It starts when Kagome just got to the feudal era and it was spring break. So Kagome was able to spend lots of time with Inuyasha, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Miroku, & Keade. Though she might be spending more time hunting jewel shards then having fun with her friends and staying alive.

Chapter One: The Two Elements

Kagome got out of the well in the feudal era and started walking to the village when she saw two girls unconscious and being attacked by a demon. Kagome got out her bow and arrows and started trying to kill the demon. When the demon turned around to see Kagome it ran at her Inuyasha jumped out and slashed the demon in half but for some reason the demon had turned to wind and water. Kagome hugged Inuyasha for saving her then she remembered the two girls. Kagome let go of Inuyasha and left the blushing hanyou to see if the two girls were ok. The girls were badly beaten. One had on a blue kimono with the pattern of the ocean on it. The other had on a kimono too but it was white with the patterns of the sky on it. Kagome begged Inuyasha to carry the two girls to Keade's so they can be treated. Inuyasha did it to stop Kagome's whining. They reached the village and ran to Keade's hut. There Inuyasha dropped the two girls on the ground hard, doing that made them wake up. "Ouch!! That hurt" and she looked around. "Hey Tane where are we?" The one called Tane looks around too. "I don't know Amaru. Hey, Amaru what happened to the demon bear that attacked us?" "I don't know Tane." Amaru then looks at Inuyasha and screams, "Tane another demon!" Tane looks and grabs Amaru's arm and they run for the door but are stopped by a brown fur ball. The fur ball turns into a little fox demon and both girls stare in fear. "Don't worry, Inuyasha may look tough but he's not a full demon. OH yeah I'm Shippo nice to meet you. Are you two from Kagome's time." "Tane the demon is talking to us what do we do?" "Amaru, we run." "No child if ye run ye wounds will reopen." "Uh... Tane is she who I think she is?" "Yes Amaru that's Keade the Great Kikyo's sister. Priestess Keade we have been looking for you. Please save us from the demons here and at our village." "Nay child the demons here will not harm ye two. For they are Miss Kagome's friends." "Miss Kagome? Tane she's the other priestess that we heard of. Please Priestess Kagome will you and Priestess Keade help save our village from the demons." "Uh... well you see I'm not really a priestess." "Are ye saying ye are not Priestess Kikyo's reincarnation?" "That's right; Oh I for got to ask you two your names." The one in the blue kimono bowed to Keade & Kagome. "I am Tane and this is Amaru." Amaru bows and says, "Hello." "We have come from a 

village named Tranuye. Our village is under attack by a terrible trio of demons. Their leader calls himself Narraku-" "What? Your village is under attack by Narraku?" "Yes, ye have heard of the Demon?" "I'm afraid so, Miss Amaru. For he is the demon who has cursed my right hand." "Huh then ye the Miroku that demon and his too demon girls want. But if ye are Miroku then ye (points to the half-demon) are the half-breed that the demon wants to torcher." "Half-breed why I'll show you." "I'm sorry but that's what that demon called you." "Tell me how did you to get away from Narraku?" "Master Miroku we ran. I and Tane are terrified of demons and so we ran in fear to get help." "Wow you two are cowards." Inuyasha hit Shippo on the head to shut him up. "All right will help." But only if you stop looking at me like that." "I am sorry it's just I have never seen a half-demon before." "Oh which way is your village?" "To the east Priestess Kagome." "Can you show us the way?" "Uh do we have to Miss Sango?" "Yes and how do you know my name?"