It is actually surprising how long it took me to write this chapter, and I'm still not really happy with how it turned out, I hope I gave a sufficient ending, please inform me on what you think about it! I purposefully left a little bit of the ending up to the imagination and I hope I didn't leave to much. Thanks for the reviews on the previous chapters and Please, please, please, review this one!

Temperance Brennan sat at her office flipping through her exceedingly large stack of paper work, now that she and Booth had solved Victoria Newmann's case Booth's family had went back to New York and she and Booth had been back to the normal daily routine of fighting crime.

Ronda had been sent to Jail under murder and kidnapping charges and Rebbecca was taking this a lot lighter then expected, she was also not leaving Parker for more than two minutes by himself anymore. The Newmann's had held Mary and Victoria's funerals on the same day and had been sure to invite both Booth and Brennan, who were touched by the family's offer and had attended the service last Sunday.

Temperance sighed as Booth bounded into her office looking chipper. "Hay,Bones!"

Brennan smiled and continued to glare at her paper work, she knew that staring at it wasn't going to make it do itself or reduce the amount in size at all, but she thought, maybe, if all logic failed she could stare at it enough that it would simply be a figment of her imagination. This of course, was an utterly preposterous idea, and Temperance was almost ashamed that she had even thought of it, but she was sick of paperwork.

"Booth, you told me you would help me with my paper work if I went to New York with you and you never did! I think it's time you held up your end of the bargain!" Brennan said as she pried her eyes away from her work.

Booth wrinkled his nose at the pile of work on his partner's desk and shrugged. "I'll help you. . .on one condition."

Brennan glared at Booth and shook her head. "No more conditions, Booth. You promised you would and you have to keep your promises. I kept my promise!"

Booth chuckled at her and grabbed her coat off of the coat rack by her office door. "You went to New York with me, sure. But you didn't spend the entire weekend with me up there. So I think you owe me dinner. . .well, my family and I dinner."

"What?" Brennan announced looking worriedly at her partner. What had he done now?

"You heard me, Bones. You are coming to dinner with me, Jared, Dad, Mom, Melina, and gran Lucille don't worry about paying either, it's my treat. You just have to run home and change and we can go!" Booth replied.

Temperance glared at Booth and tried to hide the fact that going out to dinner with the Booths actually sounded nice."Booth! I don't have time for this! And besides, I thought your family went back to New York two Weeks ago?"

"They did. . ." Booth started, ignoring her refusal to go as he guided her out of her office. ". . .But they came back last night to have dinner with me before Gran Lucille left for North Dakota and Melina and Jared leave for Florida, and they requested that you accompany us to dinner, seeing as you didn't get to spend a lot of time with them when you went up to New York."

Brennan stopped and grinned at Booth. "Why did they request that I go with them to dinner? Do you want me to go?"

Booth looked at Temperance with an odd expression on his face, apparently unsure of how to answer her question. "My mother wants you to come to dinner with us because she appreciates the fact that you solved the case. And, actually, yes, I would love for you to come with me. Now will you please come on so we can get to the restaurant before Jared, he always puts a fake name down when he signs us in for the seats and I'm forced to wonder around until I find their table."

Brennan giggled slightly at the image of Booth wondering around a fancy restaurant looking for his brother. "Find, Booth, I'll go. But you have to help me finish my paper work tomorrow. Deal?"

"Deal." Booth replied as he guided her out of the Jeffersonian and into the parking garage.


Booth turned the corner sharply and came to a halt in front of Brennan's apartment building. "Ok, Bones I'll wait out here and you can go get changed." He said with a grin.

"Booth! I don't even know where we're going so how am I supposed to know what to change into?" Temperance exclaimed, crossing her arms over her chest and cocking an eyebrow curiously.

Booth sighed and got out of the car, Brennan followed. "You're gonna need to dress. . .dressy. That means high heels, a dress maybe, but if you don't feel like a dress a nice shirt and a pair of khakis will do fine."

Temperance unlocked her front door and let them both in. "So does that mean you're going to have to change to? Because a t-shirt and jeans doesn't seem very "dressy" to me."

