(Type a title for your page here) Chapter 1 to Angels

I don't own DB/Z

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Lying across their bed, a withered form coughed, struggling to breathe. She knew that she was drawing closer to death and felt the cold arms grasp at her soul. Her mate sat next to her, sadness escaping his eyes, knowing that he was about to lose the only person he loved. Taking his callused hands, he gently brushed aside a tendril of grey hair away from her face.

He couldn't believe how much she had aged in the past twenty years; it seemed like only yesterday they were young and fighting like cats and dogs. Now he was watching her pass away in front of him, and helpless to stop the inevitable. He had killed many beings in his lifetime, but nothing tore at his soul more than this.

She reached out a frail hand towards her lover and softly took hold of his hand. Looking up into his obsidian eyes, a smile crossed her thin lips. She knew that she was about to be called into the heavens above and a tear escaped her eye.

He gently wiped the tear away, and held her hand gently for fear of crushing it. Saiya-jins had a life span of over 150 years whereas humans only lived to be a mere 90 or so. He had watched Kakarotto lose his mate and how it tore at him. He was certain that he would be worse when his own mate passed away, it would be unbearable. But he would survive; he said that to Kakarotto himself. Sighing he looked deeply into her eyes and saw worry there.

She felt his sadness and it doubled hers tenfold. He would be alone again spiritually, but not physically. Goku was still alive, and that offered her some comfort.

She knew that she would not be alone up there since Chichi and the rest of the older generation of Z fighters had already passed away. Goku and Vejita were the only ones left, other than their children. Unfortunately they had moved on with their lives and lost contact with their families. As another cough racked through her body, she knew she had little time left and decided to say her good-byes.

"I don't have that much longer, Vejita. Please take care of yourself and don't go blowing up the earth on me ok?" Bulma whispered out, trying to keep from coughing so she could talk.

"Onna, don't talk like that. Nothing is going to happen, you are going to go to sleep and wake up from this." Vejita quit speaking as he noticed the look upon her face, he had seen it many times when he watched his enemies die. Her face was becoming more serene and the lines that were etched into her face became softer. He knew death was about to claim her any moment now as she brought her hand up to his face. She gently drew her finger down the bridge of his nose to his lips as he closed his eyes.

"Vejita, I love you. Always remember that, I know you have good in your heart. I have seen it. Until we meet again," she softly spoke as she closed her eyes. As her chest rose for the last time, she faintly heard him whisper that he loved her too. Then all was silent except for the pain that filled the room.

"Until we meet again, onna."


She felt herself rising above her body into the early dawn sky. Looking down she saw Vejita crumple on the floor next to her body. She couldn't contain her tears any longer and they fell to the earth below, causing a mild rain. She held herself as she continued to rise into the lightness of the afterworld. Before the earth disappeared she heard a pain-ridden howl to the heavens and closed her eyes in sadness. Then all became white.


She felt her feet faintly touch a soft plush rug and opened her eyes. Bulma turned her head, gathering her surroundings until her eyes rested on the large oak desk of King Yama. He couldn't help but feel her sadness and beckoned her to come near. Leaning on his massive arms he decided to ask why she was so upset. It had been ages since he came across a being that wasn't serene or tranquil in the afterworld.

"Child, what is wrong? Are you not happy that you have begun eternal life?"

Bulma looked up to him with crystal tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "I had to leave behind someone I truly loved with my entire being. I worry about him being alone."

King Yama sighed knowing whom she was talking about. He couldn't dive into Vejita's records until he came before him again. What he had seen before didn't look promising, but he would not tell Bulma that. They would have to wait and see.

Trying to get his mind off what might happen, he opened her record book and went down the list of her accomplishments. He smiled to himself as he saw all the things she had done for mankind. "So you created the capsule technology?"

"No sir, my father did. I only helped him distribute them to the world."

"I see, yet it's recorded here that you saved many lives by your help. Many financially deprived families depended on those capsules to store food in so they could live," he replied scanning down her history. Closing the book, he made his final decision.

"You shall enter heaven, you have a good untainted soul." With a wave of his hand a halo appeared over her head and white velvet wings protruded from her back. "You may enter."

Bulma remained still and did not move an inch. "Sir, may I be granted one request?"

"If it is to return to earth, I am sorry. You died of natural causes; if you were to return you would die again due to your human body is old. Here you are youthful again. Child look into that mirror, you look twenty again."

