Note: Epilogue.

Warning(s): None, for once.

Summary: Everyone needs a light, even if it's barely shining.

Disclaimer: Clearly, I do not own Naruto.



Just like it started, it ended.

Placing the tea light on a float, Neji and Ino watched as it drifted down the river. The ebb and flow of the choppy water threatened to put the small candle flame out, but never quite managed to do so. Maybe he had been like that. Stubborn underneath, with quite a volatile temper. That had been how he acted at the start. But a flame could only be that stubborn for so long before it burnt out before the eyes of another.

You can think about tempers?

Ino feigned a weak smile at Neji's attempt at a joke to cheer her up. He was ever so awkward, so unknowingly shy underneath and she liked it more than most things about anyone else. He was so unused to being social like she was that he never really knew what to do most times. He didn't know what words to say to try to make things better, or how to pretend that something was real. She knew, she knew about how he felt. But that was okay. It had only been a week since the mess, and she was on probation. An ugly mark on her spotless record, but it was a small price to pay for her actions. She was going to take things slowly, if she could control herself. But she was impatient, so she doubted she would be any good at it.

"Yes. Learn to love it." She smiled softly, standing up straight and watching as the light began to grow ever smaller in the distance as it moved. She supposed that Neji was getting at the pot calling the kettle black, but it didn't really matter. He'd meant it well. She finally redirected her gaze to look down at him, staring up at her with some sort of strange intensity. She couldn't quite describe it, but she knew what it was.

I already do love it.

He looked away, in his sweet strange way she couldn't help but find adorable. He wasn't even flushing like other guys would, no; he'd never do something like that. Probably not, anyway. But it didn't matter. In his own, reserved Neji way, he'd told her something she wanted to hear. Her small smile broadened as she watched his steady breathing, his eyes clearly attempting to focus on the pinpoint of light drifting away in the distance.

"Good, because I love everything about you." She whispered in his ear as bent over, placing her hand gently on his shoulder. She felt the shivers on his skin, then quickly moved away and sat beside him. It was too hard, to continue like this. She was a fire, contagious, setting light to everything else and like fires she was never any good at waiting. There went her idea of controlling herself, stamped out like the smallest of flames.

I love you, Neji.

Even in utter darkness, something can make a difference. In the depths of a dank cave, unknown by humankind some bats may live. Their rebirth gives life, gives the light of happiness to that cavern. During a blackout in the smallest, most remote of towns or even the biggest a small candle can provide the light of hope to many people outside waiting in the cold. To Neji, she had given a new light. Because she had given him love, something rare and and kindred deep in both their hearts. Placing a single, short, soft kiss on his lips as he turned to speak to her, she dashed away, leaving only a trail of light behind for him to follow as she laughed. Sasuke had needed a light, and he'd had one for a short time. The candle floating down the river was proof enough of that, and one other thing.

Everyone needs a light, even if it's barely shining.

So, that is the end of Lights. Completed on October 1st 2008, at sixteen minutes past five when I had a broken internet. I feel sort of like I have accomplished something in finishing this series, and I hope all the readers enjoyed the ending. Even those who were hoping for Sasuke to win Ino over! The entire idea of this was that even in the darkest moments, something small and bright, a light, can give us something to believe in. For the last time in this series, reviews are loved. I hope that you all have found a little joy in this, too, if you will. The smallest, most insignificant of lights can come from the least expected things.