Chapter 1: Encounter with a JERK

"WAKE UP, TENTEN!" I rolled on her bed and sat up. "COME ON! It's almost 8:30!"

"Mom. It's 8:00..." I complained.

"You don't want to be late for your first day of high school!" Mom shouted again.

"Right…" I mumbled and rubber her head as she climbed off her bed and headed for the bathroom. Well, this is great. My first day of high school. Oh, lovely. How I despise school. I thought. Unlike most girls, I don't strike a pose in the mirror, or worry too much of what other people think of her.

"ARE YOU DONE?" Mom shouted. "It's 8:10!" I ran down the stairs.

"Alright." I picked up her bag. "Bye, mom." I ran out the door quickly and walked towards the school. If I could only be in bed now. Ah, that would be lovely. If it were up to me, I'd probably make school start, NEVER… I thought. Before I knew it, I crashed into someone, sending me falling to the ground.. Butt first. "Ow. Watch it!" I shouted.

"What was that?" The someone responded. I opened my eyes and looked up at a dark ravened haired boy. "Did you say something?" I stood and brushed myself off.

"Yes, I did!" I shouted at him. "Watch where you're going!"

"You crashed into me." He responded. "So, you better watch where you're going." He turned and walked the other way.

"…" I was dumbfounded. "That jerk…" I muttered.

"You wouldn't be talking about me, would you?" I turned around.

"Neji!" I called and smiled. He raised an eyebrow. "I hope we're in the same class…"

"So do I." Neji responded. They have been childhood friends, to… best friends. I stood there and bit her lip.

That jerk! Who does he think he is? I never even got his name! If I could have pummeled him, then he'd have to think twice to- My thoughts were interrupted.

"We're going to be late." Neji simply said. I looked at him and nodded and caught up to him. Today was probably going to be the biggest day for me. They entered the school and got their schedules.

"What? My homeroom teacher is Gai…" I looked up at Neji. "What about you?"

"Hn." Neji responded. "Gai." He muttered.

"We have the same homeroom teacher!" I smiled.

"Yeah." Neji responded as the two walked to the class. In the class already, was a boy with red streaks down his face, a boy in green spandex with a bowl hair cut with freakishly large eyebrows, a girl with pink hair, a girl with long purple hair, and, last but not least… that dark raven haired jerk I crashed into earlier… This can't get any better.

Next Chapter: Sasuke Uchiha