Booth nodded and held up a bag that Brennan just now noticed. "You know me, Bones. I always have a change of clothes in the SUV, and it just so happens that I brought a suit and tie. . . and not just any tie. . .a plain, red tie."

Temperance chuckled at Booth's words, he had a thing with flashy ties and the fact that he actually owned a solid one was quite amusing to her, not to mention surprising.

"You can change in the living room, and I'll get ready in my room." Brennan stated as she edged her way out of the room that Booth was currently occupying and was getting ready to change in. She went down the hall and into her bedroom where she rummaged around in her closet for a while, but couldn't really find anything that looked dressy and hadn't been worn five million times already.

She sighed as she spotted the dress in the far back of her closet that she'd taken to New York with her but never worn, also the dress that she'd worn in Vegas, it had only been used that one time and it was the only thing that she had left unless she wanted to wear something dirty, ripped, or boring.

Temperance pulled the dress out of her closet and looked at it one more time before unzipping the back of it and proceeding to put it on.


Booth sighed and glanced at his watch, it had been past an hour already and Brennan was still getting ready. Booth yawned and tightened his tie for the fifteenth time that night, it wouldn't stop slipping down and he didn't think that it would look that fantastic if he waltzed into one of the nicest restaurants in DC with a tie that wasn't tied.

Booth rubbed his eyes and stood up, sitting still and doing nothing but tie his loose tie was getting extremely annoying, he had taken a very quick nap but had woken up because. . .well, he wasn't exactly sure what had woken him up, he just knew that he found it hard to fall asleep when it was as quite as it was in Brennan's apartment.

He made his way down the hall and into Temperance's room, Booth froze as he rose his hand to knock on the bathroom door, it had opened and revealed one of the most beautiful things he'd seen in a long while.

Brennan was blushing and he could tell, but he was sure it was nothing to the color red he was going at the moment. She looked stunning and he wasn't hiding the fact that he thought so. "Wow, Temperance you look beautiful."

She turned a deeper shade of red and thanked him in a small voice, she tugged at her dress and Booth remembered with a jolt where he'd seen her dress before. . .Vegas. He chuckled to himself as he remembered the under ground fighting arena and "Roxy" running and hugging him after he'd nearly gotten the pulp beat out of him, she'd worn that dress then.

She was wearing the same dress but she looked a lot different than when she'd last worn it in Vegas, her hair was pulled up in a graceful bun with curled twigs popping out here and there, her make up was softer and highlighted her blue-green eyes and soft white skin. She was wearing a simple, but flashy golden necklace with matching earrings, it was definitely Temperance Brennan wearing this dress, not "Roxy".

"Booth, your tie is untied." Temperance said, quickly interrupting the silence that had fallen between them.

"Oh." Booth replied as he looked down at his tie, it matched her dress perfectly. He wondered if she'd purposefully picked an outfit that matched his tie, or if it'd been just a weird coincidence.

"Let me help you fix it." Brennan said as she pulled him closer and grabbed the ends of his tie. Booth grinned at her, she was being awfully girlie tonight.

"Why thank you, Dr.Brennan I don't know how I would have ever done it by myself!" Booth said sarcastically when she'd tied his tie extremely tight, it wasn't falling down now.

Temperance crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. "If you could do it yourself why wasn't it done already, Agent Booth?"

Booth chuckled and put a hand on the small of her back, guiding her from the room. "I guess I just wanted you to do it, you are, after all, the expert." Booth replied with a wink.

Brennan grabbed her purse off of the coffee table and Booth grabbed his keys and clothes bag, Temperance flicked off the light and they both excited the tidy apartment.


When the two pulled up to the restaurant Jared and Melina's car was already there, so was Michael and Lynn's, but Lucille's car wasn't present, and Booth seemed none to worried that his grandmother was later than they were.

Booth hopped out of the car and went around to open Brennan's door, she thanked him and slid out of the passenger's seat carefully. Temperance and Booth walked up to the front of the restaurant and asked for the Booth party, and, unsurprising to Booth, there wasn't a Booth party put down.

Brennan pulled Booth to a table in the far corner where she'd spotted the Booth party, even if they were under "Smith". Booth smirked at his brother as he sat beside his mother, who hugged him as best she could while sitting down.

