A white owl flew to the window and tapped the glass with its beak. Sirius turned away and promptly went to sleep again. The owl huffed and went to another window and repeated the process. This time there was an answer.
The brunette opened the window and let the owl in. Hedwig threw a grateful smile in the werewolf's direction who offered a goblet of water with a sleepy smile on his face. Once finished with water, she perched herself on the werewolf's shoulder and held her leg out.
"Pretty early, girl, huh?" Remus commented, removing the letter from the owl. It was a short one and Remus read it quickly. With a smile on his face, he pounded upstairs to Sirius and Sarah's bedroom.
Sarah opened the door before Remus had even knocked.
"Everything alright?" she asked in sleepy concern.
Remus just grinned at her, which reassured her just fine and she went downstairs. Remus just jumped in to the room and right on Sirius.
"And you are some Auror?" Remus commented dryly.
"And you are an adult," Sirius commented back. Rubbing his eyes, he asked, "Why did you scare my wife away? I didn't even get the good morning kiss."
Rolling his eyes, Remus thrust the letter forward. Raising an eye, Sirius took it, scanned it quickly, and broke in to a huge grin.
Sarah heard the loud shout of 'whoops' down in the kitchen and almost dropped the glass she was drinking water from.
Mep sighed as she re-read the letter. "This isn't helping matters, Mum," she muttered. "Do you think she means it seriously?"
She must have received some answer from whoever she was talking to because she continued a moment later. "Na! Papa has not written anything about it. Either he thinks Mum has covered all bases or he is not serious about it."
A moment or two of silence. "Yes, yes. Even I think so. It is too important for Papa not to take it seriously."
A long suffering sigh.
"I just don't have a bloody option, do i?" Mep hissed furiously. A snake slithered out of her robes and patted her arm with its hood. Mep gave a long sigh of frustration. Another snake slithered out of her robes' neck and patted her on the head.
This time when Mep sighed, it was that of acceptance.
"I am telling you, Quirrell has some mental disorder," Harry tried, once again, to convince his two friends. It was Saturday morning and surprisingly sunny. So, they were heading towards the lake with breakfast in Neville's small basket.
"And we all agree, Harry," Ron said. "But what is your point."
"He is creepy," Harry muttered, "And causes me headache."
"What?" Neville strained his ears to hear what the brunette was saying.
"Harry, I heard you say he is causing you headaches," Neville said patiently.
"Well, so?" Harry said defensively.
"How can he cause you headaches?" Ron was painfully confused.
"I don't know," Harry started, once they were well settled under a tree beside the lake. "Whenever he touches me I feel pain in my head, near the scar." He lifted his bangs to emphasise the point.
That had Neville in thoughtful mood and Ron on thoughtful and eating mode.
"Are you sure it's only when he touches you?" Harry nodded and Ron let out a chuckle.
"What's with you?" Now, Neville was confused.
"Nothing," Ron said cheerfully. "It just confirms Harry is not gay."
Harry scowled and hit Ron on the head, who just laughed harder as Neville rolled his eyes.
Severus took two glasses out of the liquor cabinet and filled them with whiskey. Handing one glass to Bellatrix, he sat down opposite her. Bellatrix stared hard at the liquor as if it was an unknown thing. Quite ironic since she was always a heavy drinker, Severus mused.
"I haven't poisoned it, Bellatrix," Severus commented dryly. "I am surprised you are here when you have so much confidence in me."
Bellatrix glared at him and downed the drink in one go. And immediately grimaced.
"Still a fan of whiskey, I see," Bellatrix said, looking around the house. "And not much change in the way of décor too."
Her voice was rough but then she must not have found much use for it in Azkaban.
Sipping his drink, Severus took his time answering her. "I don't live here anymore, Bellatrix."
"Say Severus, how come you are out of Azkaban while rest of us ended there?"
"You conveniently left the Malfoys out. Or Rosier. Or McLarens. Though I don't understand the fuss. You seem to have managed just fine, staying there and now breaking out."
"I am talking about you, Sevvie dear."
"I am out of Azkaban because I use brains."
"I don't see you using them to find our Lord."
"I don't owe you any answers, Bellatrix, so, please, don't waste my time asking useless questions. Though, I am surprised at the leniency of Azkaban. What shall I expect next? Your husband and brother-in-law walking out of Azkaban?"
Bellatrix sneered at him, but, unfortunately, didn't take the bait. "I need your help, Severus."
