Title: Diabetic
Disclaimer: Do you really think I own the PotterVerse? If you do, then I suggest a ward in St. Mungo's for the mentally impaired.
Summary: Sirius borrowing sugar.
Rating: T
Warnings: Suggested Foreplay.

Harry stared at the oval clock that stood against his cream walls. It had been 30 minutes since Sirius had left to borrow sugar from Hermione, and he still wasn't back. Harry wondered vaguely what was taking his overly joyous godfather so long. It wasn't as if Hermione lived ages away, she lived right around the alleyway, and that was only a two minute walk. Rolling his eyes, Harry grabbed his traveling cloak and headed to Hermione's place.

The walk was quicker than he had anticipated and in no time Harry had arrived at Hermione's front gate. Pushing though the metal gates, Harry walked towards her door. As he reached the door, a frown crossed his face. The entrance to Hermione's house was slightly ajar. His heart beat quickened and Harry pushed open the wooden door. What he saw next made him wish he never left his house.

On the couch were the tangled bodies of Hermione and Sirius. Without meaning to Harry let out a yell of fright as he saw his best friend and godfather in the middle of foreplay. They both jumped in surprise and Harry watched open mouthed as Hermione fixed the creases on her shirt and tried to flatten her unmanageable hair.

"Harry, we were just… well…you see…" Hermione tried to explain, but the amused voice of Sirius cut her off. "Harry, I was getting some sugar, like I promised,"

Harry's mouth fell open, as he stared at Hermione and Sirius, his face was contorted with disgust and embarrassment. Running a hand through his untidy hair, Harry looked at Sirius and said "I am officially diabetic."

A/N: Yeah, this was so freaking random!