Never Ever Let Alan Pick The Movie

A/N: Hiya, this is my first fic that I have felt proud of so please, if you are going to review no flames. Constructive critism is welcomed. Very short but I hope it is funny.

Disclaimer: I do not own those wonderful Tracy boys. If I did, they would all be standing right next to me. But they aren't so on to the story...

Never Ever Let Alan Pick The Movie

It was a balmy summers evening and only two of the Tracy brothers were in the pool. Scott was replacing John on Thunderbird 5 because he had, more than likely, wanted to get away from Gordon's next big prank and he had a feeling it involved him. Jeff was doing some paperwork up in his study. John was in the family room having a video call with his only big brother and Virgil was watching the two youngest Tracys in the pool.

"I wish I could join you. It sucks not being able to do anything," complained Virgil pointing to his bandaged leg.

"I seriously know how you feel bro," Alan replied. Virgil's broken leg was caused by the last rescue he had gone on.

IR was at yet again at another rescue. An earthquake in Athens caught by John had IR there as fast as they could get there. All had gone well and everyone who was in any immediate danger had been evacuated. Scott had left in Thunderbird 1 and Alan and Virgil were heading back to Thunderbird 2 when the aftershock occurred. It was okay afterwards except for one thing: a piece of rather large rubble had land on Virgil's leg.

"Virg! Hang on!" Alan had called out to his brother. He managed to lift the rubble off him and then helped him up. The two boys finally made it back to Thunderbird 2 and after Virgil had been helped by his baby brother to the infirmary, Alan headed on home to Tracy Island

"I have had at least a month out of action because of this stupid broken leg!" Virgil was extremely upset about the whole thing and the two youngest Tracy boys sympathized. The Tracys loved being a Thunderbird and they all hated being out of action. A few minutes later, the second oldest Tracy boy came out to the lounge and jumped into the pool causing a rude reaction from Virgil. John just laughed.

"Now, now Virg. If you do that again, I must tell Dad. Can't have you being a bad boy. Can we?"

This comment got a John an evil eye and another rude gesture. John laughed again and went under the water before Virgil was able to throw a dangerous missile of unknown origins at his head. Alan and Gordon watched this fight between the two brothers from the side of the pool. They knew better than to fool with Virgil when he wasn't able to fly his 'Bird for a couple of days. The fight went on for some time, who knows how long, but Virgil won. John stayed in the pool for a few more minutes while Alan and Gordon got out and dried themselves. All four boys were soon enough all lined up in a row on the sun lounges. The sun had disappeared over the horizon and he stars had started to shine through. It was quiet. The Tracy boys don't like quiet. Alan was the first to speak.

"Why don't we all go inside and watch a movie. I'll pick."

The other three boys were hesitant.

"What horror could a 16 year old subject us to?" John asked. "Come on Al, I'll make popcorn."

Alan and John went into the house, shortly followed by Gordon and Virgil on crutches.


Virgil was on the couch, Gordon in the armchair and John was on the mattress with his and Alan's sleeping bag on it. Gordon was munching on the popcorn when Alan entered the room and showed the DVD to his brothers. Gordon fell off the chair and nearly choked.

"The Little Mermaid? You have got to be kidding Al"

"Yeah, I am. I'll put the real DVD in now"

Alan turned to the DVD player. He closed the disk draw and settled down next to the second oldest Tracy boy. As soon as Titanic's menu appeared, all except Alan groaned. Admitting to himself they were in for 194 minutes of torture, Virgil leaned over to John and whispered in his ear "remind me to never, EVER, let Alan pick the movie!"