Jenna Weasley
She picks up the Cloak, warm and heavy in her hands.
"Ebony, darling? Would you please come here?" she calls, seating herself.
Ebony rushes in. "Okay, Mum, but I've got to pack, and y'know that Ivory wanted me to owl her by today—" She stopped complaining when she caught sight of her mother's serious face. "What is it?"
"Baby, remember how Granddaddy gave each of his kids something special from his past?"
"Yes," Ebony says softly.
"He gave me this." She takes out her Invisibility Cloak, old but not worn in the least.
Ebony's eyes widen. "Your Cloak, Mum? You're giving it to me?"
"Yes, sweetheart. You're the last of my kids to go to Hogwarts. Ivory got something, Kaleb got something. Now it's your turn. I'm giving you this – it's been passed down for years. Keep it. Continue the chain. Don't lose it, Ebony. I trust you."
"Oh, Mummy…" she says, tears in her sparkling eyes. "I love you so much!"
"I love you too, dearest. I love you too."
Dear Mum,
Hi! How are you? I'm doing great! I'm a Ravenclaw. I know Daddy was in Ravenclaw, and Professor Flitwick is so nice. Ivory and Kaleb are acknowledging my presence, luckily. And I've already made some great new friends.
The Cloak is awesome. Everyone is really interested in it, but I haven't told them where it comes from or how it works. I just tell them it's old. Antique, even. Hah.
Love you! I hope you and Daddy are doing okay with no more kids in the house. Give everyone my love!
A/N: Wow, I suck. A lot. I haven't updated in like months!! I'm SO sorry. Right now I'm just catching up. I had to totally redo this one...heh. It sucked...Anyway. Thanks so much for all of everyone's reviews!! I loved them all!
And so ends PoL. =D This was for Mackgirl's Character Challenge, and I really hope everyone liked it!