For readers of Dream Sequence this is a new story I'm writing in between chapter updates. The next Chapter for DS will be up soon I assure you. As for this story, I got the inspiration from a fellow FanFictioner's Myspace page. The description Hermione gives in the beginning is almost word for word from Katie's Myspace and is basically how I feel Hermione would act if Harry were dark.
Hermione's parent's sent her to counsiling because they were concerned for her mental health. Mrs. Kabble, her therapist, tell hers to start a journal about what has happened, how she feels, what she thinks is wrong with her, etc. As she writes and becomes more comfortable with the situation, hidden feelings arise for certain people, surpressed memories come back to her, and she realizes certain people's action had underlying meanings. And of course there's vampires! Enjoy! Review!
Dear Journal,
My name is Hermione Granger. I am my parents' only child and I am a witch previously attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm new to this whole 'journaling' thing and I'm not really sure that I will keep it up but I am going to try, my psychologist says it is a good idea. She says that the first thing I should do upon getting this is write down every thing I thing is wrong with me, so here it goes:
I'm a psychopath and a sociopath. I love vampires. I want to BE a vampire. Not many people can say they been through what I have. I hate when people tell me I'm wrong. I hate people who say that I don't know pain because I do. I hate people who think they are better than me because they aren't. I absolutely abhor preps and poseurs. I'm a Slytherin at heart. Only four people have seen me cry. I dislike everything about myself but refuse to change a thing. People say I'm mean, they're usually right. Only two people know my life story, one of them is me. If you think I'm retarded then you're only off by a little, I prefer to be called mentally insane. The world hates me :) why am I so lucky? I love scary movies. I'm a cynical pessimistic clinically depressed emo girl. I'm a pathological liar. I'm obsessed with painting my nails. I didn't used to have OCD. I hate when things aren't a total of an even number or a number divisible by five. My best friends in the entire world are dead. I hate Harry Potter; he's the one who killed them. I have one more flaw that I can find but a lot of people think I'm just crazy for this: I am in love with a Malfoy.
My therapist thinks that the feeling is one of suppression; that it will go away with time or something like that. Personally I think she just saw his picture and got jealous. Ummmmm what else should I write about my self? Oh, I am a bookworm as well as a know it all. I had the highest marks in Hogwarts' history,. I despised Professor Trelawny. And that's all I can really think about my self right now.
My parents are Muggles or non-magic folk, of course Mrs. Kabble (my psychologist) knows all about magic and what not so I don't need to hide any of this from her. Anyways, my parents are having me see a psychologist for two reasons. One, I have suppressed hatred for the man who killed my best friends then joined the Dark side: Harry Potter. And two because they think I'm going crazy, which I am. You see during the war I found refuge in an enemy's arms and the feeling has never really subsided. These feeling have driven me mad, to a point where I can't function in everyday life anymore but I'll go into detail about that later, right now I am going to talk about what happened in the war.
The night my life really fell apart was December 11th at precisely 9:30 pm. Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, and a few others as well as myself joined that traitor Potter to fight a band of Death Eaters that were about to attack Diagon Alley. Well we were waiting in the Three Broomsticks for them to make their first move but it never came. Potter decided to go outside in the snow and see what was going on, if our source had been wrong or if the Death Eaters knew of our counter attack. About five minutes after Potter's departure, we heard crashing noises coming from the back of the Three Broomsticks. We all turned to see if it was the Death Eaters trying to surprise us and sure enough, it was but they weren't hiding their faces and they weren't in a sporadic attacking mode oh no! They were in a group behind Harry Potter himself and he was smiling, smiling about the fact that the Death Eaters were standing behind him!! We were all very confused by this so one of our group members asked Harry what was going on.
" Isn't it obvious?" he replied smugly to whoever asked the question. " I'm getting rid of the enemy."
" But Harry," I started to say, " the enemy is behind you!"
" No it isn't Hermione, I'm looking at the enemy. All my life its been people like you who have bossed me around and told me I had to save the world from Voldemort and the Dark side of the Wizarding world but not anymore! I realized something; I don't have to listen to any of you! All you want is for me to be your puppet, your little guard, and the guy you send to protect you when some thing goes wrong! Not any more! I have put up with Dumbledore's and Sirius' and Lupin's shit about me being the 'BoyWhoLived' for far to long and I'm over it, the Dark side accepts me." He told us all, a fire burning behind his emerald eyes. I remember everything about that night, how Harry told us how he killed Voldemort only to replace him, how the Death Eaters had known about this plan for months. He told us everything he had every wanted had come true in joining the Dark side and that he was the new person to beat, he told us that he, Harry James Potter, was the new Dark Lord. I remember him whispering to the Death Eaters behind him, to Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco as well as Bellatrix Lestrange. He commanded Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle to barricade the doors. They nodded and immediately did as they were told, like they were all old friends of his.
