Blossem-chan: This is my first so I might or might not finish the rest of it. Also I have two accounts Strawberry1612 and SakuraUchiha1612

Disclaimer:I don't own Naruto, but I wish I did (WWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!)

It's been 2 months since Sasuke came back from Orochimaru after killing him and Itachi. He had no punishment for he killed 2 S-rank criminals.

"Hey billboard brow, are you going to get one of those new devices called computer? I heard there's a chat thing called instant messenger," Said Ino.

"Ya, I'll talk to you on the chat," answered Sakura.

After 10 minutes trying to think of a screen name Sakura finally had on, Blossomfighter.

People online:




Blossemfighter: Hey Ino-pig!

Beautifulblonde: Hi…sorry I have to help my mom at the shop (

Beautifulblonde logged out

Lonelyninja logged in

Lonelyninja: erm...hi…I need advice for my love life can you help?

Blossemfighter: hi…and sure what do you need?

Lonelyninja: There is this girl I like but whenever I talk to her I end up making her cry which hurts a lot.

Blossemfighter: Us, females have sensitive feeling so you need to be careful of what comes out of your mouth. In other words think before you talk.

Lonelyninja: Thanks…

The two ended up talking all night and found out many new things about the other.

Lonelyninja: I have training pretty early tomorrow so I have to go.

Lonelyninja and Blossemfighter logged out at 10:10

The next day

'Why did I give away so much personal information last night? Well if you call telling some one your favorite color, band, and that stuff personal info.' Thought Sasuke

Later Sakura came and wondered 'could Sasuke be Lonelyninja? No he not that opened to anyone but then again…'

"Hey Sasuke, did you get a new computer?" questioned Sakura.

"No…they are a waist of my training time…" Sasuke answered but Sakura knew he was lying but decided to leave it be.

"HEY SAKURA-CHAN!!Sasuke-teme… Did you guys get a computer?" yelled Naruto.

"Yep…" answer Sakura

" should be training not waisting time on a computer," Answered Sasuke coolly

2 hours later

"Yo, I went to get one of those computer things everyone's talking about..."said Kakashi

"LIAR" yelled Naruto

"I was telling the truth but any way your going to spar with each other, Sakura with me and Naruto with Sasuke,"Kakashi said.

After training Sakura ran home in a rush.

"Wonder why she was rushing home?" questioned a confused Naruto

But then Sasuke sped off remembering to meet Blossemfighter online.

Lonelyninja logged in at 3:20

They talked the whole afternoon away until

Blossemfighter: I have to go, school tomorrow, but do you want to meet at the park on Saturday?

Lonelyninja: Sure bye.

Lonelyninja and Blossemfighter logged off at 10:59

Sorry this one is short but I'll have the next chapter soon.