Temperance sat down on the other side of Booth beside Melina and smiled at her, Melina smiled back and tossed her long black hair behind her. She was wearing a lovely golden gown that showed off her slightly rounded abdomen. Her hair was pulled back with a golden head band that let her un usually curly black locks cascade down over her shoulders.

Lynn was wearing an elegant white dress that came up to her knees and looked years younger than she actually was with her now wavy golden blond hair framing her face. Michael looked happy and healthy with a white colored shirt on and a Navy blue suite over it.Jared was sporting a dark gray suite with a cream colored button up shirt and a gray tie that matched his suit exactly.

As soon as Booth and Brennan had sat down, in came Lucille, who had apparently pulled in behind Temperance and Booth. She was wearing a purple floor length dress that looked older than she was and her hair was draped over her shoulder and stick straight. She wore the same scowl that normally graced her features but let said scowl waver slightly when she spotted Brennan.

"Dr.Brennan, no one told me that you'd be joining us tonight."

Temperance smiled and Lynn shook her head. "Yes we did, Mother. Remember? When we were talking last night at dinner."

Lucille pursed her lips and sat herself down beside Michael, who cringed slightly as she called out for the waitress. Lynn looked slightly embarrassed at the curious stares they were now getting from the people at the other tables and shrugged apologetically at the women at the table beside them who was glaring at Lucille.

"Excuse me! Waitress!" Lucille called out again as a short frazzled looking women made her way to their table.

"I'm sorry mam, but could you please lower you voice? This is a fine establishment and if you don't quieten down I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The waitress told Lucille sternly, who glared and stood up.

"Fine." She said as she grabbed her purse off of the back of the chair. "The service here is horrible anyway. Lynn, I'll see you back at the hotel. It was wonderful seeing you again Dr.Brennan and you Seeley, but I'm afraid I must leave now."

With that Lucille stormed from the restaurant leaving Lynn apologizing many times to the waitress, who huffed, took their drink orders, and marched back into the kitchen.

Booth turned to Brennan and gave an amused face. "My family is so messed up, Bones."

"I don't know, I think mine beats yours by a long shot." Temperance replied light heartily.

Michael eyed his son as he laughed at Temperance and turned his attention back on his "messed up" family. Booth caught his father's gaze and his cheeks gave off a Rosy gleam. Booth hated his father's "I know everything" look and, unfortunately, he got to see it a lot more than he'd like.


Booth leaned back in his chair and dabbed his face with his napkin, he had eaten way more than he'd thought possible, and now felt as if he was going to blow up and die.

After the waitress had taken their orders and their food had been delivered to them, the Booth party,(plus one Brennan), had gorged themselves with food. Temperance was staring at an empty dessert plate with a hand plastered over her stomach, she had eaten more than she could handle as well, and, just like her partner, was feeling the effects.

In fact, Melina was the only one who didn't look extremely full. Lynn yawned widely and rubbed her sleepy eyes, it was getting quite late, and she was getting quite tired. Michael eyed his wife and gave a yawn himself, (why are yawns always contagious?), maybe it was time they headed home.

"Well, everyone, I think I'm ready to hit the hay." Michael said as he stood.

Lynn opened her eyes wide and stared up at her husband, it was obvious she didn't want to leave. "But, Michael we've only got one night left in DC and I. . ." She broke off here and yawned again. ". . .ok maybe you're right."

Michael smiled at his wife as she stood up beside him and slung her purse over her shoulder. Lynn went around and hugged Jared, Booth, and Melina, then made her way to Temperance. She smiled at the anthropologist and hugged her tightly. "It was so nice meeting you, Dr.Brennan. I hope we get to see each other again sometime, I can't tell you how thankful I am that you solved Victoria Newmann's case.I can't imagine what might of happened if you hadn't."

Brennan nodded and smiled back at the women. "Thank you, Mrs.Booth. I was just doing my job."

"Well, I can tell you one thing for sure, Dr.Brennan, you're a whole lot different than any other girl that my son had ever brought home, and that's a compliment." Michael said with a chuckle. Booth blushed again, and mentally slapped himself for it.