"Wouldn't your sister be the best person for that?"
"Yes, she would be. But I need your help."
"I cannot provide you with accommodation, if that is what you want."
Bellatrix sneered at him again. "My sister would be adequate for that. I need your help in finding our Dark Lord."
Severus leaned back in his chair. "What makes you think he is alive?"
"You think he is dead? Is that why you are working in Hogwarts for Dumbledore?" Bellatrix's voice had risen now. "I knew you were never trustworthy. I wish Dark Lord knew your original colours. If I had a wand, I would have killed you right now."
Severus merely raised an eyebrow. "If I wasn't trustworthy, there would be Aurors outside my house now. And I don't think I need to explain to you what I am doing in Hogwarts. Though, I definitely need to know where your loyalties lie."
"You-you," Bellatrix stuttered. "You are questioning my loyalties to the Dark Lord?" If it was possible, there would have been steam coming out of her ears.
Severus shrugged. "These are different times."
Bellatrix glared at him before responding. "I am loyal to the Dark Lord, to our cause. That is the reason I escaped from Azkaban, because I knew you all will do nothing to bring him back. You all are leading comfortable lives and wouldn't want to jeopardize that, would you?"
"You might be right, you might be wrong. What help do you want from me?"
"I want you to help me track Dark Lord. I know he is alive; I can feel it. You are a Potions Master. You should be able to develop a tracking potion."
"Yes, I am a Potions Master and you were pathetic in it. No wonder, you are suggesting me I brew a tracking potion right under Dumbledore's nose. And I am not even bringing rare ingredients and their cost in to the picture."
"I will take care of that."
"Oh, so, now, Azkaban has started paying its prisoners too?"
"That is my problem, Severus."
"I never agreed to the potion, Bellatrix."
"I will contact you when I get the resources." Bellatrix stood from her seat and walked to the door. "Till then, goodbye." And vanished out of it.
Severus sighed. Definitely not a good week. And there was still one more day.
Remus was tired. They had looked all around the Hogsmeade and Sirius wasn't satisfied with the Quidditch supplies available there.
"Sirius, these are the best that are available. You don't have much option. James used them and had no problem. You used them too."
"No, I didn't."
"Mine were custom-made," Sirius said casually, staring at the Quidditch pads displayed before him.
Oh! It has been long time that Sirius and Remus were out shopping and he had forgotten how tedious the job was. Sirius was very picky, choosy, whatever you call it. Most of his clothes were tailor-made and accessories custom-made. He felt sympathy for Sarah.
"Alright, then. No option. It has to be custom-made," Sirius declared, standing up.
Remus sighed. There was no point arguing with Sirius on this. "Sure. Shall we pay for the broom or you want that custom-made too?"
Sirius glared at him. "No, it will do just fine."
Remus went to the cash counter and requested the clerk to pack the broom. Sirius ordered the custom-made accessories. Once the payments were done, after five minutes of arguing over who would pay, they went home.
"Where are other supplies?" Sarah asked the moment they entered the house.
Remus gave her a look and Sarah nodded in understanding. Sirius could only glare at the pair of them.
"I only want the best for my son; what's wrong in that?" He huffed as he went to his bedroom.
Remus smiled at Sarah.
"If only Harry could hear that."
Hermione was sure Mep was hiding few things from her. Like she hadn't told her about her visit with the Headmistress, she would sometimes be out of room pretty late, beyond curfew hours and on some days would sleep too early. And then, her body language, gestures all spoke of royalty.
True, it was none of her business. Merlin knew she had enough things to hide as well, but she considered Mep a friend and would like to discuss everything with her. But it was difficult to be honest with a person who wasn't honest with her.
Hermione sighed. Today, Mep was out again, it seemed. Curfew had been over for half an hour now and she wasn't in the dorm yet. And she had wanted her help on Dark Arts homework, but looked like that would have to wait for tomorrow.
Hermione blew out the lights and went to sleep.
"Hello, Ella, Severus."
"Good evening, Albus," Ella greeted in return. "So nice of you to join us."
"I couldn't possibly refuse the temptation of your special lemon tarts," Dumbledore responded.
"You did refuse once," Severus noted.
Ella glared at her husband but Dumbledore waved it away. "Momentary lapse of judgement, I must say."
Severus ate quietly as Dumledore and Ella chatted about Ella's job, patients and St. Mungo's. With dinner over, they moved to the fireplace, each with a cup of coffee in their hands.
