Duel Academy: Another Timeā€¦

Chapter 1

Ian couldn't help but stare at the massive structure of Duel Academy looming over him. Finally, he thought to himself, I made it into Duel Academy.

"Don't act like its such a big thing," chocked Mitch, his best friend who also happened to be getting into Duel Academy for the first time. "Yes, I can tell from the slack-jawwed look on your face that you think this place is all so very impressive, even if it's not."

"Well, it is," Ian protested. "All the best are from here. Did you know that both Truesdales were once here? And what about Princeton? And all those others..."

"Yeah, but all those guys were from years ago," Mitch shrugged, "I don't hear of many pros anymore that started out here. Only those who really need help come here nowadays."

"But it's Duel Academy!" Ian protested, "and anyways, I'm gonna change that."

"If you say so," Mitch replied, dismissing the subject. "So," he smirked, "what Dorm did they put you in again?"

"Slifer Red," Ian grumbled. He had been hoping Mitch wouldn't bring that up. It was bad enough that Mitch was flaunting his Ra Yellow blazer while standing right next to him. Somehow, Ian didn't think his 'best friend' had really forgotten anything. Not with his sharp mind anyways. "You enjoy rubbing it in don't you?"

"Heh, cheer up," Mitch quirked, "I hear that Jaden guy or whatever his name was from there, and he did some pretty impressive stuff while he was here. Besides, if you get all depressed now, you won't be able to get bummed out by the rest of the crud you'll find out about later."


Turns out, after several hours of introductions, room assignments, speeches, and classes, that the other thing to worry about was homework. Despite being first-year students on their first day, the faculty spared no mercy in assigning lessons, pages to read, and assorted other things requiring a pencil and no life.

"This is inhumane," Ian cried out as he wandered back into his assigned room. After dumping his load of books onto the desk, he then proceed to collapse into the chair behind it. "I just came here to duel."

"Well man," Mitch answered as he followed in, "don't say I didn't warn you. But I guess I could've been more specific. I got a brother in the upperclassmen, and he warned me about the assignments some of these teachers hand out, even to first-years. I'm guessing that less than half the time most students spend here is actually spent dueling. You're finding out what they do with the rest of their time."

"Well, if I'd known that-"

"You'd still be here," Mitch interrupted, "and you know it."

Ian was silent for some time before answering grudgingly, "Yeah. I guess you're right."

"Look, how 'bout this to cheer you up. There's some students in an duel arena not to far from here doing practice matches. Whatsay we go watch a few?"

"Oh, I am so there," Ian exclaimed as he jumped out of his chair. "Let's go," he called as he ran out the door."


As they entered the Arena, the entire playing field exploded in a screen of holographic smoke. "And just like that, I blow up your entire field and hand by using my Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus. And the cost is only discarding my Legendary Ocean from the field to my Graveyard. And with your field empty, I'm free to crush you with Neo-Daedalus's 2900 ATK!"

Lee Manoh, a Ra Yellow quickly rising to the top of his class, grinned as his water dragon roared and attacked his opponent, reducing the player's Life Points to 0. "And that's game." As the holograms vanished from the playing field, Lee wandered across to help up his opponent, who had tripped over himself as Neo-Daedalus attacked. "Your deck is solid, man, but you're relying too much on Continuous Spells. Blow em up and you're defenseless. I'd suggest stronger monsters, buddy."

"Thanks," the player answered, "I guess I'll give it a try."

"Great. SO, does anyone else want a lesson? How 'bout you, newbie?" he asked, pointing at Ian as he walked in.

"Who, me?"

"Yeah, you buddy. Judging from the jacket, I'd say you're a bit off on either the dueling or the testing. So come up here and give me hope that its the testing you're not doing good in. Then again, I'll probably just end up teaching you a thing or two anyways."

"You're awefully confident for someone who is just a Ra Yellow."

"'Just a Ra Yellow"? Oh, now its on, pal. You're just asking for it."

"Leave him alone, Lee," Mitch interrupted, "this guys got a big mouth and had a bad day. He doesn't need to add a beating to that list of nuisances."

"You know this guy?" Ian asked, turning to Mitch in confusion.

"Oh yeah, forgot to mention I had a roommate, didn't I?" Mitch answered, grinning in embarrassment.

"Yeah...you did."

"How 'bout this, Mitch; I'll go easy on our pal here."

"Go easy? No way," Ian interejected, "I'll take you on if you want."

