Missile Test
"So how's it comin'?" Jacket asked as she walked into the building that Wheeljack and Ratchet had converted into their workshop.
Wheeljack looked up from the war head he was working on. Jacket had saved just one of those experimental missiles she and Wasp had carried with them to this dimension, and after the Autobots had agreed to help them raise their first brood, she had given this missile to Wheeljack as a gift. A gift that the inventor surely hoped would end up helping them win back Cybertron. He and Ratchet had been working diligently to figure out the alien technology, and replicate it. Now, they had a set of eight copies lining one of the shelves.
"Doing pretty good. I think we're ready to test a couple." he answered a smile behind his mask.
A sparkle filled the Seeker's optics, for she truly loved to blow things up! "So, ya wanna load a few on me, an we'll go out an blow somethin' up?" she asked.
He nodded eagerly, for he'd rather try something out without the other Autobots watching – just in case it didn't work. So, after Jacket transformed, he loaded one missile on each wing; and then proceeded to settle himself across her top line, his fingers curled around her wings' leading edges. "Ready to roll." he told her.
As she taxied out of the work shop and lifted off into the clear sky, Wheeljack laid his helm against the gentle swell behind her cockpit. The gentle vibration of her plasma engines flowing through him. Yes, she had indeed become a good friend to him.
Swiftly, they were several hundred miles from the small renegade base. Jacket banking around as her air-to-ground radar spotted a crumbling city to target. She locked the target and fired one of Wheeljack's missiles, swiftly rolling sideways as she banked, allowing the Autobot to watch the effect of his missile as it hit its mark.
In the blink of an optic, a ten square sector section of the city, disappeared in the small nuclear blast; the mushroom cloud rising drunkenly into the sky. Before the first blast had died down, Jacket locked onto another target, waiting to launch the final missile until she had already passed the target. As the missile left her pylons, it turned itself 180 degrees, and went straight at the target. Destroying it as efficiently as the first one had.
Landing lightly on a mountainside overlooking their testing area, Jacket and Wheeljack watched the mushroom clouds with satisfied grins on their faces. Jacket slapped her friend on his shoulder. "Yep, ya'll did pretty good!" she congratulated him.
Knowing he couldn't have done it without her having saved one of the originals, he put his arms around her, lifting the small Seeker up in a spinning hug. He was so excited that these new missiles might be able to turn the war their way again. "If you hadn't thought to save one, we'd have never been able to do it!" he exclaimed.
She slid down him as he set her back down on the ground, but didn't take her arms from his shoulders. Their optics met in a strange emotion. "Ya know, ya've become a good friend Wheeljack." she stated her voice strangely soft, with no hint of her normal lighthearted humor.
Having her pressed to him, Wheeljack fondly remembered when she and her twin had played their 'game' with him while he was a prisoner. Since his bond mate had been killed in battle many cycles prior to his capture, that 'game' had actually been the last time he'd overloaded. Surprisingly, not even with bonding – it had happened with just energy transfer and sensory stimulation. Now she had become a friend, and he wondered if she'd entertain the notion of a little harmless fun.
As if an accidental touch, he slid one of his hands down her wing/fuselage seam. His optics looking over at the destruction their test had generated. He felt her shiver, but she didn't pull away. Grinning devilishly behind his mask, he made his touch a little bolder, this time a shudder went through her yellow airframe. He met her optics then, noticing a smile which matched his own.
"I'm thinking that I need to pay someone back for some unnecessary teasing they did to me a while back;" he mused, a mischievous tone in his voice.
She cocked her head. "Oh really? Then ya need to take off that slaggin' mask of ya's an prove ya can actually kiss," she challenged.
In a smooth motion, he took off his mask and met her lips, pushing her light airframe down to the rock as he did. She matched his kiss with her own, her hands running lightly over his chassis. Suddenly, he grabbed her hands, holding them over her head as he cuffed them. A surprised look crossed her face.
He grinned as he straddled her hips. "What was that game? Something about begging – wasn't it?"
She chuckled, not really fighting the cuffs, since she rather enjoyed this game. "Ya a quick learner, Autobot."
Chuckling, he ran his hands over her sensitive wings, mercilessly teasing her sensor arrays. She arched against him, moaning in pleasure. Her airframe overcome in shudders as he turned his attentions to her wing/fuselage seem. He could here her intakes fluxing as the waves of pleasure coursed through her.
