
Lucy: Lisa (author) is too tired to do an actual disclaimer as she just got back from Alaska.

Random Reader: What about Edmund?

Lucy: Edmund is just being a lazy bum.

Edmund: HEY!!

Lucy: Gotta run!

Caspian gazed out from the balcony of his room for what he believed was the last time. The lush green trees that he helped plant filled the castle grounds. It was so calming being out here by himself.

"Caspian?" Came a voice from behind him.

Caspian whirled around startled, only to find himself face to face with Susan's older brother.


Peter smiled sheepishly. "Sorry to have walked in without knocking."

Caspian shook his head and replied that it wasn't a problem. An awkward silence ensued. Then, Peter broke the silence.

"The reason I came today was because I…" Peter trailed off, contemplating how to say the next part. When Caspian nodded encouragingly, prodding him to go on, Peter continued, "I wanted to apologize."

Caspian's eyebrows lifted practically to his hairline. "There's no need to…" Caspian started to say, but Peter cut him off.

"No. Anyone who is willing to leave everything behind for my sister demands my respect."

Caspian looked shocked, but quickly recovered and thanked Peter quietly. Then he spoke up again, "Thank you Peter, for volunteering to stay behind."

Peter smiled and replied, "It was my pleasure."

Suddenly, Edmund burst into the room. "Oi! You two! It's time to leave. Although Aslan wants to talk to us before we go. "

Peter and Caspian quietly followed Edmund out the door, both were thankful for the interruption, as it would have quickly gotten awkward between the two of them. Neither king was good at mushy stuff.

"I have an announcement to make." Aslan declared. Everyone quieted down and looked at him. "Originally, I wasn't planning to allow any of you to come back to Narnia, or for Peter to go back to England, but since all of you have displayed enormous amounts of maturity and courage, I have decided against that. Edmund, Susan, Caspian, Lucy, and Alice may visit Narnia once a year, and Peter may visit England once a year."

At this news, Lucy giggled happily and ran up to hug Aslan, Susan felt a huge smile grace her face, and both Caspian and Peter thanked Aslan.

"Now it is time to go." Aslan said while stepping aside to reveal a pool of crystal clear liquid that wasn't there before.

Paul was the first to step up, and as he was getting ready to jump in, he felt a paw on his shoulder.

"Son of Adam, England is not the place for you. I am giving you the choice to stay."

Paul was shocked, but before he could reply, his sister, Alice, started protesting. "How come he gets to stay?? PAUL!! You can't leave me!!"

Paul looked at his sister hesitantly, and then he glanced at Aslan. He turned back to his sister and replied calmly, "Alice, no matter what Mum and Dad tell you, you are not the center of the universe. Now deal with it."

Edmund started clapping and laughing but Lucy hit him on the arm and gave him a disapproving glare. Edmund stopped.

"What are we going to tell my parents?" Paul asked Aslan, but Peter replied.

"The same thing my brother and sisters are telling mine. That we have gone abroad to America with our school. Besides, we get to go back once a year anyways."

Paul nodded.

"Look out!" Susan shouted. Alice had sneaked up behind Paul, hoping to push him into the pool, but heeding Susan's warning, Paul had stepped to side slightly, causing Alice to fall face first into the pool herself.

Edmund rolled his eyes, stepped up to the pool, patted Peter on the back, and dived headfirst into the pool.

Next came Lucy, who hugged Peter and Paul, and then jumped.

Finally, Caspian and Susan came up. Susan hugged her brother, and Caspian shook hands with both Peter and Paul. Then, hand in hand, the couple walked straight into the pool, and disappeared.

Eh. Sorry it was short, I just needed to end this. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO REVIEWED AND GAVE ME IDEAS!! I'm going to start a series of oneshots focusing on Susan and Caspian "dating" in England, Edmund being well... Edmund, some Lucy ones, some annoying Alice ones, and some Peter and Paul ones. NOTE: There will be NO slash between Peter and Paul. NONE!! I'm thinking about getting Paul a girl... ;) maybe Peter as well?? Anyways, if you haven't already, put me on author alert if you want to be notified when the oneshots come out. They probably won't come out for a while though, I'm taking a much needed break from Narnia. I need to get settled in for school and I may want to do some other fanfics regarding other stories. :)