
September first, eleven years later…

"MUM! Have you seen my jumper?"

Hermione sighed at her daughter's screech as she finished pulling Alistair's emerald green jumper over his curly, platinum blonde head.

"Have you looked in your closet, Inara?" She asked calmly as she stood and crossed her son's room to the door that connected Inara and Alistair's bedrooms.

When Hermione reached the doorway, her eyes widened in surprise. Before her lay nearly every article of clothing her daughter possessed around the base of her bed, armoire and pouring out from the opened doors to her walk-in closet. At the very middle of the mess sat Draco. Draco sat cross-legged on the floor, draped from top to bottom in various garments of clothing in a rainbow of colors, looking dazed and slightly frightened. Plunking her closed fists on her hips, Hermione gave her daughter a stern look.

"Inara Kathleen Malfoy! What have you done to your room? Better yet, what have you done to your poor father? Clean this up immediately. Then apologize to your father for whatever you have done to him." Hermione commanded as she dropped her hands from her hips to begin searching for her daughter's red Weasley jumper. As she moved about the room in her search, she saw her son doing everything in his power not to laugh from his position at the doorway between the two rooms, a large book held protectively to his chest.

"Alistair, please help your father. He seems a bit dazed. Ah ha!" Hermione exclaimed triumphantly when she spotted the elusive sweater atop the door leading to her daughter's bathroom. Hermione grabbed the jumper and turned in time to see both twins lean in to whisper something in his ear before jumping on Draco, who seemed to come out of his trance as he was knocked backward to lay on the floor.

Hermione smiled warmly as Draco awkwardly stood, taking the twins with him with one under each arm with two high pitched giggling and one low chuckle.

"Alright you lot, we need to get moving if we are going to catch the train to Hogwarts in time." Hermione said with a clap of her hands.

"Okay you little gnomes, listen to your mum. Alistair, lets make sure you have everything you need, shall we?" Draco said as he set both eleven year-olds down and grabbed his son's small hand, moving into Alistair's room.

"Inara dear, do you have everything? Books? Clothes? Underwear?"

"Mum! You are so embarrassing!" Inara moaned dramatically, turning slightly pink.

"I am just making sure. Would you rather Grandmother Narcissa, Grandmother Jane or Grandfather David ask you if you have your under things? Or better yet, let's go to your brother's room and ask your dad. He will love asking about your underwear." Hermione smiled as her daughter's face grew more and more red.

"No he won't." Inara muttered under her breath, not looking at Hermione.

Hermione laughed. "What makes you think that?"

"Because I will just charm him again with the spell Alistair taught me over the summer while you and father were in Italy with Uncle Blaise and Aunty Anna.

"Inara! You know better than to do that. You haven't learned control yet; you could have hurt your father!" Hermione said in shock as she moved towards the empty trunk on the floor with the jumper.

"I'm sorry mum. He was nagging at me and wasn't listening. Besides, he is still okay, isn't he?"

"So you had charmed your father before I came in from Alistair's room. You should be ashamed of yourself." Hermione chided as she placed quills and parchment in the trunk. At the sight of her daughter's saddened look, even though she knew she was being tricked by her daughter, who was exceptionally smart for an eleven year-old, Hermione fell for the quivering lower lip and sad eyes anyways. As always.

"Oh it's okay, baby. I want to hex your father as well sometimes. And yes, he is still okay as far as I can tell." This earned her a trademark Malfoy smirk before her daughter went back to collecting things. Hermione looked at the clock on the mantle of the fireplace near the bed and gasped. "Look at the time! Let me finish up or else you will never finish. Pack!" with a wave of her wand, Hermione sent books, ink, more quills and parchment, and clothing soaring into the open trunk. "Put your broom down, Inara. First years aren't allowed brooms."

"But Uncle Harry was allowed." She whined, placing her broom back in its protective hooks in her closet next to her broom care supplies.

"Harry was an exception and didn't get his first broom until the year started. If you ask the Headmaster and are given permission to try out for the team of whatever house you are sorted into and make it to the team, we will send your broom to you then. Now, let's go or we might miss the portkey."

Five minutes later, the family of four was out the door.


"GRANDMOTHER!" The twins shrieked with glee as they ran to Narcissa after going through the barrier of Platform 9 ¾.

"Hello my darlings!" Narcissa cooed as she knelt to give them both hugs.

"Hello, Mother. We didn't expect to see you here." Draco said, hugging Narcissa when she rose from her greetings with the twins.

"You didn't think I would miss my only grandchildren's first train ride, did you?" Narcissa asked as she turned to give Hermione a warm hug as well.

"No, I suppose not. Hermione's parents expressed their wish to join us here, but since they couldn't when Hermione was a first year, they knew that they couldn't."

"They do still plan to stay in touch with Alistair and Inara by owl of course," Hermione added.

"Mum! Dad! Hugo, Lily, James and Albus are here! Can we go say hello?" The twins cried in unison, looking eager to be with their friends who would be starting at Hogwarts next year.

"Yes, let's join them." Hermione agreed as they moved towards Harry and Ginny's family, accompanied by Ron and his son. Five minutes of conversing with Harry, Ginny and Ron, while watching their children chat, they were joined by Blaise and Annalisa, along with their young son Ezio, who was the spitting image of his father.

"What are the three of you doing here? Ezio is only eight." Draco asked.

"What? Are we not allowed to see our god-children off to Hogwarts for their first year, or see our old friends?" Blaise asked over the twins shouting his name and running to Blaise, Annalisa and Ezio, leaving the Potters and Weasley's behind.

"Of course you can, it is just a surprise is all." Hermione said with a smile as she and Draco greeted the Zabini's. After everything had calmed down, Draco sighed.

"What's the matter, love?" Hermione asked as she turned to him, linking their hands together.

"I was just remembering the last time all of us were on this platform together. I believe you ran Blaise and me over in your hurry to find Harry and Ron, Hermione." Draco chuckled along with Blaise and Hermione.

"So much has happened since then." Harry said as he Ginny and Ron joined the group.

"Yeah, but look at us all now! Inara and Alistair start Hogwarts this year, Hugo and James starting next year, Albus the following year, then Lily and Ezio starting the year after that. An evenly spread out new generation to terrorize Hogwarts staff." Hermione said, looking at her friends then at the Hogwarts express.

"Especially your twins, Hermione." Ginny piped in. Everyone chuckled again.

"Yes, they both have our reckless spirits. However, Inara will be the Quidditch player in the family, and even though she is very smart, Alistair has Hermione's brains. I believe he will taking over her title of smartest of the age." Draco said as he puffed his chest proudly as the gleaming red engine let out a mighty puff of steam and a screeching whistle.

Quickly, Hermione, Draco and Narcissa said good bye to their family and ushered them onto the train. Goodbye waves and promises of letters and sweets finished, the seven friends and their children watched, along with other parents, as the Hogwarts Express puffed its way out of the station and out of sight. Clearing her throat, Narcissa focused everyone's attention from their scattered thoughts and memories.

"How about we all lunch at Fortescues? Before we have to go back to our daily lives?"

With many nods, everyone but Draco and Hermione left to exit through the barrier to their awaiting vehicles in the muggle world. With one last look at the Platform, Draco and Hermione apparated to Diagon Alley with a crack.

-The end-

Authors note: I just want to thank everyone who has read my story from beginning to end, especially those who let me know what they thought so that I could make this story the best I possibly could. This was an epic effort over three plus years on my part because this is my first true DM/HG story that I've ever written and I've had so much fun. I hope that you all have too.

Thanks again!

=Burg Gurl=