But he was far from done, for she had yet to beg. So he reached down and slid his fingers under her protective cod piece, accessing some of her most sensitive arrays. She screamed in pleasure, now fighting the handcuffs, her systems' now fully aroused and needing release. "Beg Jacket, beg for release." Wheeljack whispered, his devilish grin spreading from audio-to-audio. As he released the latch on her codpiece, pressing her bared circuits against his armor, his circuits so teasingly close.
She shuddered, but didn't beg yet. "I would, but I gotta tell ya something' first;" she gasped.
He stopped his teasing; curious as to what she had to tell him, why she'd interrupt their fun. "Tell me what?"
Getting back in control of herself, the Seeker looked up at him. Her optics gleamed with desire. "Well, my spark's ready to divide again, so if ya bond with me now…" she stammered.
At first he was a little confused, and then understanding flowed through him. If he bonded with her, he'd sire another brood of sparklings! His blue optics widened at the mere thought of it, for even though he'd been helping to raise the first brood, he'd always just assumed that the next brood would be sired by the strongest of the Autobots, perhaps one of their leaders, in order to create the strongest sparks to animate the new Seekers. He was just an average soldier, more of a medic than even that, not what anyone would consider the strongest of the Autobots.
She saw the thoughts rolling behind his blue optics. "This'll probably be my last set, Wheeljack. My Matron never got pregnant again after having her ninth sparkling."
She smiled at her friend. "An I'd sure like 'em to be as intelligent as ya;" she said, telling him she wanted him to be the sire.
"You want me to be the sire?" he asked incredulously. "Why not one of the stronger Autobots? One of the leaders?"
She chuckled. "Matron always taught us that by having brains and planning things, we'd get further than through brute strength alone. Ya've got the brains to make real efficient stealth sparklings." Her optics were honest as they looked into his. "Plus, I want my last set to be with a mech I really liked."
He relaxed on her, knowing her mind had been made up for quiet some time before this; she had just been waiting for him to show interest. Now the ball was in his court, and he had to decide if he wanted that kind of responsibility. But everything she said made sense, for she and her twin were not large and strong Seekers – they were small, fast and smart. By using their intelligence, they had accomplished more destruction in one mission, than the LSC normally did in three.
Thinking to her current brood, he knew that he rather enjoyed helping to raise them. He'd have more responsibility if they were from his spark, but he knew his Autobot friends would willingly help. No, it wasn't such a bad thought, becoming a sire.
His fingers reached down, opened one of her side access ports. Whispering yes in her audios, he connected the first set of bonding cables between them. Her spark pulsated against his, its warmth spreading through him as he lowered all his firewalls. His spark flooded into hers, combining with hers.
Reaching down to his codpiece, he unlatched it, teasing her with the nearness of the full circuit. She arched against him as he gently stroked the inside of her intake. "I still want to hear you beg;" he whispered in her audios.
A laugh shook her, combining with the next wave of shudders. "Ya just don't give up – do ya?" she murmured.
"Nope, I want to hear you scream;" he said in a devilish tone; still intending to pay her back for her teasing torture of him.
"Please..." she groaned, trying to arch against him – to force the connection of the full circuit.
He snickered, running a hand over her wing. "Louder, I can't hear you."
"Ya freagin' bastard!" she gasped.
"Beg for it, Scream for it;" he ordered, teasing her with a burst of current through their first connection.
She gave in, screaming, begging. Her voice echoed across the mountain sides, filling the empty city below them with the first sounds of desire in centuries. As she screamed, he thrust himself down upon her, becoming one entity together as the full circuit was completed.
The hot energy of her three cores flowed through him, making him realize that her previous temptations had been no lie, her cores did indeed have the energy stores to fully power multiple ground mechs! This incredible flow poured over his systems, causing his lower-energy systems to stagger in its wake. Then the flow equalized, as their systems fully integrated, engines revving in the same frequency.
Shivers flowed through his net, caused by his own caresses onto her sensory arrays, their integration so complete that his systems were now a part of hers. The stimulation flowed over him like a wave, drowning him in its wake. With a shudder, both of them overloaded together.
Slowly, the alarms in his head shut off one-by-one as he rebooted. He felt the Seeker's pulsating plasma engines, quietly vibrating against his armored chest. Activating his optics, he found himself looking into the dazed crimson optics of his friend. She smiled; her rather plain features so beautiful to his optics. "So, just when are ya plannin' to uncuff me?" she asked, her normal humor filling her voice.
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