

Traveling through dimensions is really an experience.

Very few souls can say they have lived through something so fascinating but at the same time so grim and terrifying. – And exhausting by the way-

But Fuuma has seen it all; the highs and lows and the good and bad.

He has seen the tragedies.

(- "One after the other.

Endless Cycles. "-)

The destroyed worlds.

The stories made of pain and anguish.

His eyes have seen the bitterness and sorrow. The destruction and death. The fear and loss.

Worlds and Souls lost like dust.

He has seen himself in the same scenarios, with the same actors and the same finale over and over again.

Sometimes Fuuma would like to choose the worlds he arrives to, just to not see the misfortunes his soul is bound to live every damn time.

He promises himself that somehow he'll break the ties which bind him to tragedy and pain.

(- His promises are hollow and destiny couldn't care less.-)

(- "It Hitsuzen Fuuma… it can't be changed. When your destiny catches you, it'll never let you escape. It's the fate that follows you, hunter brothers. Hitsuzen will always find you. As simple as that.-")

Then he lands on Tokyo, burning under the acid rain. The image of a city in ruins and decay, a picture Fuuma has seen in many occasions.

Fuuma has no interest whatsoever in this world. There is nothing special in it.

And then… when the hunter thinks he has seen everything this world can offer him… Fuuma finds it.

Deep, purple eyes, staring emotionless and cold… at him.

The beautiful face of his fate, the one he'd seen before...

The pain, the tragedy, the death.

And Fuuma finds himself enchanted by this being that stands before him and although he has seen it many, many times before, there's something special in this one, something that makes his heart ache.

A force pushes Fuuma towards those eyes, a force he promised to avoid and yet he cannot fight against.

Yuuko's voice echoes in his head, his resolution dies then and there, so he can't help but to stretch his hand and accept the bond destiny has already tied to him.

- He is one of the vampires his brother is looking for.-

Fuuma accepts, the moment his eyes locked with Kamui's, that there is no way to escape fate – he always knew it but he keep on stubbornly denying it –.

- He's the one soul that Hitsuzen has been guiding him to find.-

The younger hunter doesn't understand fate's logic -not that he wants to- but he sees the vampire and everything just settles in place.

("It's stronger than him.

It's stronger than his knowledge and experiences.

It's stronger than anything he has seen in all those dimensions.

So Fuuma simply stops thinking about it")

The reason for his existence is glaring –really glaring and the hunter can't help but to find amusing that the vampire already hates him… so ironic- at him in the most 'adorable way possible' – Fuuma is already whipped so he doesn't really see the danger in that golden look-.

Fuuma simply surrenders then… because there is no such thing as a coincidence and his destiny was foreordained.

-- "Kamui…" --

Hitzusen is mocking him, laughing it's ass off at his back – he hears it, always heard it - and Fuuma couldn't care less.



Thanks for reading!

Beta: DarkDragonGoddess! Thanks a lot!