"I met Bellatrix today," Severus started the conversation. He had already told Ella about it but not all the details.
Dumbledore didn't look surprised. "I was hoping she wouldn't come to you."
"I was sure she wouldn't," Severus replied. "We always had trust issues and what she did last when we met wasn't really trustworthy. And yet she came. She went to my old house. I have an alarm in my chamber at Hogwarts and here at home. I immediately went there, only to find her."
"What did she want?"
Severus recited his discussion with Bellatrix. "You said she has no access to her vaults."
"She doesn't. Neither to Black vault nor to Lestrange vault. I am assuming she expects help from fellow Death Eaters."
"She relies on my support in making Tracking Potion," Severus commented.
They all remained silent for some time processing the information. It was not the right time, but Dumbledore had other matters to discuss which couldn't be postponed.
"Ella, what colour are Hermione's eyes?"
Ella looked dubiously at Albus. "Albus?"
"Humour me, please."
"It's chocolate brown."
"I had thought her eye colour was the only feature that didn't undergo change after adoption."
"Albus," Severus started, "What are you on?"
"Sophie contacted me after her first session with Hermione. She noticed a change in Hermione's eye colour when she converted water into ice."
"And what was the colour?" Severus didn't like the direction it was going.
"Hazel," Dumbledore answered, sadly. He had made the connection Severus was dreading.
"Oh Merlin!"
"Albus, Severus? Will you please tell me what's going on?" Ella pleaded.
"Bellatrix," Severus said. "Bellatrix has hazel eyes."
"So?" Ella was confused.
"I am assuming Bellatrix shares incomplete adoption bond with Hermione," Dumbledore explained.
"What?" Ella gasped.
"The potion Severus had made was a Dark one. It contained Bellatrix's blood. We have no idea what incantation she used, but it was dark too. So, I am assuming the blood, the incantation and the adoption ritual, which was dark too, interacted with each other. The only saving grace is that her ritual is incomplete."
"And that's why her eye-colour is not permanent." Severus completed it for Ella.
"But how and when does the colour change?" Ella questioned, still finding it difficult to accept the whole situation.
"From what I understood from Sophie's description, it happens when she is in a mood closer to Bellatrix's."
"What do you mean?" Severus asked sharply.
"Do you remember Bellatrix, Severus?" At Severus' nod, Dumbledore requested, "Please describe her for me, her behaviour, to be precise."
"Well," Severus raked his memory. "She is fearless and maniac. She is a powerful witch and enjoys having power over others. I don't think she believes in any of the pureblood nonsense. She is into it for her gain – to learn Dark Arts, to have the power the Dark Lord has. And that's why she absolutely loves him."
"You are right, Severus. Hermione's reaction to having controlled water was somewhat similar. And that is when her eyes changed colour. I saw the memory myself."
Severus frowned. Ella was worried.
"It doesn't mean anything bad, Severus. We all enjoy having power. We just have to be careful that power doesn't corrupt us. It goes true in the case of Hermione as well."
"I don't like this, Albus."
"I do not like it either, Severus," Albus said as he stood up, "But all we can do for now is wait and watch. And be careful, of course."
Severus was pacing in front of the fireplace when Ella came back to the room.
She placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. It helped but not much. At least he stopped pacing.
"Albus told me that Dark Lord is not dead when he vanished. Yet I had always hoped that Albus would be wrong and it wouldn't come to this. I don't know what to hope for now. The Death Eaters will re-group and I will have to resume my role there."
"I know, Severus."
"I shouldn't have been so short-sighted as to adopt Hermione and marry you. Now you both are in danger because of foolishness."
Ella remained quiet as she heard her husband rant. Their married life hadn't even started and it was about to come to an end. She patiently heard her husband worry about her and their daughter, no concern whatsoever about his well-being.
"Enough, Severus! No more self-bashing. You did what you had to do and I am sure you will agree these were the best times for you. We will do whatever is required when it will be required. There is no point worrying about it in advance."
Severus took a deep breath. Ella didn't know the fears that plagued him and he wasn't about to start sharing now. But, she was right. Right now wasn't the time to panic. It was time for strategising. He will have to meet Albus on Monday and decide on their plan of action.
He will make sure Hermione didn't lose her family. Again.
A/N: Reviews please. I will be more regular with updates now that i am all set in yet another new city.