Mitch simply sighed as Ian took his place and Lee returned to his. "Don't say I'm being mean when I kick your butt, buddy," Lee called out.

"Enough talk, Ian shouted back, "let's duel!"

Lee Ian
4000 4000

"Okay, you want me to stop talking?"" Lee started, "then how 'bout I start the duel, pal? I start by activating a Spell card: A Legendary Ocean." A wave of water washed onto the field, which was shortly followed by ancient looking ruins surfacing from that water. "And since it knocks down the water monsters level by 1 on my field and in my hand, it allows me to do this." Placing a card onto his duel disk in a decidedly purposeful manner, Lee chuckled as Terrorking Salmon burst from the water. "This friend of mine is normally 5 star, but not anymore. And here's the real kicker, his ATK jumps from 2400 to 2600 thanks to my Ocean's other effect."

Damn, Ian thought to himself, He's not gonna let up. Then again, Ian chuckled, /iThat's exactly what I want./i "You done now?"

"Yeah, I think that about does it. Now let's see if you're just talk, buddy."

"I'll show you," Ian called out as he drew a card. "And I think I'll start by playing this, a little monster called Forgotten Toy-Puppet."

Forgotten Toy-Puppet
Attrib: Dark
Type: Spellcaster
Level: 4
Once per turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand to destroy 1 Monster on the field. This monster cannot declare an attack on a turn this effect is used. Also, during your Main Phase, you can discard this card from your hand to the Graveyard. During your next Standby Phase, add this card and 1 "Forgotten Toy" monster from your Graveyard to your hand.

After the card materialized on the field, several strings burst forth, pulling a strange looking puppet with a wide mouth out of the card. Then, as if cut by invisible scissors, the puppet collapsed back onto its card. "This guy might not look like much with 1000 ATK, but what he lacks in strength he makes up for in appetite. By discarding 1 card from my hand, like Forgotten Toy-Jack here, I can let him destroy one of your monsters. Now, my Puppet, turn that fish into suishi!"

With Ian's words, the puppet rose to life and launched itself at the Terrorking Salmon, chomping it down in 1 bite.

"Hmph," Ian grinned, "You're lucky he can't attack the turn he uses his effect. And now, to wrap up my turn, I'll play my own Field Spell, Broken Toy Chest, and get rid of yours."

Broken Toy Chest
Field Spell
If a monster with "Forgotten Toy" in its name is the target of an attack, increase the ATK of the attacked monster by 1000 during damage calculations only.

With the appearance of a new field spell, the waters of A Legendary Ocean quickly receded, and the ruins disappeared. In their place rose a huge, decrepit toy chest. Although it was obviously worn, there was still something about it that made it seem alive. "With this, my Forgotten Toys can gain 1000 ATK whenever you declare an attack against them. Now, what do you think of me so far?"

"Not bad, my friend, you cleared my field faster than all get-up," Lee laughed, "I guess it was my bad for calling you a newbie. I'll take that back. Of course," he chuckled as he drew his next card, "I'll still have to beat you since you challenged me."

"Hmm...," Lee pondered, "I guess I have no choice but to set 1 monster and 1 card facedown. That's all I can do."

"Riight," Ian mumbled. Quit acting like you don't have a plan. I'll figure out what you've got soon enough. "Alright, my turn. I'll start by activating the shared ability of all my Forgotten Toys. By discard 1 of them, such as my Forgotten Toy-Reaper here, during my Main Phase, I can add that card and another Forgotten Toy to my hand during my next Standby Phase."

"And now, I summon Forgotten Toy-Teddy."

Forgotten Toy-Teddy
Attrib: Earth
Type: Beast
Level: 4
Increase this card's ATK by 500 for every other monster with "Forgotten Toy" in its name on the field. Also, during your Main Phase, you can discard this card from your hand to the Graveyard. During your next Standby Phase, add this card and 1 "Forgotten Toy" monster from your Graveyard to your hand.

This time, instead of a puppet being pulled out by strings, it was an incredibly stitched up Teddy Bear heaving out its massive girth with its own two paws, which looked to be somewhat of a task. When it finally pulled itself out, it simply plopped down onto its card looking quite worn out. "This guy might look like he needs a trip to the gym, but he's no pushover. He starts at 1500 and gains another 500 for every other Toy on the field. So now, he's only up to 2000 with Puppet out, but I'll make sure he rises quickly."

"If you think so."

