pain. All of a sudden, a bolt of lightning hit him!
"ICHIGO!!" Everyone yelled out.
Then, he started to glow white, and the lightning bolt went back up into the hole in the sky. It then closed up, and the rain was still pouring down. Except for the damage done to the park, it looked as if nothing had happened.
Except that Ichigo had disappeared and this was an invisible pain to his friends that could not be seen but felt.
This is my first chappy, so please review. To do that, go to the "GO" button at the bottom of the screen. Thank you for reading! I would also like to thank phantomloki, one of my bestest friends for editing my story. Thank you buddy!