Author's Note: Alrighty people. I ask you for that last chapter, a few reviews to tell me whether I should continue that story or just make a new one. This is the way its going to be, since I had gotten 230 hits and 3 reviews after like a week... before I lost my internet it was that in like a day. Ok, that story was Hinata's Exposure: The Prelude. This one is Hinata's Exposure. I know right, confusing. After this one, if I'm feeling up to it, there will be an after story. So I will start the new story with this chapter. This one I think will be shorter than all of them... yea, it should be. COMMENCE!!

Naruto walked down the street, sweat beading on his forehead. Head hanging low, hair drooped over his blue eyes, which now have a tint of red in them. But that was just around the pupil. His eyes had started changing since that one time Hinata had almost go to bed with him. Something in him changed his eyes to be like that. What it was? He had no idea. But it wasn't natural.

It had been 5 years since that horrible incident, the first time someone made fun of him for it was clear as crystal. Though it all started happening around the same time. He tried to deny any To try and stop some of his teasing, he even went out for training with Jiraiya for 3 hoping that his constant teasing would end.

Though it seemed bad, there was this one girl who seemed to be just peachy with the teasing. Every now and then she would blush her signature tomato red blush but she still smiled and giggled when she was alone to herself and with her girlfriends. This Purple/Blue haired kunoichi with opal eyes was simply, Hinata Hyuuga.


It was 5 years ago when they were all 12 years old. Naruto had just gotten back from his mission with Shino to find the tiny big that would sniff out the whereabouts of their long lost friend, Sasuke. If you red the previous story, you would have already known that. When Naruto had returned, he was greeted by this lovely young mistress. He was so convinced it was meant to be he sang to her a bit, she felt his... dong just a tad, and kissed her just a smidge.

Jiraiya ran the entire operation perfectly. Kakashi had created a shadow clone who would disguise himself as the young miss Hyuuga, and go into Naruto's room. She would seduce him, make him do a few embarressing things, and when he was convinced he would get her... jsut poof away, leafing him to just lie down in his shame ((That was a pun, if you don't understand it, leave a review or something, or you could wait until the next chapter. I will post it up in the Author's Notes)).

Jiraiya was a true genius. He had promised Hinata that Naruto would love her if she did these few things for him. Stay quiet about the whole operation, not be in Konoha for at least a week, and she wasn't allowed to say some things didn't happen unless they were part of the plan. He only thing was that she needed to be able to know exactly what was happening while it was happening. Jiraiya agreed, he knew this was far too juicy to pass up.

Jiraiya and Kakashi, even with their amazing skills were flabbergasted when they managed to fool Hiashi and make him think that Hinata really was the person sneaking into the compound. Kakashi couldn't mimic the Byakuugan and so he only had blind leaps of faith when runnign through the Hyuuga compound. Hiashi walked in just as Kakashi was about to turn back into himself and take a bath, but with his dumb copy cat ninja luck, Hiashi walked in just before he took his jutsu off and covered his face as the jutsu was taken off. Kakashi tried as hard as he could to keep Hinata's voice though he didn't have her attitude mached.

What Shocked Kakashi was how brutal Hiashi had become over night. He asked him ((or Hinata in that case)) to go have a lunch or something just for father daughter time, and then she gets up the next morning and BAM. Neji with a bruised neck, and Hiashi had a bruise on his head... maybe...

To tell the truth, that was all a joke half played on Neji and really played on Kakashi. Jiraiya jumped in to talk to Hiashi and get him to switch with him just for breakfast. He explained the situation to Hiashi and made sure that he didn't have any real aggression towards anybody. He told him to say all the things that he did and a secret crew snuck into Neji's room the night before. They painted a piece of his face a few black and blue colors and made it look like an amazing bruise. When he woke up, Hiashi yelled at him for no reason getting him angry and making a small fight. Hiashi put a tiny juuken to Neji to make it seem like an excruciating blow, it was really a smack to the neck and with the paint Neji thought Hiashi had bruised him. That explains the entire incident that had happened that morning.

Everything started happening more or less as planned. The fact that Neji left the Hyuuga compound was a total surprise to Jiraiya and Kakashi. The fact that Neji wandered through Konoha for the day and went to Ten-Ten's house late at night looking for a place to sleep was even more astonishing. But the real kicker to them was that Neji had sex with Ten-Ten and had actually moved in with the few belongings he had. I.E. everything he had on him.

Kakashi went to Naruto's house as Hinata and everything that had happened from that point on was all Jiraiya and Kakashi's doing. Naruto had fallen into their little plot and was heart broken by the end of the night. Finally at the end, when Naruto and Hinata start to argue, Kakashi started stalling for time. For what? You will find out much later on, primarily because I don't know yet and I will develop more on that either near the end of the chapter or in the first chapter of the next story.


Now that all of that previous story is explained, I think that I can finally start to help you readers understand why Naruto had been teased. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, Jiraiya and Kakashi played a trick on Naruto and then told the whole village about it... they also handed out recordings of the whole incident... and posted it up on a website they just made called, PrankOnBaka.NU((please don't go to that site, I just made it up)).

Since everybody found out about that, everybody had been making fun of Naruto. Some calling him prude, stupid, cheesy and others making fun of him just for falling for the fact that it wasn't Hinata. The Girls of the Village however, they were cruel. This one band of girls actually went and brought Naruto and Hinata together, tied Naruto up and forced Hinata to do bad, dark things to him. Only things that Hinata would do under the control of Ino ((hint hint))

After Naruto had been bothered by this for a year, he went on a trip with Jiraiya, his cover was saying it was a training mission so he could get strong enough to bring Sasuke back. Which it partly was. But it was a 3 year period for Naruto to build up his emotional immunity... it didn't work very well though. While he was out, he encountered hundreds of thousands of fans who harassed him and Jiraiya about the website. Naruto, still out with Jiraiya for countless days had yet to know Jiraiyas involvement with the matter because he, like your author would be, was too ashamed to look at the website and see how funny it was and to see how Jiraiya had been a bastard at piecing everything together.

His Jounry wasn't all bad though. He did get to see countless panty shots, actually have the pleasure of escorting about 15 girls back to his room for... study... and during the proccess he had gotten type 1 herpes... disgusting. Thats what your probably thinking, thats why I was kidding. He is clean as a whistle and still a virgin. He actually had people run away from him because of his infamousness. Jiraiya on the other hand. Was getting some. A lot of some.

About 3 years went by that Naruto had to endure this while he was going around the sand, fire, water and lightning countries ((I know there are more but lets say he only went through those)).

When Naruto returned home he wished that everybody had forgotten the painful encounter between him and Hinata. He still hadn't talked to Hinata since then because he didn't know that it wasn't her. That might change... at some point... or another.

Author's Note: I just wanted to know. How was that for a first chapter? Should I have kept it in the same story line or made a new one blablabla. Well Its going to be part of a series called Hinata's Exposer... yea, I know right. Next chapter. Hinata's story... thats enough writing for this week though.