"I do," Ian quipped, "and now I'll remind you of my Puppet's effect." Ian discarded another card from his hand, and watched as Lee's facedown card, Aqua Madoor, was sent the Graveyard. "And with nothing to save you, I'll send Teddy to attack your Life Points directly!"

The bear, sensing Lee was open, launched itself into action, rushing forward quicker than a person would think a bear of such girth could move. "Nice try," Lee chuckled, "but I don't think he'll be going very far, buddy. I activate my Trap Card: Call of the Haunted. Say 'Hello' once more to Terrorking Salmon.""

Teddy's eyes bulged comically as Terrorking Salmon lanced back onto the field, swatting him back with ease. "And now it looks like you'll be losing some Life Points, pal, along with that monster."

Lee Ian

Dammit, Ian growled, I knew I shouldn't have rushed it. "Alright then, I'll set 1 card facedown and switch my Puppet into Defense Position."

"My move now?" Lee chuckled, "right then. Let's see, I'll make another simple move so that you can keep up, buddy. I'll set this monster here, and attack that pesky puppet of yours with my Terrorking Salmon."

"You wish," Ian shouted, "I activate my Trap card: Toy Exchange."

Toy Exchange
Normal Trap
Activate when a "Forgotten Toy" monster on your side of the field is the target of an attack. Send the attacked monster to the Graveyard and Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard with "Forgotten Toy" in its name other than the attacked card.

"This allows me to send 1 Forgotten Toy that's being attacked to the Graveyard, and Special Summon a different one to take the attack instead. So I'll bid Puppet goodbye for now, and summon back my Teddy. And thanks to Broken Toy Chest, he's up to 2500!"

As the trap activated, a hand reached forth from the card and pulled in Puppet, only to emerge with Teddy. Bellowing a roar of triumph, the bear easily brushed off Terrorking Salmon.

Lee Ian

"Still think you'll beat me?" Ian challenged.

"I don't think I will, buddy," Lee retorted, "I know it. Show me what you've got, cause I'm just getting warmed up."

"Alright, I'll start by drawing a card," Ian explained, "and then I get my Toy's effect. I add my Forgotten Toy-Reaper and my Forgotten Toy-Jack back to my hand. Next I'll activate the Spell Card Thrown Away."

Thrown Away
Normal Spell
Discard 2 "Forgotten Toy" monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard.

"And I'll send Forgotten Toy-Ann and Soldier to my Graveyard."

"Odd," Lee commented, "why on earth are you tossing them to the Graveyard?"

"Because," Ian grinned, "I'll just use my other Toys to bring them back. I'll discard the Jack and Reaper I just added to my hand for starters. Then I'll set 1 monster and attack your monster with Teddy."

"I counted on that," Lee laughed, "and set a perfect little friend for you. Take a look, buddy." As Teddy's paw struck the facedown card, a sword flashed forth, sending Teddy and and Ian's facedown back to his hand. "What do you think of my Penguin Soldier? Even though he dies, he'll be sending both of your monsters back to your hand."

"Argh," Ian growled, "I'll end."

"I thought you would," Lee chuckled, "and now it's time I ended this match. I"ll start by discarding my Warrior of Atlantis to add A Legendary Ocean to my hand. And why not? I'll activate it to get rid of the annoying toy chest of yours, friend." The tides washed in once again, crashing against the Broken Toy Chest and shattering it to pieces."

"Next I summon Nightmare Penguin. But don't worry, cause he won't be sticking around long. I activate my Spell: Big Wave Small Wave." The waters of A Legendary Ocean roared into action, swirling around and engulfing Nightmare Penguin.

"This fun little trinket lets me tribute all my water monsters to Special Summon up to the same number from my hand. But since there was only one tribute, I get only one monster. Then again, one is all I need. I summon Levia Dragon-Daedalus. But I'll also toss that to Special Summon Ocean Dragon Lord-Neo Daedalus." The waters that had consumed Nightmare Penguin parted, revealing a terrifying serpent sporting 2 heads and massive red fins on its back. ""And now the coup de grace, I'll discard A Legendary Ocean to destroy all your cards and force you to discard your hand!"

The waters of A Legendary Ocean roared to life once more, rising into a giant tidal waves that engulfed Ian's side of the field. As the waters subsided, Ian's field and hand were left empty.

"Dammit!" Ian exclaimed. That leaves me utterly defenseless!

"Heh," Lee chuckled, "you're looking like a fish outta water. Now, Neo-Daedalus, crush his Life Points."

Neo-Deadalus roared, smashing it's huge tail into Ian.

Next Chapter: Washed Away?