" You know," he said directly to Ron and me, " the sorting hat always did say I would do great things in Slytherin, funny you wouldn't think he would actually be right."
That was the last time we ever talked to the real Harry Potter. He then proceeded to raid Diagon Alley and pillage Gringotts. He tied the whole group up inside the Three Broomsticks and left us there for hours. We didn't say a word to each other, we all felt as though this was, in some way, our fault. I remember Luna being the one to break the silence.
" At least he hasn't decided to kill us." She said trying to lighten the atmosphere.
" Shhh Luna, we don't want to give him any ideas." Ginny warned, struggling with her bonds. Moments later Lucius Malfoy returned with Bellatrix's husband.
" How does it feel to be captured?" Lucius hissed at Ron. I didn't say a word. Lucius and Rodolphus dragged Ron, Neville, Seamus, and Dean out of the room by their ropes, it was the last time I ever saw them. As for Lavender, Ginny, Luna, Cho Chang, Hannah Abott and myself, we sat in the Three Broomsticks front room. We sat waiting, waiting for or Lucius or Rodolphus or somebody to comeback for us. No one came, not until morning. Professor Snape was the one to find us. Apparently, he had managed to escape Harry's raid of the Death Eaters after Voldemort's demise and coaxed the former Golden Boy's plans from Peter Pettigrew.
Snape untied all of us and we started for Hogwarts. Halfway up the path we were ambushed by Bellatrix Lestrange, her husband, Lucius Malfoy and Harry. Ironically, Snape was the first one to go down followed by Hannah and Lavender. Cho Chang surrendered to Harry and begged for her life in exchange for a lifetime of servitude, he complied. Bellatrix cackled and asked if any one else wished to convert. Luna, Ginny and I shook our heads and waited for death, Harry had taken our wands. He laughed reverently; I guess he was admiring our devotion to the Light.
" Well it is safe to say that no one expected it to be me, Harry Potter that would turn in to Voldemort's prodigy." He laughed psychotically before pointing his wand at Luna's innocent face. " It always is a tad hard to eliminate the innocent ones, yet I'm not sorry." With that, he shouted the Killing Curse and Luna fell. Ginny squealed and a teasr fell down her cheeks; I wish I could have comforted her.
" Ginny, my little Ginny. I really have nothing to say to you. Hmph, oh well. Crucio!" Harry shouted and Ginny fell to the floor writhing in pain. I screamed for her and attempted to tackle Harry to stop the curse but I was thrown back by one of his Neo-Death Eater's curses. She screamed for every family member she had and then for me. I cried for her pain and begged Harry to stop but the glint in his eye grew as did her screams.
" Enough my Lord!" Rodolphus shouted, "You'll drive her mad like my dear Bella did to the Longbottoms."
"Precisely! But if you feel she deserves another degree of punishment, you have my permission to do as you se fit." Harry drawled lifting the curse. Rodolphus motioned to his wife and they dragged Ginny away, kicking and screaming, leaving only me, Harry and Lucius.
" Lucius, if you could kindly leave me and take Cho here to Headquarters that would be much appreciated."
" As you wish." Lucius replied to Harry then apparated to their Headquarters.
" And then there was one."
" Why are you doing this Harry, all you had to do was ask and we would have stopped pressuring you. Please, stop this." I tired to reason with him.
"Really? That's all it would have taken?" He mocked, "I really don't care." He reached his hand out and tucked a strand of lose hair behind my ear. I trembled slightly.
" You really were the brightest witch of our age Hermione, I'll give you that. It is a pity to have to lose such a fine mind. Draco!" He screamed, and the blonde appeared diligently. It was so ironic that Draco Malfoy of all people was bowing down to his long time rival that a tiny laugh escaped my lips.
" Yes my Lord?" He answered.
" Take Miss Granger here to…" He gave Draco a knowing look, " and see that she is taken care of properly." He nodded to Draco and looked back at me.
"Goodbye Hermione." Harry said sickeningly sweet to me before vanishing with a pop.
I guess that's as far as I'll go for now, Mrs. Kabble will have fun reading over all of this. She is going to start thinking I really am insane. I'm not quite sure how to really end this whole, journaling thing so I guess I'll just sign my name or something.
Er, until next time,
Hermione Granger.