With that the two left leaving only Melina, Jared, Booth and Brennan sitting at the table.

A short while later Melina nodded off, leaving Jared talking with Booth and Temperance. He quickly noticed his wife's absence from the conversation and shook her awake.

"I think it's time we get going." Jared said as he guided Melina up from her chair.

"I think we're ready to leave as well." Booth said as Brennan nodded in agreement.

The four walked out of the restaurant together and said their goodbyes in the parking lot before going to their separate cars.

"So was one last dinner with my family really that bad?" Booth asked as they both climbed into the SUV.

"No, I actually had a nice time." Temperance replied.

Booth nodded and looked back at the road, Temperance propped her elbow up on the window seal and looked at the passing scenery.

"You know, you never did tell me what your secret was." She broke the silence that had fallen between them with a completely random comment.

Booth glanced at her curiously. "What?"

"Your secret, You know, when we were talking on the phone and you told me to guess you "deepest, darkest secret"?"

"Oh, that." Booth said, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I never told you I'd tell you though, did I?"

"Yes, but I want to guess again, and I want a hint." Brennan told him definitely.

"Ok." Booth started as he thought of a sufficient hint that would keep her a considerable distance from the truth. "It has something to do with someone very close to me."

"I know that already, Booth! You said it was someone who worked with you and I'd already guessed it was me, I need a hint as to what secret you're keeping about me."

Booth frowned and turned the corner, coming to a halt at a red light. "Well. . . I happen to know that someone already knows this."

"That's not a hint, Booth!" Brennan exclaimed frustratedly.

Booth chuckled slightly as he pulled into a parking spot in front of her apartment building. The two got out of the car and made their way into Temperance's apartment. Brennan through her purse down on the couch and went to get them two drinks as soon as they entered the tidy home. Booth flopped down on the couch and stuck his feet on top of the coffee table, waiting for his partner to return before continuing their earlier conversation.

"No, I think it's a good hint honestly, there are actually four that know, two that I prefer didn't, but still."

Temperance took a moment to remember what they'd been talking about then handed him a drink and sat herself down beside him. "Well, can you at least tell me who knows? That would make it a fair bit easier."

Booth smiled at her and took a sip of his drink before answering. "Well, let's see, Angela, Sweets, my mother and my father."

Brennan screwed up her eyes in concentration, then blushed slightly. "Booth, does this have anything to do with what happened at your parent's house. . .you know, in the bathroom?"

Booth raised his eyebrows and hid his face with his cup as he sipped on his drink again. "It might."

"Oh my. . .Booth! You like me!"

Booth spluttered slightly, and shot some of what he'd just drank out of his nose. Why was his father always right? She had guessed.

"W-well. . .it. . .it might be something like that."

Temperance opened her eyes wide and her mouth even wider. "No, "might" Booth, you like me!"

Booth blushed slightly as Brennan grinned mischievously. "Bones, don't freak please, I'm not a stalker or anything like that, and I know that I said all that stuff about "lines", but I just wanted to keep you safe. But if we're honest with each other and. . ."

"Booth, stop." Temperance started as she laid a hand on his wrist. "You're always the one who says to think with their heart, and I think now is one of those times. It's probably because of all the wine I've had that's messing with my logic, but I think. . .I think this seems logical."

And with that Brennan laid a soft kiss on Booth, who was so completely shocked that he could do nothing but savor her unexpected reaction to his now obvious feelings. Temperance pulled away and looked at Booth, she lay a hand on his cheek, and he melted at her touch. He realized at once how much he really did love this women.

Brennan kissed him again, this time slightly longer, he held her tightly and she knew that she felt the same way he did. Temperance sighed and rapped her arms around his neck. She might blame this on the wine in the morning, but she knew she was just as sane as ever, and she knew she was in love with her partner, and that, was what made it all so likable.

Booth smiled into their kiss as Brennan ran her hands through his hair. Yes, his family been right, probably more right than they had ever been, Temperance Brennan was ten million times different than any other girl he'd ever been with.

He was madly in love with his partner, and best of all, she wad in love with him right back, how could he ever have a better "happily ever after"?

The End.