Bulma turned her head towards the mirror and saw her gray hair had returned back to its shimmering azure color. Lines of age that were etched into her find skin were now nonexistent. It made her happy to see she was looking as she felt inside, she shook her head. "I apologize, that is not what I was going to ask sir. Would it be too much trouble if I waited here for him?"

"I wouldn't think so, if you wish you can take a seat beside my desk. It may be awhile since saiya-jins live quite a bit longer than humans do. Are you sure you don't want to go ahead into heaven?"

"No, I wish to wait for him." Bulma had made her final decision, and lowered herself onto the plush red carpet that adorned the room floors. Her wings folded around her as she sat, her gaze never leaving the entrance.


Chichi sat and watched Krillen and Eighteen fly into the air, lovingly holding onto one another. She smiled as their lips met, missing what it felt like to be with the one you love. Rising from the ground, she dusted off her dress and wings, bringing her head upwards as Yamucha came running toward her.

"What is the matter Yamucha? You seem in quite a bit of a rush," she asked as he folded down his own wings, trying to catch his breath.

"Bulma…here…alone…sitting…next…to…King Yama."


Yamucha grinned sheepishly before he replied. "She said she wanted to wait on Vejita to arrive. She refused to go to heaven."

Chichi's eyes widened with the realization that Vejita might not get into heaven due to his past. Without a second thought she took off into the air, towards King Yama's throne.


"Ms Bulma? Would you care for something to eat? Anything?" one of the assistants questioned hoping to break her out of the grim resolve.

Bulma shook her head no and kept staring at the entrance. She vowed she would not move until her lover arrived. She turned her head towards the commotion that was coming from the departure area. Her mouth lifted in a smile as she heard the yells of her old friend's voice.

"For the love of Kami! Let me in! Bulma is in there!"

Bulma started to chuckle as Chichi made her way past the guards, not before stopping in front of King Yama and muttering "Gomen." King Yama just shook his head and motioned for her to sit.

Doing as told, Chichi sat next to Bulma and hugged her tightly. Bulma leaned into the embrace, happy to see her again.

"How are you Chichi?" she meekly asked, turning her attention back toward the entrance.

"I have been good, I am worried about you at the moment. He will come. You don't have to wait you know."

Bulma lowered her eyebrows in irritation. No one understood that he held her heart. She wanted to be the first person that he saw upon arrival here. That and she had the fear that he might not get into heaven. She had to vouch for his turnaround, she knew no one else would. "I want to wait. Go back into heaven and let me be, I will be there later just not now."

Chichi sighed and remained still. "No. I am not going to leave you here alone."

Bulma just smiled and scooted closer to Chichi, and rested her head on her shoulders. It was going to be a long wait.

Chichi had to bring herself to ask the question that troubled on her mind a lot since she passed away. "Bulma, can you tell me the truth on something?"

Bulma lifted her head so she could look her friend in the eyes. She sensed what she was going to ask and smiled. "Yes, Goku missed you terribly. It took him a while to come back to normal," Bulma paused as she remembered one thing that tore at her heart more than anything. "But he always carried a necklace of yours, that held your wedding picture within. Chichi that man loved you more than you will ever know." She knew that Chichi would never know how much.

Closing her eyes, Chichi let a tear fall from her eyes, missing him terribly. His laughter, innocence, passion, everything. From the way he gave her those puppy dog eyes to embracing her within his strong arms. She had to remind herself that they would be together again soon so that she could keep her sanity. Eternity without her lover would tear her apart.

Flexing her wings in anticipation she leaded back into Bulma and they both waited patiently.


Years passed on earth, which only seemed like days in the afterworld. Neither one of the women moved from their sitting position, even after countless attempts by the assistants. Chichi had even become resolute, if Bulma was going to wait for her lover, so was she.

Sitting there twiddling her thumbs, Chichi contemplated how much longer it was going to be until her Goku arrived. She looked around, knowing she had already memorized every exquisite detail of the check in room. Heaven had already become her home, and she was content there. She looked to Bulma, about to say something about the room, and noticed her friend was in a state of shock.

Chichi turned her head toward the entrance as she saw two white forms taking shape before them.

Tears started to form in Bulma's eyes as she started to recognize both forms. "Finally."


Who arrived at the gates of Heaven? What is everyone so worried about? R/R C/C is always welcome!