
Her screams echoed down the hall way as he stood outside the door to their room. Each scream struck fear in his heart. The last five years had been the best of his life, and now at 30 he, Bill Sikes couldn't ask for more.

Nancy and he had loved each other with renewed passion after that fatal day at the bottom of Little Saffron Hill. He had helped her heal and she in turn had made him a better man. True he still had a temper but he had made a conscience effort to control it, he didn't drive her away again.

The last anguished scream came from the room filled with relief.

The door opened and out stepped out the workhouse doctor.

"Congratulations, you have a girl."

Bill paid the doctor and all but ran into the room.

"Bill meet your daughter" Nancy smiled tiredly as she held out the baby to him

Bill took the little squirming baby in his arms, she had Nancy's eyes he thought with a smile.

"Well how does it feel to be a father?"

"Feels… right" he pulled a chair up to the bed and sat down. "'Ere are Nance, bet you can't wait to get your hands on her again"

Nancy sighed "You keep her, I'm tired after all that screaming" she laughed.

"What we gonna call her?"


"Annie? Why Annie?"

"Because that was me mother's name."

5 years after the death of Nicolas Annie Sikes was born